10 Email Etiquette Tips to Communicate Professionally


In this digital world electronic mail or e-mail is a common way of messaging. Be it private or public messages all of us uses email but before you click the send button there are some vital things which you need to look into.

Are you following the email etiquette?

Subject line

The answer to ‘why should I read your mail?’ It is with the help of the subject line that the person decides whether to read your mail or not. Make sure that you write a good informative head line. Your subject line should be what that is being high lightened in your mail.

Instead of writing ‘read immediately’ you can just summarize the matter in a line like ‘fire broke out, killing in Bihar’. Instead of writing ‘quick question’, ask the question in the subject line. Choose such a subject line that would persuade the person to read the mail.

Never keep your subject line blank, if you do so then you have failed in your first attempt to persuade your receiver to read it.

Focusing on the key aspect.

How many of you would prefer reading a paragraph with no breaks in it? Well, nobody and as per human nature, when we receive such a mail we usually read the first two paragraphs till we find something relevant to hit the reply button.

Now what if your actual content was in the third paragraph and your subject, without reading it hit the reply button?

Make that sure that your message is brief and focused. Split the message into paragraphs. If there are more than two important aspects then number it out into points.

If there are two distinct but important aspects then you can send two mails rather than pilling your message and making it too heavy for the receiver.

Use of proper language.

This is one of the top-most email etiquette ever.

The use of proper language is very important for any mode of communication. Make sure that you don’t use your texting language in your mails. You can’t probably reply somebody like ‘ty it ws a gr8 interview’.

Use complete words with proper spellings so that you don’t confuse your receiver. Make sure that the body is properly framed with the first letter capitalization and appropriate punctuations

Avoid attachments.

Many of us get annoyed when we receive attachments as it they have to be downloaded. Copy and paste the important text into the body rather than attaching files. If in any case you are attaching file compress it and also ask the receiver when it will be the right time to send it.

Identify yourself.

‘Who are you’? It’s not necessary that everybody would know you. If you are mailing your professor or your boss then he wouldn’t probably be able to guess your name from your email id.


Unless the person knows your email id nobody would be able to guess your name from this id. Specify your name and your occupation in your message.

Draw a line between formal and informal mails.

You should be able to distinguish between formal and informal mails. In the case of informal messages you can include smiley and abbreviations like LOL, OMG etc. if you are messaging your friend you can use informal language like ‘hey, whatsup dude’ but if it is a formal message then it you can type ‘how are you?’ or ‘hope you are in the pink of health’

Be kind.

Don’t forget to include a courteous greeting and closing. Address your receiver with the appropriate formality. Avoid mailing someone when you are angry.  You might be in the grip of anger and might have used your message to express it but think about the consequence that would follow before you click the send button.

The right font and size.

Do not type in all caps it seems as if you are yelling your message out. Do not use any of the fancy fonts or bold the entire text. Keep it simple by using standard fonts like Calibri.  Make sure that the size of the letters is visible. Avoid using multiple fonts or patterned backgrounds as the receiver might find it hard to read them.

Forwarding emails.

Make sure that you clean it up before forwarding mails. Edit out all the forwarding >>>>, other email; address, headers and commentary from all the other forwarders. Clean all the broken lines and structure it properly before forwarding

Don’t reply in a line.

Don’t send one word replies like thank you, oh, ok instead write it in a few lines

Eg: you are thanking somebody who has contributed to your research work. Instead of messaging just a thank you, you can tell about the success of your research work in the first two lines, how important his contribution was to it and then thank him but make sure that you keep it brief.

Your emails are a reflection of you.

Your messages tend to reveal your personality and your character so make sure that you follow these etiquettes before it gets too late

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