DALL-E 2 now has the feature to edit real human faces!


Open AI, the creator of DALL-E 2 after releasing its text-to-image generator’s Beta version to 1 million users, will now allow users to edit the faces of real humans with consent. This feature was first banned by the company to prohibit users from creating violent or sexual content about popular personalities without their consent. The company claims that the improvement in its technology and safety system has made the release of this feature possible as it minimizes the potential of harm.

In an email, to its users, the company said, “Many of you have told us that you miss using DALL-E to dream up outfits and hairstyles on yourselves and edit the backgrounds of family photos. A reconstructive surgeon told us that he’d been using DALL-E to help his patients visualize results. And filmmakers have told us that they want to be able to edit images of scenes with people to help speed up their creative processes.”

“A reconstructive surgeon told us that he’d been using DALL-E to help his patients visualize results. And filmmakers have told us that they want to be able to edit images of scenes with people to help speed up their creative processes.”

DALL-E 2 users could only create photorealistic images of non-existing people until now. Open AI was pretty conservative and cautious about opening up its tool to everyone for obvious reasons. The tool creates almost unbelievably accurate images hence if the company doesn’t have strict terms of use, anyone can easily misuse the tool. Open AI said that it has made its filters “more robust” to spot and reject the attempts that users make to generate political, sexual, or violent, content using DALL-E 2.

With more and more people using as well as coming up with text-to-image generators, the competition among such tools is increasing. Stable Diffusion, the text-to-image generator of Stability.AI was released as an open-source model, meaning it has lesser restrictions so people have started to use the tool to create porn. This naturally gives users the option of which tool they want to use. To keep up with the competition, Open AI had to release something equally attractive for its users.

Another text-to-image generator – PornPen has come into the picture that solely creates pornographic images of WOMEN that don’t exist. With the pace that these technologies are moving and compromising a little with safety and security is concerning. We can anticipate that it can invite a lot of dangers.

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