Generative AI Will Help Marketers Connect With Customers

AI has revolutionised digital marketing by utilising automation, personalization, and data analysis. AI is used by marketers to target particular consumers, gather data, and improve campaigns. With a CAGR of 11.1%, the global market for AI in marketing is projected to reach $35.13 billion by 2025. Artificial Intelligence powers digital marketing through automation, ad optimisation, and customised recommendations.

The increasing importance of digital channels is expected to result in a $455 billion global spend on digital advertising by 2023. Artificial Intelligence (AI) will have a significant impact on digital marketing in the future, leading to improved outcomes and innovation.

Impressive features of generative AI include the ability to create virtual characters, discover anomalies, transfer styles, amplify data, personalise recommendations, and generate content. It can construct virtual characters, detect abnormalities, transfer artistic styles, develop fresh content across many mediums, and offer personalised recommendations. The field of generative AI is developing quickly and has the potential to completely transform several industries.

Generative AI has the potential to change the way we work. Could it be the next step toward reshaping marketing, helping you focus more on customers?

Recently, there has been a lot of talk about generative AI, but along with this excitement, there are many myths and misunderstandings about how it may benefit marketers. In the post-cookie era, marketers may leverage generative AI to preserve consumer loyalty and get insights, particularly as personalization becomes more and more expected. 

We’ve previously seen how AI can support decision-making for salespeople, commerce teams, marketers, and other stakeholders. This is only a small sampling of the ways in which brands may leverage AI in their marketing to increase productivity and efficiency.

When we questioned marketers how this technology will benefit them, 60% of them responded that it will change their function. More than half (51%) already use generative AI in their work or are experimenting with it.

Marketers that participated in our poll indicated that generative AI might save them five hours a week, or more than one month annually. With that extra time, just think of all the things you could accomplish.

Here are three ways marketers can employ generative AI right now to improve consumer connections, even if the technology is still in its early phases.

What generative AI for marketing could look like

Writing marketing collateral or responding to consumer inquiries quickly are tasks that generative AI may assist with. However, organisations can do much more with this technology than that.

Companies can be empowered to act on real-time insights by combining generative AI with an intuitive consumer data platform. This can assist you in providing personalised content at scale, including product recommendations made to specific clients based on their browsing and purchasing patterns.

Customers anticipate that brands will use their information to provide more customised offerings. Our research revealed that when information moves between departments, more than 60% of consumers anticipate that businesses to respond right away with the most recent data. This customer need can be met by generative AI, which provides agents with instantaneously created suggested solutions based on real time data.

3rd-party cookie replacement

The deprecation of third-party cookies and gaining access to high-quality, valuable, and well-structured data is becoming increasingly difficult for marketing firms. We found that 41% of corporate executives attribute their inability to understand data to its complexity or lack of accessibility.

With data collection, storage, and analysis becoming more and more challenging, marketers may now rely on AI solutions to help them assess the data they do have and make the best choice. AI will give marketers valuable insights by processing their current, possibly sparse, first-party data.

According to 63% of marketers, reliable first-party data is necessary for generative AI to function well. The success of generative AI is also greatly dependent on marketers, with 66% of them believing that human control is required.

The Last Mile of Personalization

Cookieless marketing is the way of the future, with third-party cookies being progressively phased out on platforms including Apple, Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome, and even Safari. Experts firmly believe that less successful targeted advertising will arise from these new restrictions. But do not fret. In this case, generative AI can still be useful.

Code generation using natural language input is simplified by generative AI. Coders and software developers are freed up to work on tasks that require human involvement instead of doing tiresome tasks like error detection, code completion, and optimisation.

Text or Content Generation

Text Generative AI uses natural language processing algorithms and large language models to automate content creation. These models work with large datasets of existing content samples to analyze engaging content patterns and styles.

Besides generating unique ideas, AI-generated text can be used for various purposes in content creation, like creating content through emails, social media, or blog posts, scripting and storytelling for videos and commercials or creating clear, concise, and attractive product descriptions.

Create Visual Content

Visual content is becoming increasingly important. Creative AI can be used to create personalized visual content for each customer. For example, an AI algorithm can analyze a customer’s social media activity and create personalized videos showcasing products they may be interested in.

Generative AI can automate image generation using deep learning algorithms and generative adversarial networks (GANs).

Letting you focus on the Customer

It’s imperative that we refocus on generative AI. By eliminating the uncertainty and latency involved with data processing, generative AI eliminates the labor-intensive processes related to content creation. Product descriptions that are accurate, captivating, and optimised for search engines can be written with this technology.

Generic AI takes care of menial tasks, allowing marketers to focus on more important tasks like concept execution, customer connection building, and strategic campaigns. Because generative AI allows teams to focus more on the customer, where it belongs, it has the potential to significantly change the way that MarkOps operate.

Content Marketing Automation and Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Generative AI helps organisations find relevant, high-performing, SEO-friendly keywords and phrases for their digital campaigns by analysing large data and identifying trends in customer behaviour.

Marketers can utilise generative AI technologies to generate content ideas, investigate keywords, look for relevant content titles, determine purpose for group searches, and create content structure while developing SEO content.

Copy Generation

Brands may use generative AI to quickly create message variations that align with their language and style for customer touchpoints including emails, websites, and mobile messaging.

Optimizing Campaigns

Through data analysis and pattern recognition, generative AI may assist marketers in optimising their efforts and enhancing campaign performance. An AI system, for instance, is capable of analysing consumer data to determine which channels and messages work best for certain client categories. Campaign optimisation and ROI can be increased with the usage of this data.

Get to know your Customers better through Automation

Customer surveys are automated by generative AI, which enhances the capabilities of conventional data collection and analysis. It examines patterns of consumer engagement to provide insights into what consumers are thinking about the goods and services. By coming up with fresh inquiries in response to feedback and behaviour from customers, it also sheds light on their wants.

Customised Customer Segmentation

Accurately segmenting customers is essential to personalising their experience. Target client segmentation is made easier by artificial intelligence, which gathers and analyses data from various sources. It displays distinct patterns in the behaviour of various client segments as well as new trends in those groups. Marketers can use this data to create segment-specific strategies.

Conversational agents and virtual assistants can be created with generative AI. These AI-powered chatbots can help businesses improve customer assistance and customer engagement by instantly responding to consumer inquiries. Lastly, predictive analytics will probably employ generative AI more and more. Generative AI can assist businesses in identifying patterns and trends in vast amounts of data so they can utilise that information to make better educated decisions. Generative AI, for instance, can identify which channels would work best for a campaign or forecast which products will probably be popular with particular demographic groupings. All things considered, generative AI’s future in marketing appears to be quite bright. As AI technology develops, we may observe more companies utilising this potent tool.

How AI is being used to create more sustainable and efficient food systems

In recent years, the fusion of AI and food technology has given rise to a new era of innovation. AI is not only helping us make better food choices and reduce food waste, but it’s also playing a significant role in optimizing the agricultural process. Smart farming techniques that utilize AI-driven sensors, drones, and data analytics are improving crop yields and reducing the need for harmful pesticides. This dual impact not only ensures a more sustainable source of ingredients but also contributes to a healthier and safer food supply.

In this exploration of AI’s impact on the future of food, we’ll delve deeper into the various applications and innovations that are transforming the way we think about food, nutrition, and sustainability. From farm to table, AI is revolutionizing the food industry, offering us a taste of a more efficient and sustainable future.

The Food Challenge: Feeding the World Sustainably

Before we talk about AI, let’s address the problem it’s helping to solve. Our world is facing a massive challenge: how to feed a growing population without harming the planet. Traditional farming methods can be resource-intensive and often lead to deforestation, pollution, and overuse of water and chemicals. By utilizing the power of AI, we can change the way we grow, process, and distribute food. AI enables us to make smarter decisions based on real-time data and analysis, optimizing resource use, reducing waste, and mitigating the negative environmental impact of traditional farming methods.

AI and Precision Agriculture

Think of it as giving farmers a super-smart assistant. AI algorithms use data from sensors, satellites, and drones to monitor and analyze everything from soil conditions to weather patterns. This helps farmers decide when to plant, water, and harvest their crops. The result? Less waste, higher yields, and more efficient use of resources.

Precision agriculture is like having a virtual farm manager, providing insights and recommendations that can transform the agricultural landscape. By constantly monitoring and assessing conditions, AI can identify issues such as nutrient deficiencies, pest infestations, or impending weather-related challenges before they become severe problems. This approach enables farmers to take targeted actions, reducing the need for excessive pesticide use and limiting crop losses.

Moreover, AI’s ability to create highly detailed maps of fields and track crop health over time allows for precise irrigation and fertilization, minimizing water and nutrient wastage. This not only benefits farmers by cutting costs but also conserves precious resources and reduces the environmental impact of agriculture.

Smart Pest Control

AI also plays a vital

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Intervento Gastroenterologico
Testo aggiuntivo sull’intervento gastrointestinale.
role in pest control. Traditional methods often involve indiscriminate use of pesticides, which can harm the environment and even humans. AI, on the other hand, helps farmers identify and target specific pests, reducing the need for chemicals. It’s like a high-tech pest detective that protects both crops and the planet.

With the aid of AI, farmers can implement more precise and environmentally friendly pest management strategies. AI-powered sensors and cameras can detect early signs of pest infestations, allowing for timely interventions. By analyzing vast data on pest behavior, AI algorithms can predict the likelihood of outbreaks and recommend targeted interventions, such as releasing beneficial insects or using trap crops, which are plants that attract pests away from the main crop.

This approach not only reduces the reliance on harmful pesticides but also contributes to healthier ecosystems. By preserving natural predator-prey relationships and reducing chemical contamination, AI-driven pest control is a win-win for both agriculture and the environment. It exemplifies how technology can harmonize with nature to create more sustainable and resilient food systems.

Food Supply Chain Optimization

Have you ever wondered how your food gets from the farm to your plate? AI is here to help streamline the supply chain. By using data and algorithms, it can predict demand more accurately, reduce food spoilage during transportation, and even optimize the routes that delivery trucks take. This means fresher food, less waste, and lower emissions.

AI’s role in the food supply chain is akin to a digital conductor orchestrating a symphony of logistics. It leverages real-time data from various sources, including historical consumption patterns, weather forecasts, and even social events that might affect food demand. With this wealth of information, AI can forecast demand more accurately, ensuring that just the right amount of food is produced and transported, significantly reducing food wastage.

In the transportation phase, AI fine-tunes delivery routes, considering factors like traffic conditions and even the condition of the goods being transported. By choosing the most efficient paths and implementing temperature control systems, AI minimizes spoilage and ensures that your food arrives as fresh as possible.

This efficient supply chain management not only benefits consumers with fresher and safer food but also has a positive impact on the environment. With optimized transportation, there’s less congestion, reduced fuel consumption, and fewer emissions, contributing to a more sustainable and eco-friendly food distribution system.

Reducing Food Waste

Food waste is a massive problem. AI is helping by improving food sorting and quality control. It can scan fruits, vegetables, and other products to identify imperfections and sort them accordingly. This means that more “ugly” or imperfect produce gets used instead of thrown away.

In the past, strict aesthetic standards for fruits and vegetables led to the discarding of perfectly good produce just because it didn’t meet cosmetic expectations. However, AI-driven quality control systems have changed the game. These systems employ cameras and sensors to examine each item with incredible precision. AI algorithms can detect blemishes, irregular shapes, or other imperfections that might not affect the taste or nutritional value of the food.

This technology ensures that more of this so-called “ugly” or imperfect produce makes its way to consumers, either in its whole form or as processed ingredients in various food products. This not only reduces food waste but also promotes a more sustainable and inclusive approach to food production. It also helps decrease the burden on landfills and reduces the environmental impact of food waste decomposition.

AI’s role in food sorting and quality control is a testament to its potential to address some of the food industry’s most pressing challenges, fostering a more efficient and responsible food system while curbing unnecessary waste. It’s a win for the environment, consumers, and producers alike.

The Bottom Line

AI is like a secret sauce in making our food system better. It helps us make more food using less stuff, waste less, and pick healthier options. So, while we enjoy our tasty, AI-enhanced meals, let’s remember that technology is making our food future greener and healthier. AI helps with things like smart farming and controlling pests precisely. It shows that we can enjoy good food and protect the Earth at the same time.

AI’s 82% Accuracy in Cancer Detection Offers Hope to Patients

A new study suggests that artificial intelligence is much better at assessing the aggressiveness of a rare type of cancer from scans compared to the current method. AI, by detecting subtle details that are not visible to the naked eye, achieved an 82% accuracy rate, while traditional lab analysis scored only 44%.

Researchers from the Royal Marsden Hospital and the Institute of Cancer Research believe that this AI technology could significantly enhance cancer treatment and potentially help thousands of patients each year. They are also excited about the AI’s potential to detect other types of cancer at an early stage.

AI is already demonstrating great promise in diagnosing breast cancer and reducing the time it takes to start treatment. Computers can process vast amounts of data and be trained to recognize patterns, make predictions, solve problems, and even learn from their own mistakes.

“We’re incredibly excited by the potential of this state-of-the-art technology,” stated Professor Christina Messiou, a consultant radiologist at The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust and a professor specializing in personalized oncology imaging at The Institute of Cancer Research in London.

“It could lead to patients having better outcomes, through faster diagnosis and more effectively personalised treatment.”

In their study published in Lancet Oncology, the researchers employed a method known as radiomics to detect subtle indicators, imperceptible to the naked eye, of retroperitoneal sarcoma. This type of cancer develops in the connective tissue located at the back of the abdomen, and the researchers analyzed scans from 170 patients.

Using this dataset, the AI algorithm was able to assess the aggressiveness of tumors in an additional 89 patients from hospitals in Europe and the United States more accurately than traditional biopsies, which involve analyzing a small portion of cancerous tissue under a microscope.

Dental nurse Tina McLaughlan received a diagnosis of a sarcoma located at the back of her abdomen in June last year, following complaints of stomach pain. To pinpoint the issue, doctors used computerized-tomography (CT) scan images as they deemed a needle biopsy too risky.

Although Tina, a 65-year-old from Bedfordshire, was not a participant in the AI trial, she shared with BBC News that she believes this technology will be beneficial for other patients. After having the tumor removed, she now undergoes scans every three months at the Royal Marsden.

“Hopefully, it would lead to a quicker diagnosis.”

About the personalised treatment

The researchers’ vision for this technology is to provide personalized treatment for individuals diagnosed with this type of cancer, which affects approximately 4,300 people in England annually.

Professor Christina Messiou envisions that this technology could eventually be implemented worldwide, enabling high-risk patients to receive customised treatments while sparing low-risk individuals from unnecessary treatments and follow-up scans.

Dr. Paul Huang from the Institute of Cancer Research in London expressed his enthusiasm, stating that this technology has the potential to bring about a transformation in the lives of individuals with sarcoma. It could allow for the development of treatment plans customized to the specific biology of their cancer.

“It’s great to see such promising findings.”

It’s much better at finding out how aggressive a rare cancer is from scans than the methods we use now. Researchers from The Royal Marsden Hospital and The Institute of Cancer Research in London used AI to uncover hidden clues in scans.

This means we can catch cancer earlier and make personalized treatment plans. AI can help us make more accurate diagnoses and prevent people from getting treatments they don’t need. This is a big step toward a future where people get the right treatment, improving healthcare and saving lives all over the world.

9 Best AI Tools to Boost Productivity in 2023 (Free & Paid)

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the way we work and live. AI-powered tools can help us automate tasks, improve our decision-making, and be more productive.

In this article, we will discuss the best AI tools to increase productivity. We will cover a variety of tools, including AI writing assistants, AI-powered research tools, and AI-powered project management tools.

AI Writing Assistants

AI writing assistants can help you write faster and with more confidence. They can help you generate ideas, improve your writing style, and catch errors.

Here are a few of the best AI writing assistants:

  • Jasper: Jasper is a powerful AI writing assistant that can help you write a variety of content, including blog posts, articles, emails, and social media posts. Jasper also offers a variety of features to help you improve your writing style, such as a grammar checker and a plagiarism checker.
  • is another popular AI writing assistant. It is known for its ability to generate creative and engaging content. also offers a variety of features to help you improve your writing style, such as a tone analyzer and a readability checker.
  • Grammarly: Grammarly is a well-known grammar checker that can help you identify and correct errors in your writing. Grammarly also offers a variety of other features, such as a style checker and a plagiarism checker.

AI-Powered Research Tools

AI-powered research tools can help you find and analyze information faster and more efficiently. They can also help you identify trends and patterns that you might not be able to see on your own.

Here are a few of the best AI-powered research tools:

  • Google Scholar: Google Scholar is a powerful search engine that allows you to search for academic papers and other scholarly literature. Google Scholar also offers a variety of features to help you analyze your research, such as a citation generator and a bibliography manager.
  • Semantic Scholar: Semantic Scholar is another powerful search engine that allows you to search for scholarly literature. Semantic Scholar also offers a variety of features to help you analyze your research, such as a paper recommender and a topic modeler.
  • CiteSeerX: CiteSeerX is a digital library that contains a large collection of scholarly papers. CiteSeerX also offers a variety of features to help you analyze your research, such as a citation graph and a research paper recommender.

AI-Powered Project Management Tools

AI-powered project management tools can help you automate tasks, track your progress, and identify and resolve potential problems.

Here are a few of the best AI-powered project management tools:

  • is a powerful project management tool that offers a variety of features, including AI-powered task automation, progress tracking, and collaboration tools.
  • Asana: Asana is another popular project management tool that offers a variety of features, including AI-powered task automation, progress tracking, and collaboration tools.
  • ClickUp: ClickUp is a powerful project management tool that offers a variety of features, including AI-powered task automation, progress tracking, collaboration tools, and time tracking.

How to Use AI Tools to Increase Productivity

Here are a few tips on how to use AI tools to increase your productivity:

  • Choose the right tools for your needs. There are a variety of AI tools available, so it is important to choose the ones that are right for your needs. Consider the tasks that you need to automate and the type of information that you need to research.
  • Learn how to use the tools effectively. Once you have chosen the right AI tools, it is important to learn how to use them effectively. Most AI tools offer tutorials and training resources.
  • Start with small tasks. Once you have learned how to use the AI tools, start by automating small tasks. This will help you to learn how the tools work and to see how they can benefit you.
  • Delegate tasks to the tools. As you become more comfortable with the AI tools, you can start to delegate more tasks to them. This will free up your time so that you can focus on more important tasks.


AI tools can be a powerful way to increase your productivity. By choosing the right tools and learning how to use them effectively, you can automate tasks, improve your decision-making, and be more productive in your work and life.

Here are a few additional tips on how to use AI tools to increase your productivity:

  • Use AI tools to generate ideas. AI writing assistants can help you to generate ideas for blog posts, articles, emails, and other content. AI-powered research tools can help you to find new ideas for products, services, and marketing campaigns.
  • Use AI tools to improve your workflow. AI-powered project management tools can help you to automate

TikTok’s Work Culture Exposed: The Toxic Truth Revealed


The unpleasant office atmosphere at the social media platform TikTok is allegedly causing burnout and serious emotional discomfort in its employees.

According to US employees, the software giant requires “relentless productivity and secrecy to a degree rare in the sector,” and one lady claimed she was under so much pressure to attend back-to-back meetings that she did not have time to change her personal hygiene.

Staff members frequently work long hours and experience sleep loss, and some claimed to attend 85 meetings per week on average.

Staff members frequently work long hours and experience sleep loss, and some claimed to attend 85 meetings per week on average.

Although TikTok’s US operations are situated in Los Angeles, staff members told The Wall Street Journal that they were obliged to work weekends and participate in virtual meetings with coworkers in China, where ByteDance, the Chinese firm that controls it, is based.

The 1,500 US TikTok employees spend a large portion of their time translating Chinese-developed products for US consumers, but many have complained that they have trouble understanding internal Chinese-language papers and translation software frequently misses details.

One former employee, Melody Chu, shared her experiences as a TikTok employee on Medium. Melody Chu has previously worked at Facebook, Nextdoor, and the video game creator Roblox.

Chu described her experience as “a nightmare.”

She was too ashamed to acknowledge that the stress and the long hours had led her to seek counseling. next, marital therapy She was struggling to fall asleep, and her weight had decreased suddenly. Even though my elderly parents lived nearby, she claimed that she hardly ever saw them.

She continued: Had she known that working at TikTok would cost her this much, she never would have accepted the position. She discovered that her physical and

Tumore prostatico: la prognosi in base a stadio, grado e rischio
Tumore prostatico: la prognosi in base a stadio, grado e rischio
mental wellness came first, not her work prestige.

A TikTok spokesman also told The Independent in response to the accusations that while the company offers great opportunities, they are not a replacement for work-life balance.

They said they thought workers who took breaks to rest and recharge were the most productive.

TikTok was established in 2016 and is now one of the apps with the fastest growth rates, with over one billion users and availability in more than 150 countries.

Additionally, they stated that requests for calls or meetings outside of regular business hours are the exception rather than the rule.

TikTok was established in 2016 and is now one of the apps with the fastest growth rates, with over one billion users and availability in more than 150 countries.

Anxiety, irritation, and intense feelings of grief are said to be signs of TikTok addiction, according to a recent study from the University of Trinidad and Tobago. TikTok addiction is a real disorder, the report claims, and it can be treated.

G7 Nations Unite on Code of Conduct for AI

On Monday, Joe Biden signed an executive order, which he described as the most important step any government has taken to ensure the safe use of AI.

“We’re going to see more technological change in the next 10, maybe next five years than we’ve seen in the last 50 years,” the US president said at a press conference.

“AI is all around us. Much of it is making our lives better … but in some case AI is making life worse.”

Kamala Harris, the vice-president and the US’s representative at the global AI safety summit in the UK this week, said that the government has a “a moral, ethical and societal duty to make sure AI is adopted and advanced in a way that protects the public from potential harm and ensures that everyone is able to enjoy its benefits”.

Harris emphasized the administration’s belief that the United States leads the world in AI and that the executive order should set an example for global action. She stated, “American companies are the driving force behind AI innovation worldwide. The United States possesses the ability to lead and foster global collaboration in a way that no other nation can. Under President Joe Biden’s leadership, this commitment to AI leadership will continue.”

Biden, on the other hand, described the executive order as a “bold move” but stressed the importance of Congress taking swift action to ensure the safe development and deployment of AI.

As per the executive order, technology companies will be required to share the results of their artificial intelligence system tests with the US government before they are made public.

The government will also set stringent testing guidelines. “As we advance this agenda at home, the administration will work with allies and partners abroad on a strong international framework to govern the development and use of AI,” said the order.

The White House has issued several directives regarding AI:

  1. Companies that develop AI models posing threats to national security, economic security, or public health and safety must share their safety test results with the government.
  2. The government will establish guidelines for red-team testing, where assessors simulate the actions of rogue actors in their testing procedures.
  3. Official guidance on watermarking AI-generated content will be provided to address the risks associated with fraud and deepfakes.
  4. New standards for screening biological synthesis, aimed at identifying potentially harmful gene sequences and compounds, will be developed to mitigate the risk of AI systems contributing to the creation of bioweapons.
  5. White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zients stated that President Biden has directed his staff to act urgently on AI-related issues.

“We can’t move at a normal government pace,” Zients said Biden told him. “We have to move as fast, if not faster than the technology itself.”

The White House said the sharing of test results for powerful models would “ensure AI systems are safe, secure and trustworthy before companies make them public”.

Regarding AI-generated deepfakes, the US Department of Commerce will provide guidance for labeling and watermarking AI-generated content. This guidance is intended to assist in distinguishing between authentic interactions and content created by AI software.

Referring to the watermarking plans, the order stated:

“Federal agencies will use these tools to make it easy for Americans to know that the communications they receive from their government are authentic, and set an example for the private sector and governments around the world.”

The executive order also addresses areas such as privacy, civil rights, consumer protections, and workers’ rights.

Civil liberties and digital rights groups have largely praised the executive order as a positive first step. Alexandra Reeve Givens, the Chief Executive of the Center for Democracy and Technology, a nonprofit digital rights group, stated that it signifies a milestone, demonstrating that the entire government supports “the responsible development and governance of AI.”

“It’s notable to see the administration focusing on both the emergent risks of sophisticated foundation models and the many ways in which AI systems are already impacting people’s rights, a crucial approach that responds to the many concerns raised by public interest experts and advocates,” Givens said in a statement.

But the effectiveness of the order hinges on how well the directives can be enforced and put into action, as Givens pointed out. She stated, “We encourage the administration to act promptly to meet the specified deadlines, and to ensure that any guidance or mandates issued under the EO are specific and practical enough to achieve their intended impact.”

Caitriona Fitzgerald, the Deputy Director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), emphasized the importance of the privacy safeguards outlined in the order, especially in light of the absence of comprehensive federal protections in the United States.

“While Epic continues to call on Congress to pass a comprehensive privacy law that limits the mass data collection that fuels harmful uses of technology, this executive order is a significant step towards establishing the necessary fairness, accountability, and transparency guardrails to protect people from discrimination and inequality facilitated by AI systems,” Fitzgerald said in a statement.

Nonetheless, not all groups, particularly those focused on surveillance, share the same level of optimism. Albert Fox Cahn, from the Surveillance Tech Oversight Project, expressed concerns that the approach outlined in the order might facilitate additional AI abuses. He pointed out that the White House order relies on AI auditing methods that can be manipulated or exploited by companies and agencies.

“The worst forms of AI, like facial recognition, don’t need guidelines, they need a complete ban,” Fox Cahn said.

“Many forms of AI simply should not be allowed on the market. And many of these proposals are simply regulatory theater, allowing abusive AI to stay on the market.”

The executive order outlines a timeline for implementation, with the tasks expected to be completed within a range of 90 to 365 days. Safety and security measures are given the earliest deadlines.

Additionally, the order includes a national security memorandum that instructs the US military and intelligence community on the ethical and safe use of AI. It also calls upon Congress to pass legislation safeguarding Americans’ data privacy. Federal agencies will be responsible for developing guidelines for assessing privacy-preserving techniques in AI systems.

Addressing concerns about bias, the order instructs guidance for landlords, federal benefits programs, and federal contractors to prevent AI algorithms from perpetuating discrimination. It also highlights the importance of developing best practices for AI use within the justice system, such as in sentencing, predictive policing, and parole.

The potential job market disruptions caused by AI are addressed through an order aimed at creating best practices for mitigating the negative effects of job displacement. This includes preventing employers from undercompensating workers, ensuring fair job application evaluations, and protecting workers’ organizing rights. Government agencies will receive guidance on AI use, including standards to protect rights and safety.

The Federal Trade Commission, a regulatory authority focused on competition, will be encouraged to utilize its authority if any imbalances or distortions arise within the AI market.

In recognition of global efforts to regulate AI and discussions held at the recent safety summit, the White House announced plans to expedite the formulation of AI standards in collaboration with international partners. Additionally, on the same day, the G7 group of nations released a code of conduct for organizations involved in the development of advanced AI systems. This code includes provisions for watermarking AI-generated content, external model testing, and prioritizing the use of AI to address pressing global challenges such as the climate crisis and health issues.

Check out these smart steps to avoid AI educational scams

Education and better job opportunities are really important. But, there’s a problem we need to watch out for is educational scams. These scams target people who are eager to learn or find good jobs. They promise big things but often leave you disappointed and out of money. This article will explore what these AI scams look like and give you tips on how to stay safe. By knowing how scammers work and how to protect yourself, you can make sure your education and career goals stay on the right track.

What are educational scams?

AI-related educational scams can take on various forms, targeting students, job seekers, and those aiming to enhance their AI-related skills or career prospects. Such scams often include deceptive marketing tactics, fraudulent institutions, and misleading offers. Educational scams are when people trick you while you’re trying to learn or get a good job. there are fake certifications or classes that say they’ll teach you something, but they don’t really. They just want your money. Be careful with jobs that look amazing but ask for money upfront or your personal information. Legit jobs don’t do that. Some people also steal things that were made to teach you, like lessons or books. They copy them and sell them, but they’re not real. To stay safe, always check if a school or job is real, and ask people you trust for advice. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Don’t give your money or information until you’re sure it’s safe.

Here is a breakdown of common AI educational scams and how to address them proactively:

Fake AI Courses and Certifications

Some organizations or websites might try to trick you by selling AI courses and certifications that don’t really give you much education or recognition in the AI industry. To deal with this, it’s important to make sure the place offering the course or certification is trustworthy. Look for well-known schools or online learning sites that have a good reputation for teaching AI effectively. Check what other people have said about these courses and ask people you trust for their recommendations. This way, you can avoid falling for these scams and ensure you’re getting a valuable AI education.

Overpriced AI Courses

Be cautious of courses that ask for unreasonably high fees for AI education but fail to deliver on their promises. To address this issue, it’s important to do some research within the AI education market to grasp the typical costs of such courses. If a course appears to be making extravagant claims while charging a hefty fee, it’s a warning sign. In such cases, it’s wise to explore more budget-friendly options from well-established sources known for offering quality AI education. By following this approach, you can safeguard yourself from paying excessively for your AI education and make sure you receive worthwhile training.

False Job Promises

When you come across job offers that require upfront fees, approach them with skepticism. Reputable employers do not request money from job seekers. To ensure the legitimacy of the company and the job offerings, validate them. Check for reviews or seek recommendations from trusted sources. It’s also a good practice to communicate with the company’s HR department through official channels to confirm the authenticity of the job offer.

Phony AI Tools and Software

Before investing in AI tools or software, read reviews and gather feedback from trusted sources. Ensure that there is a trial period or a refund policy to safeguard your investment in case the product doesn’t live up to its promises. Be cautious of companies that market AI tools as groundbreaking but fail to deliver on their lofty claims. This proactive approach will help you avoid deceptive marketing and ensure you acquire AI tools that meet your needs.

Diploma Mills

Before investing in AI tools or software, read reviews and gather feedback from trusted sources. Ensure that there is a trial period or a refund policy to safeguard your investment in case the product doesn’t live up to its promises. Be cautious of companies that market AI tools as groundbreaking but fail to deliver on their lofty claims. This proactive approach will help you avoid deceptive marketing and ensure you acquire AI tools that meet your needs.

Plagiarized or Stolen Content

To address the issue of online courses and materials being pirated or copied, resulting in a lack of genuine educational value, it’s essential to be proactive. When selecting educational platforms, opt for those with rigorous review processes to ensure the course materials are authentic and not plagiarized. By doing this, you can significantly reduce the risk of falling for subpar content. If, however, you encounter plagiarized materials, it’s important to act swiftly. Report this content to the platform administrators or the relevant authorities. By taking such measures, you not only protect your own educational integrity but also contribute to maintaining the quality and authenticity of AI education for others.

To tackle AI educational scams effectively, exercise due diligence, conduct comprehensive research, and seek advice from credible sources. Always maintain a critical eye when evaluating offers that appear too good to be true. Should you come across a potential scam, promptly report it to the relevant authorities or platforms to prevent others from falling victim to these scams.

Education and career aspirations are among our most cherished dreams. In our journey to reach these goals, we’ve learned that scams can lurk around every corner, waiting to take advantage of our hopes and ambitions. Throughout this article, we’ve uncovered the different faces of educational scams, from fake diplomas to overpriced courses and deceptive job offers. The key takeaway is this: be cautious, do your research, and seek advice from trustworthy sources. By staying informed and vigilant, you can protect yourself from falling into the clutches of scammers and ensure your educational and career paths remain legitimate and promising. In this way, you can move forward with the confidence that your hard-earned efforts will lead to genuine opportunities and a brighter future.

10 amazing Generative AI startups making India proud

India has become a hub for innovation, with ten smart startups leading the way in the world of Generative AI. These companies are using the magic of AI to create fantastic solutions that are changing the game in various industries. They’re not just impacting India; they’re also getting attention on a global scale. This article is all about these ten incredible Generative AI startups in India.

They’re not just using AI; they’re actively shaping different sectors, from art and design to healthcare and manufacturing. Their inventions aren’t just a glimpse of AI’s future but also have the potential to influence the entire world of AI.

Why are AI startups thriving in India?

There are a number of reasons why AI startups are thriving in India. First, India has a large and growing pool of talented engineers and scientists. Second, India has a large and diverse domestic market, which provides AI startups with a unique opportunity to test and refine their products and services. Third, the Indian government is supportive of the AI ecosystem and has launched a number of initiatives to promote the development and adoption of AI technologies.

Best AI Startups in India are as follows:

Let’s have a look at these amazing generative AI startups that are not only very creative but also are generating employment on a large scale.

1. Visionbot

Visionbot, a cloud-based visual intelligence platform, empowers businesses across various sectors by automating tasks and gleaning insights from visual content through the application of computer vision and machine learning. For instance, a manufacturing company employs Visionbot to swiftly and accurately inspect products for defects like cracks, dents, and missing parts prior to shipping to customers, outpacing human inspectors. This has led to a notable decrease in defective product shipments, enhancing customer satisfaction and curtailing costs linked to returns and repairs. Visionbot, a versatile and potent tool, serves as a valuable asset for companies striving to enhance their efficiency, quality, and decision-making processes.

2. Docturnal

Docturnal, a new healthcare startup, has a clever way to find diseases like tuberculosis and pneumonia. They listen to your cough and use computers to help doctors figure out what’s wrong. They want this to be something everyone can afford, and they’ve got support from important groups to prove it works. Docturnal is also teaming up with other labs to make sure their method is complete. They’re working on ways to find other lung problems too. This startup has big potential to change how we find diseases, especially in places with not a lot of healthcare.

3. Coachbots

Coachbots, an AI-powered platform, automates tasks like onboarding, personalized coaching, compliance training, and customer support, delivering human-like conversations at scale. It shortens onboarding time, increases sales by 15%, and reduces customer support costs by 20%. Additionally, it simulates scenarios for skill development and performance assessment, making it a valuable asset for improving training, coaching, and customer service while enhancing efficiency.

4. VaayuShop

VaayuShop, founded in 2022 by a dedicated team, sells air quality-related products globally, including air purifiers, air quality monitors, and air purifier masks. AI enhances customer experiences through personalized product recommendations, aids customer service with chatbots, and optimizes supply chain operations. VaayuShop is also exploring AI for product development and marketing. For instance, AI recommends suitable air purifiers, identifies air quality trends, automates customer support, and drives innovation in air purifier filters. It’s a leader in using AI to advance air quality, making the air cleaner and healthier for all.

5. Anant Mobility

Anant Mobility, a forward-thinking startup dedicated to enhancing urban living, actively employs technology such as IoT, AI, and GIS to streamline city operations. They provide practical solutions, including simplifying parking with real-time updates and online payments, optimizing waste management for cities, and offering a range of smart city tools. Their impact extends globally, with instances like Mumbai reducing traffic congestion and boosting parking revenues, Delhi cutting waste collection costs and improving air quality, and a delivery company using their tech to save on fuel and reduce pollution. Anant Mobility actively leads the way in shaping more efficient and livable cities.

6. Xylem AI

Xylem AI is a cloud-based platform that simplifies the training, deployment, and scaling of large language models (LLMs). It streamlines data preparation, model training with various algorithms, and offers deployment options like web services and chatbots. Xylem AI reduces development time, enhances model accuracy, and can handle LLMs of all sizes.

This platform is useful in applications like natural language processing and has been adopted by organizations like San Francisco for water quality monitoring and a healthcare company for improving its customer service chatbot. As LLMs advance, Xylem AI remains a valuable tool for effective development and deployment.

7. PrivaSapien

PrivaSapien, founded in 2021, is a Privacy-Enhancing Technology (PET) company on a mission to help businesses protect customer and employee privacy. Their platform offers tools like Privacy X-Ray for risk assessment, EventHorizon for data monitoring, DataTwin for synthetic data creation, CryptoSphere for data encryption, and PrivaGPT for privacy-preserving text generation. Their solutions are utilized by a range of businesses, from financial institutions to healthcare organizations. PrivaSapien’s platform helps businesses identify and mitigate privacy risks, ensures compliance with privacy regulations, and boosts data privacy efficiency. It’s a top choice for privacy protection and has garnered industry recognition for its innovative technologies.

8. AIkenist

Aikenist is a medical technology company committed to enhancing medical imaging through AI solutions. Their AI products cater to radiology, cardiology, and oncology and include QuickFlow for prioritizing scans, QuickScan for faster patient scans, QuickRad for comprehensive reports, and QuickDiag for precise disease diagnosis. Hospitals and diagnostic centers worldwide use Aikenist’s products to boost efficiency and accuracy in medical imaging, leading to improved patient outcomes. These products offer efficiency gains, accurate diagnoses, and increased accessibility to medical imaging, regardless of patients’ locations or financial situations. Aikenist is a leader in AI solutions for medical imaging, with the potential to significantly enhance patient care.

9. Simplomatic India

Simplomatic India, an AI startup, offers AI consulting, development, and training services, making AI accessible to diverse clients. With expertise in various AI technologies, they’ve assisted a wide range of businesses, including startups and Fortune 500 companies. Their services are budget-friendly, flexible, and cater to various business needs.

Simplomatic India has helped clients develop AI-powered chatbots, automate manufacturing processes, and provide AI training. Their cost-effective and adaptable approach makes them a valuable resource for businesses seeking AI solutions.

10. InstaPhotoAI

InstaPhotoAI is a user-friendly AI-powered app for enhancing photo quality and style. It offers features like photo enhancement, artistic effects, and AI-powered editing tools. Popular among social media users, photographers, and designers, it’s accessible and affordable. Users can quickly improve photos for social media or professional work. InstaPhotoAI is a versatile and potent tool for effortless photo enhancement.

Challenges and opportunities for AI startups in India

While AI startups in India are making significant progress, there are a number of challenges that they face. One challenge is the lack of access to funding. Another challenge is the shortage of skilled workers. Additionally, India’s regulatory landscape for AI is still evolving, which can create uncertainty for startups.

Despite these challenges, there are a number of opportunities for AI startups in India. The Indian government is committed to promoting the development and adoption of AI technologies. Additionally, the Indian market is large and growing, which provides AI startups with a unique opportunity to scale their businesses.

AI startups in India are making a significant impact on the economy and society. AI-powered solutions are being used to improve healthcare, education, agriculture, transportation, and many other sectors. While AI startups in India face a number of challenges, there are also a number of opportunities for them. The Indian government is committed to promoting the development and adoption of AI technologies, and the Indian market is large and growing.

AI startups in India are well-positioned to play a leading role in the global AI ecosystem. With their innovative solutions and access to a large and diverse market, AI startups in India are making a real difference in the world.

2023’s Hottest Halloween Songs for TikTok and Instagram Reels!

Halloween is right around the corner, and you know what that means? It’s time to get into the spooky spirit! This year, why not take your Halloween festivities up a notch by creating unforgettable TikTok and Instagram Reels videos with the coolest and creepiest tunes of 2023?

From haunting classics to the latest hits that are sure to send shivers down your spine, our curated selection of Halloween songs for this year’s festivities is bound to help you experience the essence of the season in style. So, get your costumes ready, perfect your dance moves, and let’s look into the different world of Halloween music that’ll make your social media presence scream-worthy. Whether you’re into catchy beats or eerie melodies, our playlist has something for everyone to enjoy and share.

1. This Is Halloween

This Is Halloween” is a catchy and spooky Halloween classic that’s perfect for creating engaging and festive TikTok and Instagram Reels videos. With its upbeat tempo, memorable melody, and eerie lyrics, the song can be used to create a variety of videos, such as decorating your home, showing off your costume, doing a makeup tutorial, or performing a skit. To create a successful Halloween TikTok or Instagram Reels video, use high-quality video and audio, be creative and original, use relevant hashtags, and promote your video on other social media platforms.

2. Thriller

Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” is a Halloween staple that can be used to create engaging and festive TikTok and Instagram Reels videos. The iconic music video can be referenced in a variety of ways, such as dancing to the song, dressing up as Michael Jackson, creating a parody of the music video, or mashing up “Thriller” with another song. When creating a Halloween TikTok or Instagram Reels video, it is important to use high-quality video and audio, be creative and original, use relevant hashtags, and promote the video on other social media platforms.

3. Monster Mash

Bobby Pickett’s “Monster Mash” is a fun and campy Halloween song that can be used to create lighthearted and humorous TikTok and Instagram Reels videos. The catchy melody and upbeat tempo make it easy to dance along to, and the monster theme is perfect for Halloween. You could use the song to create a video of yourself dancing, dressed up as a monster, doing a Halloween-themed craft or activity, or playing a Halloween game. When creating a Halloween TikTok or Instagram Reels video, it is important to use high-quality video and audio, be creative and original, use relevant hashtags, and promote the video on other social media platforms.

4. The Ghostbusters Theme

Ray Parker Jr.’s “The Ghostbusters Theme” is an iconic Halloween song that can be used to create fun and engaging TikTok and Instagram Reels videos. Here are some ideas: dance to the song, dress up as a Ghostbuster and dance, create a Ghostbusters-themed video challenge, or create a parody of the movies. Use high-quality video and audio, be creative and original, use relevant hashtags, and promote your video on other social media platforms.

5. The Addams Family Theme

Vic Mizzy’s “The Addams Family Theme” is a spooky Halloween song that can be used to create a variety of engaging TikTok and Instagram Reels videos. You could use it to decorate your home for Halloween, create a spooky dance routine, do a makeup tutorial for an Addams Family-inspired costume, put together a Halloween skit or comedy routine, or create a stop-motion animation video featuring Addams Family characters. When creating a Halloween TikTok or Instagram Reels video, it is important to use high-quality video and audio, be creative and original, use relevant hashtags, and promote the video on other social media platforms.


Beyoncé’s “ALIEN SUPERSTAR” is a powerful and empowering song with a dark and mysterious edge that is perfect for creating spooky and atmospheric Halloween TikTok and Instagram Reels videos. You could use it to create a video of yourself in a fierce costume, doing a spooky dance routine, doing a Halloween-themed makeup tutorial, putting together a Halloween skit or comedy routine, or creating a stop-motion animation video featuring spooky characters. When creating a Halloween TikTok or Instagram Reels video, use high-quality video and audio, be creative and original, use relevant hashtags, and promote the video on other social media platforms.

7. Squid Game Theme

Jung Jae-il’s “Squid Game Theme” is a suspenseful and haunting song that is perfect for creating spooky Halloween TikTok and Instagram Reels videos. You could use it to create a video of yourself in a Squid Game costume, doing a spooky dance routine, doing a Squid Game-themed challenge, reacting to the show for the first time, or creating a parody of the show. When creating a Halloween TikTok or Instagram Reels video, use high-quality video and audio, be creative and original, use relevant hashtags, and promote your video on other social media platforms.

8. SuperFreak (Halloween Remix)

Rick James’ “Super Freak” is a funky song with a Halloween twist that is perfect for creating fun and energetic Halloween TikTok and Instagram Reels videos. You could use it to create a video of yourself dancing in a Halloween costume, doing a spooky dance routine, doing a Halloween-themed craft or activity, or playing a Halloween game with friends or family.

9. Ghost Town (Halloween Remix)

Adam Lambert’s “Ghost Town” (Halloween remix) makes a great spooky song for TikTok and Instagram Reels videos. You can use its eerie music and dark lyrics for singing, dancing, storytelling, makeup tutorials, or skits. Get creative, make sure your videos look and sound good, use popular hashtags, and share your content on other social media

platforms for more views.

10. Spooky scary skeletons

To create an entertaining Halloween TikTok video, consider the versatility of The Living Tombstone’s “Spooky Scary Skeletons.” You can start by selecting a funny costume, whether it’s a skeleton, ghost, vampire, witch, or one of the iconic characters from the music video. Dancing to the catchy tune is another enjoyable option, either with your unique moves or by recreating iconic dance steps from the video. Engage in a Halloween-themed challenge, like pumpkin carving or bobbing for apples, or invent your own humorous challenge. A reaction video could be entertaining, particularly if you’re experiencing the song for the first time. Lastly, if you’re creatively inclined, consider creating a parody of the song or music video with your own spin, whether it’s new lyrics or unique characters. Ultimately, have fun and embrace the spirit of Halloween as you craft your TikTok masterpiece.

11. Bury a friend

Billie Eilish’s song “bury a friend” is dark and moody, exploring her own feelings of self-doubt and fear. In the song, she imagines a monster under her bed, reflecting her struggles. The lyrics talk about dark and scary things, like death and feeling out of control. The song can be interpreted as a comment on how social media can make people feel bad about themselves. It’s a complicated song that can be used for making spooky Halloween TikTok videos. The music and lyrics can help create an eerie feeling in your videos, whether you’re showing off a Halloween costume, doing a spooky dance, or sharing a makeup tutorial. To make your video more appealing, use good video and sound quality, be creative, and use relevant hashtags. Share your video on other social media too. This will help more people see it. With some effort, you can make a Halloween TikTok video that’s scary and fun.

As Halloween approaches, TikTok and Instagram Reels are where the action’s at for sharing the latest trends and creativity. The best viral and trending Halloween songs for 2023 are here to upgrade your Halloween experience. These songs, with their spooky vibes and catchy tunes, provide the perfect background for your Halloween-themed videos. Whether you’re flaunting your costume, showing off your dance moves, or giving a makeup tutorial, these tracks are your go-to for fun and engaging content. As you venture into creating your Halloween videos, remember to use top-notch video and sound quality, let your unique style shine, and include relevant hashtags to reach a wider audience. Let the music take the lead, your imagination flow, and the trends inspire you as you explore the world of viral Halloween videos on TikTok and Instagram Reels. Have a spooktacular time!

Abhimanyu Rathi’s Vardan Water: A Clean Water Mission

Meet Mr. Abhimanyu Rathi, the founder of Vardan Water, a company on a mission to make clean water accessible. In a world where many struggle with the scarcity of clean water and the dangers of waterborne diseases, Mr. Rathi is a ray of hope. His company, Sustainable Livelihood Initiative India Pvt. Ltd., is all about finding innovative ways to provide safe drinking water to those who need it most.

In this interview, Mr. Rathi talks about his journey as an entrepreneur and how he’s tackling the challenge of clean water. He shares how he’s adapting to make sure his technology works for different water conditions and how he’s driven to make a positive impact by reaching one million people with clean water.

Can you take us on a journey through your life, sharing your background and the moments that lit the spark of entrepreneurship in you?

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Driven by a passion to make significant societal and environmental advancements, I have ventured across numerous sectors, drawing both from triumphs and invaluable lessons learned.

Entrepreneurial Journey: Marking my beginnings in an era with 356.97 ppm CO2 levels, I took my first entrepreneurial step at the tender age of sixteen by founding a computer education startup. Since then, I’ve spearheaded ventures spanning telecommunication, management consulting, corporate recruitment, real estate, security services, facility management, and scientific R&D. While some of these endeavors thrived, others imparted essential lessons through their challenges.

What’s the story behind why you chose to start your own startup? What was that “aha” moment or driving force?

According to Water Aid, 1 billion Indians are living in water scarce areas. Niti Aayog reports that 75% of Indian households do not have piped drinking water supply on premise and of the remaining 25%, 70% receive contaminated water. The non-piped sources of water like wells, ponds and rivers are full of life-threatening contamination. As per Government data, 7 Indians are killed and 36,000 Indians suffer from water borne diseases every day. People are well aware of the dangers of contaminated water, but unfortunately, they do not have any viable alternatives. The go-to method of filtering water in India is Reverse Osmosis (RO), but it is expensive and discards at least 3 litres of water for every litre purified, whereas boiling water requires fuel which has a massive carbon footprint making it unsustainable for our climate. Impure water is inducing inequalities and poverty, thereby pushing human development back. It is this question of survival that we are passionate about solving.

Were there any personal struggles or defining moments in your life that influenced your decision to venture into entrepreneurship?

Validating our idea from the customer’s pain points has been the most deftying moment of our journey We have validated the customer’s pain points in three ways. First, health records available in the public domain, collected from primary healthcare centres (PHCs) spread across Western India were analysed, which point to the spread of water-borne diseases. Second, a detailed survey with a sample size of 504 participants was carried out where participants were questioned on a broad range of topics like their source of water supply, the number of members in their family, the kind of purifiers they use and feedback, income and savings, their expectations, health related issues etc. The survey was backed by randomised field trips and checks to verify the legitimacy of survey answers. The collected data helped us focus on the core issues. 

In the early days, who were the people who stood by your side, believed in your vision, and encouraged you to take the leap into entrepreneurship?

From the very inception of our journey, it was our parents who acted as our bedrock of encouragement and motivation. Their unwavering faith in us and their continuous source of inspiration played a monumental role in our resilience. For over nine years, we steered this company without generating a single dime in revenue and refrained from pursuing alternate employment. This extraordinary feat was largely possible due to our unwavering belief in the final outcome we envisioned. Furthermore, the people of India resonated deeply with our mission, providing an added layer of motivation. The pressing issue of water purification, which touches the lives of countless individuals across our nation, became our guiding star. Our drive to address this pervasive problem and bring about a change remained the lifeline that sustained our spirits and propelled our endeavors.

Could you recount a vivid memory from the early stages of building your startup that left a lasting impact on you?

In the last few years, we have worked on several prototypes extensively. 11 pilot tests across 23 households were conducted with each test lasting 5 to 25 days. Based on feedback, the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) was finalised and successfully beta tested for one full year across 5 households and across various seasons with each test lasting at least 87 to 102 days. All input and output water samples are tested in-house with randomised scheduled testing at independent laboratories certified by NABL, Quality Council of India. The output samples collected from beta tests on the MVP conform to specifications given by Bureau of Indian Standards for Potable Water (IS 10500: 2012) with all parameters being well under permissible limits. The effort of doing such elabrate feedbacks left a lasting impression on me.

Entrepreneurship often requires sacrifices. What are some significant personal sacrifices you made on your journey?

Indeed, the path of entrepreneurship is seldom straightforward and often demands its travelers to make significant concessions. One of the most pronounced sacrifices I made was choosing not to take up formal employment for nearly a decade. While many of my peers embarked on traditional career trajectories, I decided to stay fully committed to our startup, pouring all my time, energy, and resources into its growth.

This commitment required not only a professional but also a personal hustle. I often found myself working round-the-clock, foregoing weekends, social events, and sometimes even personal health and well-being. This unwavering dedication was in part fueled by the larger mission at hand, but also came at the cost of many missed opportunities and moments. In our specific landscape, the challenges were intensified due to the nature of our venture. Hardware startups, especially in India, often grapple with a unique set of obstacles. From funding to infrastructure to mentorship, there’s a noticeable lack of robust support systems tailored for hardware-based enterprises. In spite of this, our determination did not waver.

Moreover, while the entrepreneurial ecosystem in India is burgeoning, it still occasionally lacks the comprehensive support needed for nascent startups. The sparse support, particularly in the hardware realm, meant navigating an often solitary path, devoid of the ample guidance and mentorship software-based startups might receive. However, every sacrifice, every late night, and every hurdle only served to strengthen our resolve. It cemented our belief in our vision, and the understanding that true change often requires walking the path less trodden, irrespective of the challenges that may lie ahead.

When you were forming your initial team, what qualities did you seek in your co-founders or team members, and how did you find them?

I was lucky to have my brother as a co-founder. He is the markeyting, outreach guy while I am the product and financial person. We sought more operational people and folks who could go to the market and perform filed operations.

Think back to a time when you faced an unexpected challenge. How did you navigate through it, and what did you learn from the experience?

A few years back, right after we launched our advanced water purification system, we found out that a specific region’s water contained unusually high levels of a contaminant our system wasn’t designed to handle.

To address this, we swiftly assembled a task force of our best engineers and interns from IIT-NITs. They worked on an additional filtration component to tackle this specific contaminant. We then offered this component for free to our existing customers in the affected region and integrated it into our future models.

This experience taught me the value of adaptability in our industry. It’s essential not just to react to challenges but to proactively seek and anticipate them. Since then, we’ve expanded our research and testing parameters to account for a wider range of water conditions.

Think back to a time when you faced an unexpected challenge. How did you navigate through it, and what did you learn from the experience?

A few years back, right after we launched our advanced water purification system, we found out that a specific region’s water contained unusually high levels of a contaminant our system wasn’t designed to handle.

To address this, we swiftly assembled a task force of our best engineers and interns from IIT-NITs. They worked on an additional filtration component to tackle this specific contaminant. We then offered this component for free to our existing customers in the affected region and integrated it into our future models.

This experience taught me the value of adaptability in our industry. It’s essential not just to react to challenges but to proactively seek and anticipate them. Since then, we’ve expanded our research and testing parameters to account for a wider range of water conditions.

Share a moment when you felt like the odds were against you, but you found the strength to persevere. What kept you going?

Our beachhead markets are rural villages completely cut off from the urban infrastructure with no availability or immediate hope of access to pre-filtered piped water supply. These villages are situated in the arid areas of the states of Rajasthan and Gujarat which have a well recorded history of life-threatening water contamination leading to severe water borne diseases. These villages consist of predominantly artisans and farmers with all members of the household being a part of the commercial trade. They rely on impure sources of water like wells, ponds or lakes for their daily needs. Electricity is not always constant. The family income is just enough to make ends meet and keep some savings for a rainy day. Lack of even the most basic healthcare services forces these villagers to spend a lot of money travelling to big towns and cities to access appropriate facilities. An affordable and sustainable way to purify water is not just a mere luxury but a question of survival for them. Finding our beachhead markets has been difficult.

How has entrepreneurship impacted your personal life, your relationships, and your daily routines?

I am far more confident, informed and knowledgeable. I belive I can counter any illogical conversations better now.

Beyond the business, what’s the grand vision or mission you hold dear, and how does it align with your personal dreams and aspirations?

Our aim is to transform the lives of at least 1 million people in the next 5 years.

Who or what serves as your North Star, motivating you to press on, especially in challenging times?

North star – the 95% of india that faces water challenge in some form or the other.

If you were to receive a significant “cheque” from your startup, how would you personally envision using it to take steps closer to your dreams and goals?

Setup a factory to sell our purifiers in bulk.

What is that one advice you would like to give to the entrepreneurs reading this?

Be hungry, be foolish, keep building, never settle.

Mr. Rathi’s story is a reminder that entrepreneurship isn’t just about business; it’s about finding solutions to real-world challenges. His determination and adaptability in the face of obstacles are truly inspiring. And his mission to impact one million lives by providing clean water highlights the incredible potential for positive change that can come from the world of entrepreneurship. It’s a story of resilience, innovation, and a commitment to making the world a better place, one clean drop of water at a time.