10 reasons why deep-fakes are dangerous, and how you can protect yourself

Deepfakes can result in artificially manipulated content that spreads like wildfire. We identify the harm this can cause and suggest ways to protect yourself from it.


Deep fakes are a new type of technology that has the ability to create videos or images that are so realistic that it is hard to tell if they are real or not. They are created using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms that are trained on large datasets of images and videos. The AI algorithms are then able to create new videos or images by combining elements from these datasets.

The term “deep fake” is a combination of “deep learning,” which refers to the use of AI to teach a computer to recognize patterns, and “fake,” which means something that is not genuine.

While deep fakes can be used for harmless entertainment purposes, such as creating funny videos or memes, they are increasingly being used for malicious purposes. For example, they can be used to spread misinformation, manipulate public opinion, and damage reputations.

Why deepfakes are dangerous

Deep fakes, or AI-generated videos that manipulate images, speech, and facial expressions, have become a serious threat to our society. They are a new type of weapon in the hands of those who want to spread misinformation, manipulate public opinion, and damage the reputation of individuals or organizations.

Let’s explore the ways deep fakes are wreaking havoc on society today and why we need to take action to protect ourselves from this new type of threat.

1. Manipulation of elections

One of the most significant impacts of deep fakes is their potential to manipulate elections. With the use of AI, malicious actors can create videos that make it look like political candidates have said or done things that they never actually did. These videos can then be shared on social media and news outlets, causing confusion and undermining the democratic process.

We’ve already seen some examples of this. In 2019, a deep fake video of Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, was created to make it appear as though she was slurring her words and speaking incoherently. This video was shared widely on social media, causing confusion and anger among the public.

2. Discrediting individuals

Another way deep fakes are wreaking havoc on society is by discrediting individuals. By creating videos that make it look like someone has said or done something they never actually did, deep fakes can damage a person’s reputation and credibility.

In 2018, a deep fake video was created to make it appear as though the former President Barack Obama was saying things he never actually said. This video was shared widely on social media, causing confusion and undermining the trust people had in the former President.

3. Damage to reputation

Deep fakes can also cause significant damage to a person’s reputation. For example, in 2020, a deep fake video of Tom Cruise was created to make it appear as though he was performing dangerous stunts. This video caused many people to believe that he had lost his mind and put his reputation as a responsible actor at risk.

4. Misinformation

Deep fakes can also be used to spread misinformation. By creating videos that make it look like someone is saying or doing something they never actually did, deep fakes can be used to spread false information and create confusion among the public.

In 2020, a deep fake video was created to make it appear as though Joe Biden, the President of the United States, was endorsing Donald Trump, his political opponent. This video was shared widely on social media and caused confusion among the public.

5. Financial scams

Deep fakes can also be used for financial scams. By creating videos that make it look like a CEO or executive has authorized a fraudulent transfer of money, deep fakes can be used to steal large sums of money from organizations.

In 2021, a deep fake video of a CEO was created to authorize a fraudulent transfer of $243,000. This video was used to trick employees into transferring the money to a fraudulent account, causing significant financial losses for the organization.

6. Cyberbullying

Deep fakes can also be used for cyberbullying. By creating videos that make it look like someone is engaging in sexual activity or other embarrassing behavior, deep fakes can be used to bully and harass individuals. (Ultram)

In 2020, a deep fake video of a teenage girl was created to make it appear as though she was engaging in sexual activity. This video was shared widely on social media to bully and harass the girl, causing significant emotional distress.

7. False accusations

Deep fakes can also be used to make false accusations against individuals or organizations. By creating videos that make it look like someone is advocating for a particular cause or belief, deep fakes can be used to spread false information and damage reputations.

In 2019, a deep fake video of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a U.S. Representative, was created to make it appear as though she was advocating for the use of violence against Americans. This video was shared widely on social media, causing outrage and false accusations against the representative.

8. International conflicts

Deep fakes can be used to create videos that escalate international conflicts by making it appear that one country is attacking another. In 2020, multiple deep fake videos of Putin and Kim Jong Un addressing the people of US regarding voting went viral causing a frenzy.

9. Distrust in media

Deep fakes can contribute to a general distrust in media by creating fake videos that are difficult to distinguish from real ones. In 2020, a deep fake video was created to make it appear as though the CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey was endorsing a political candidate, which led to distrust in the media and accusations of bias.

In 2019, Jack Dorsey even announced that Twitter would be banning all forms of political ad campaigns from it. But this ban was later lifted in 2023.

10. Blackmail

Deep fakes can be used to blackmail individuals by creating videos of them doing something embarrassing or illegal. In 2019, a deep fake video was created to make it appear as though a politician was engaged in an extramarital affair.

With revolutionary developments AI and Virtual Reality, we need to be extra careful when it comes to jobs like content creators, where anything can be manipulated. We recently covered its effect on the Porn Industry that you can read here.

How to protect yourself from deepfakes?

These are just a few examples of how deep fakes are wreaking havoc on society today. They are a powerful tool in the hands of those who want to spread misinformation, manipulate public opinion, and damage reputations.

So, what can we do to protect ourselves from this new type of threat? Here are a few suggestions:

  1. Educate yourself and others about deep fakes and their potential impact on society. Share information on social media and encourage your friends and family to be skeptical of videos that seem too good to be true.
  2. Encourage media literacy programs in schools and communities to help people distinguish between real and fake information.
  3. Governments and social media companies should work together to create regulations to prevent the spread of deep fakes.
  4. Research and develop tools to detect deep fakes and prevent their spread.
  5. Be cautious about sharing personal information online, as deep fakes can use this information to create convincing videos.

By raising awareness, supporting media literacy, strengthening regulations, developing detection tools, and protecting personal information, we can minimize the impact of deep fakes on society.

Deep fakes are a serious threat to our society. It is important that we understand their potential impact and take steps to protect ourselves from their harmful effects. This includes raising awareness about deep fakes, developing tools to detect and prevent them, and strengthening regulations to prevent their spread. We all have a responsibility to be vigilant and to take action to prevent the harmful effects of deep fakes.

It is important for individuals to be aware of the existence and potential dangers of deep fakes. By understanding how they work and how they can be used, we can better protect ourselves from their harmful effects.

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