10 popular datasets for sentiment analysis


Sentiment analysis, also known as opinion mining, is a computational technique used to determine the sentiment or emotional tone conveyed in a piece of text, such as a review, tweet, or comment.

The goal of sentiment analysis is to understand the attitude, opinions, or emotions expressed by the author towards a particular topic, product, service, or event.

How does sentiment analysis work?

This AI-driven approach starts with text preprocessing, where the raw text is cleaned, tokenized, and transformed into a format suitable for analysis. Techniques like removing irrelevant characters, stemming, and removing stop words help refine the text data.

Following preprocessing, the AI model employs various methods to extract meaningful features from the text, such as bag-of-words, TF-IDF, or advanced word embeddings like Word2Vec and GloVe. These features serve as the foundation for sentiment classification.

In the subsequent stage, the AI model is trained using labeled datasets, where each text is associated with a sentiment label (e.g., positive, negative, neutral). The training process involves exposing the model to a large amount of labeled data, allowing it to learn the patterns and associations between the features and their corresponding sentiments.

The model’s performance is evaluated on separate validation or test datasets, utilizing metrics like accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score to assess its accuracy and effectiveness in sentiment classification.

Why do you need good data for sentiment analysis?

Like any prediction or analysis, the accuracy depends on the amount of data you have. Good datasets are fundamental to the success and accuracy of sentiment analysis.

But more importantly, here’s why we need good quality data for better accuracy:

  • Quality datasets are the bedrock of accurate sentiment analysis models, ensuring they learn diverse language patterns and nuances. A robust dataset allows models to effectively capture the range of sentiments, from extremely positive to highly negative, improving their predictive capabilities.
  • Well-curated datasets mirror real-world sentiment, encompassing various domains and contexts. They provide a representative spectrum of sentiments, critical for training models that can adapt to new data and accurately analyze sentiment across different industries and cultures.
  • Carefully crafted datasets aim to minimize bias and uphold fairness in sentiment analysis. Balanced representation across demographics and opinions helps build models that are unbiased and equitable in their sentiment evaluations, fostering trust and credibility.
  • Diverse data points with varied expressions and tones contribute to robust sentiment analysis models. These models perform well in diverse contexts, showcasing resilience in understanding different language styles and expressions, ultimately enhancing their accuracy and reliability.
  • High-quality datasets serve as standard benchmarks for evaluating sentiment analysis models and driving research progress. Researchers can innovate and iterate on new methodologies, leveraging well-annotated datasets to push the boundaries of sentiment analysis and improve its effectiveness.

Good datasets are foundational to the development, evaluation, and applicability of sentiment analysis models, playing a crucial role in achieving accurate and meaningful sentiment assessments across various domains and contexts.

Best datasets you can use for sentiment analysis

Now that you know, and appreciate, the importance of a good dataset, let’s look at some of the best datasets out there that can help you make quality sentiment analyses with accuracy!

IMDb Movie Reviews

This dataset contains 50,000 movie reviews from the Internet Movie Database (IMDb), labeled as positive or negative.

The IMDb dataset comprises movie reviews and ratings from the IMDb website, a popular platform for movie enthusiasts. It is widely used for sentiment analysis tasks, specifically binary classification (positive or negative sentiment) or fine-grained sentiment analysis.

This dataset is often employed to develop and evaluate sentiment analysis models, providing a diverse range of reviews and sentiments related to movies.

Stanford Sentiment Treebank (SST)

This dataset contains 21,515 sentences, each of which is annotated with the sentiment of each word and clause.

SST is a dataset created by Stanford University, offering fine-grained sentiment labels at both the phrase and sentence levels. It provides a hierarchical structure, allowing for sentiment analysis not only at the document level but also at various sub-sentential levels.

SST is widely used for research in sentiment analysis, natural language processing, and deep learning, particularly for tasks involving sentiment prediction and sentiment tree parsing.

Amazon Review Data

This dataset contains over 230 million customer reviews from Amazon, labeled as positive, negative, or neutral.

Amazon Review Data consists of customer reviews from Amazon’s online platform, covering a wide range of products and categories. It’s commonly utilized for sentiment analysis tasks to understand customer opinions and sentiments regarding products they have purchased.

Researchers and practitioners often use this dataset to train and evaluate sentiment analysis models, especially in the context of e-commerce and product reviews.

Twitter US Airline Sentiment

This dataset contains over 160,000 tweets about US airlines, labeled as positive, negative, or neutral.

This dataset contains tweets related to US airlines, along with sentiment labels (positive, negative, or neutral) associated with each tweet. It is widely used to analyze public sentiments towards different airline companies on social media.

Researchers and businesses use this dataset to analyze customer opinions and sentiments towards airline services and to improve customer support and experience.

Opin-Rank Review Dataset

This dataset contains over 300,000 reviews of cars and hotels, labeled as positive, negative, or neutral.

The Opin-Rank dataset is a collection of product reviews available on the web. It includes reviews and ratings for various products, making it suitable for sentiment analysis and opinion-mining tasks.

It is commonly used for sentiment analysis research, providing valuable insights into consumer sentiments and opinions about different products.

Yelp Polarity Reviews

This dataset contains over 500,000 reviews of businesses from Yelp, labeled as positive, negative, or neutral.

The Yelp Polarity dataset is derived from Yelp reviews and consists of polarized reviews (positive and negative sentiments). It is often used for sentiment classification tasks in the context of restaurant and business reviews.

Researchers and practitioners leverage this dataset to build sentiment analysis models and study consumer sentiments towards businesses and services listed on Yelp.


This dataset contains over 160,000 tweets, labeled as positive, negative, or neutral.

Sentiment140 is a widely used dataset containing tweets categorized into positive and negative sentiments. It was created by Stanford University and is valuable for sentiment analysis tasks on social media text.

Researchers use Sentiment140 to develop and evaluate sentiment analysis models specific to Twitter data and short-text sentiment analysis.

Financial Phrasebank

This dataset contains over 20,000 financial phrases, labeled as positive, negative, or neutral.

The Financial Phrasebank dataset consists of financial news headlines and phrases labeled with their sentiment (e.g., positive, negative). It is tailored for sentiment analysis tasks in the financial domain.

Analysts and researchers use this dataset to build sentiment analysis models for financial sentiment prediction and analysis.

Webis-CLS-10 Dataset

This dataset contains over 10,000 customer reviews of products from Amazon, labeled as positive, negative, or neutral.

The Webis-CLS-10 dataset is a collection of user reviews from various online platforms, encompassing diverse domains. It is annotated with sentiment labels and is used for sentiment analysis research and evaluation.

Researchers utilize this dataset to analyze and classify sentiments in user-generated content from the web.

CMU Multimodal Opinion Sentiment and Emotion Intensity:

This dataset contains over 10,000 images and videos, each of which is annotated with the sentiment and emotional intensity of the associated text and visual content.

This dataset incorporates multimodal opinions, sentiments, and emotion intensity annotations. It encompasses textual data and associated multimedia information, making it valuable for sentiment and emotion analysis.

Researchers use this dataset to explore sentiment and emotion analysis in a multimodal context, focusing on both text and related multimedia data.

These datasets serve as valuable resources for training and evaluating sentiment analysis models, advancing research in sentiment analysis, and developing applications to understand human sentiments across different domains and mediums.

Applications of sentiment analysis

Once the model is trained and validated, it can be employed to analyze unstructured text data. This analysis can be binary, distinguishing between positive and negative sentiments, or multiclass, encompassing a broader spectrum of sentiments.

Applications of sentiment analysis within AI are diverse and impactful:

  1. Business Insights: By analyzing customer reviews and feedback, businesses can gain valuable insights into how their products or services are perceived, enabling informed business decisions and targeted improvements.
  2. Social Media Monitoring: AI-powered sentiment analysis allows businesses to track and understand public sentiment about their brand, competitors, or industry in real time, shaping marketing strategies and managing reputations.
  3. Market Research and Trend Analysis: Sentiment analysis aids in gauging market trends and public perception of specific markets or industries, assisting businesses in adapting and staying competitive.
  4. Customer Service Optimization: AI-driven sentiment analysis helps businesses categorize and prioritize customer inquiries based on sentiment, leading to improved customer support and satisfaction.
  5. Political and Public Opinion Analysis: Understanding public sentiment regarding political events, candidates, and policies is crucial for political campaigns and policy-making, making sentiment analysis an invaluable tool in the political sphere.

Sentiment analysis within the realm of AI revolutionizes how we comprehend and utilize the vast amount of textual data available, enabling data-driven decision-making and a deeper understanding of human sentiment across various domains and contexts.

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