Facebook’s New Service Aims To Help UK Flood Victims With Volunteers


Facebook has launched a new service which aims to connecting people who living in UK flood-hit areas with a volunteer group .

Starting Wednesday, users who living in areas affected by the recent flooding log into Facebook, they will see a message on their NewsFeed, reads, “Affected by the UK floods? Flood Volunteers can connect you with people in your local area who can help.”

Credit: Telegraph.co.uk

When the user clicks on the ‘Learn More’ button, they will be navigated to Flood Volunteers website (http://floodvolunteers.co.uk/), where users can select what kind of help they need from the volunteers. It will show a list of people/volunteers who are willing to help the victims.

“Since Facebook reaches so many people in the affected areas, my colleague Pieter and I thought a newsfeed message to direct people to the Flood Volunteer website would be a simple way to help get help to people in need. We are excited that we’ve been able to roll it out so quickly.” said Alec Muffett, a Facebook engineer.

Facebook is using geo-targeting feature in order to determine the flood affected areas. Users who are not near to these areas will not see any message.


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