
Snapchat’s new buddy system like feature

Snapchat now allows you to share your friend's location for 15 minutes or up to a few hours. You can use this feature for...

Nick Clegg gets a new senior role at (Meta) Facebook

Mark Zuckerberg posted on Facebook that Nick Clegg is now the company's president of global affairs. Nick Clegg, former Deputy Prime Minister of the...

Twitter to roll out pinned DMs feature

Now you can keep your favorite or important conversations in front of your eyes with Twitter's pinned DMs feature. Twitter announced that this feature...

Chrome, Firefox and Edge to reach version 100

Chrome(Google) and Edge (Microsoft) are about to reach version 100 in March, followed by Firefox (Mozilla) in May. Some websites may break due to...

Now users can add labels to Twitter bot accounts

Bot account is an account that operates automatically to publish information or send a message. Recently, Twitter announced that developers will be able to...

Spotify to acquire two Podcast platforms

Spotify announced on Wednesday that it is acquiring two major podcast technology companies - Podsights and Chartable. These podcast analytics and advertising measurement companies...

Europe launches World’s cheapest Bitcoin

ETP has been launched by Fidelity International and is the most inexpensive bitcoin in the world. It has been listed on Deutsche Borse Xetra,...

Google introduces Privacy Sandbox

Google announced the Privacy Sandbox for Android users, limiting data sharing to third-party advertisers. This multi year initiative was announced in an attempt to...