Advertise With Sociobits

Sociobits is a leading editorial and discovery site on tech, startups, crypto and metavers. Got a product or service that will make the life of social network users easier? Then our blog is the right platform to advertise it. Below you’ll find all the specifications.

Blog Stats

Over 100,000 monthly unique visitors Over 300,000 monthly page views. Ranked among the Top 100k blogs in the world according to Alexa

Advertising Options

Banners: We have the following sizes available: 125×125, 120×600 and 160×600. Banners are not rotated with other advertisers so you get 100% of the impressions. Review: If your product or service is relevant and useful to our audience I may review it on the blog. Facebook Blast: A review of your product or service can also be posted to our Facebook Page.

Get In Touch For Rates and Availability

If you are interested, just send an email to and we’ll get back to you with the rates and availability.