
Apple Watch Gets Updates; Facebook Messenger for Apple Watch

The Apple Watch has been the butt of quite a few jokes. Even many Apple devotees, the most loyal and faithful of people, haven’t...

The Rise of the Private Message on Social Media

Private messaging is becoming a prerequisite for all social media apps to run successfully. People glide away from public posts to personal conversations, making...

Facebook and E-Commerce: Getting Closer Than Ever

Facebook has made quite a few changes to help you sell and buy things from it over the last few months. Yet another of...

How Facebook Conversion Lift Works

There have been plenty of ways to measure the efficacy of your advertisements. Not all of them are fool-proof, of course. For instance, you...

How Not to Do Marketing: More Social Media Disasters

Saying that social media marketing is good for your business is like announcing that the sun rises in the east. But not all social...

Video Marketing: No Longer a Choice

Did you know that Cisco predicted that by 2017, 69% of internet traffic coming from consumers will be attributed to videos? If you go...

Does Social Media Stress You Out?

Living in the age of social networking leads to being constantly bombarded by more information that your brain can process. The raging debate around...

Facebook Page Changes: It Gets a Facelift

Facebook seems to be rolling with changes now! First they revamped notes. Then they decided to give video freebooters far less rein than they...