Facebook Page Admins Can Now See Who Exactly Authored Posts And Comments

Facebook just kept their words by launching a handy tool for Page administrators which will show the exact admin who wrote the post and comment on behalf of the Page. The social network had notified several Page admins in weeks ago by showing this message on their admin panel: “New: See who’s posting as [Page name]. Starting Feb. 20, the names of admins will show next to their posts and comments. This will be visible to anyone with an admin role on your page”. Finally it’s arrived on Facebook.
Facebook-Page-Posted-ByAs the message said, Facebook has started rolling-out the feature to Pages. Starting Feb. 20, when you updates your Page status your name will be shown next to the post. This will only be visible to people who are in admin role on your Page.
Facebook-Page-Posted-By2The new label will be shown on the Page activities such as, posting updates(as ‘Posted by’), commenting as Page(as ‘Commented by’) and also on scheduling posts(as ‘Scheduled by’). Facebook also opened a new help page for answering, ‘If multiple people help manage my Page, how can I see who posted something?’. It’s specifically saying the new feature isn’t available to everyone right now. Let’s hope it will soon roll-out to all.
Also Read: Now You Have More Control On Things You Post Publicly In Facebook
Scheduling Posts (as 'Scheduled by') : Facebook PageObviously the new feature will be very useful to Pages that have multiple admins, especially for big brands and companies. They can monitor posts, recognize team members, measure quality, trace unplanned activities and stay on control of their team.
Have you got this feature yet? What’s your thoughts?

Facebook Brings New Filter To Public Posts; Now You Have More Control On Things You Post Publicly

Now you can control who can comment on your public posts in Facebook. The social network just added a new facility that lets you filter who can comment on your post. Previously, you have to allow ‘Followers’ in order to get the option, now you can manage this on your all public posts no matter whether you have turned on or off followers feature. It seems the new tweak is available only to select users.
Facebook Popup: Did you know that public posts can be seen and liked by anyone, not just people you know? Now there's a filter that limits who can comment on your public posts
Today, when I logged in to Facebook, a new pop-up appeared near to status composer which reads, “Did you know that public posts can be seen and liked by anyone, not just people you know? Now there’s a filter that limits who can comment on your public posts”. The ‘Learn More’ button navigated me to the Facebook help page which gives the answer to “Who can like or comment on things I post?”. According to the help page, some users can now adjust who can comment on their post, new option will be available in “Account Settings”, users can turn on or off the filter under “Public Posts” menu. Facebook_PublicPosts In the “Account Settings”, there is also some changes, the “Followers” option in the left menu has turned into “Public Posts”. This is where users can manage public post comment filter. Users can turn on or off the filter from “Public Post Comments” sub-menu. Also Read: Is Facebook Completely Killed ‘Network’ Feature? If you select Filter Off, then anyone can comment on your public posts and if you select Filter On, it will limit the audience.
Facebook StatusWhen you post something while keeping the Filter On, then the ‘Comment’ button won’t be active to your followers or people other than your friends. It also notifies, the author of the status limiting who can comment on the post.
Previously the ‘Follower Comments’ option only available to users who have turned on the followers. Means, if you deactivated followers, ‘Who can comment on your public posts?’ option will become invisible. But, now things changed, through this new settings you can control your public posts even if you have turned off followers. The new feature no yet rolled-out to all users. However, it will be a handy tool for privacy concerned people, where they can post things publicly with restricting comments from unknowns. Do you have this feature? What’s your thoughts? Top image:JONATHAN NACKSTRAND/Getty Images

Facebook’s New Service Aims To Help UK Flood Victims With Volunteers

Facebook has launched a new service which aims to connecting people who living in UK flood-hit areas with a volunteer group . Starting Wednesday, users who living in areas affected by the recent flooding log into Facebook, they will see a message on their NewsFeed, reads, “Affected by the UK floods? Flood Volunteers can connect you with people in your local area who can help.”
Credit: Telegraph.co.uk
When the user clicks on the ‘Learn More’ button, they will be navigated to Flood Volunteers website (http://floodvolunteers.co.uk/), where users can select what kind of help they need from the volunteers. It will show a list of people/volunteers who are willing to help the victims. “Since Facebook reaches so many people in the affected areas, my colleague Pieter and I thought a newsfeed message to direct people to the Flood Volunteer website would be a simple way to help get help to people in need. We are excited that we’ve been able to roll it out so quickly.” said Alec Muffett, a Facebook engineer. Facebook is using geo-targeting feature in order to determine the flood affected areas. Users who are not near to these areas will not see any message. (Via:Telegraph.co.uk)

Is Facebook Completely Killed ‘Network’ Feature?

Facebook’s network feature, one of the oldest feature in the platform, is looks like gone forever. Users are not able to join a network and even taken down from user profile pages. Network feature was a part of Facebook for long years, and it’s used to connect people who have similar backgrounds, interests, hometowns or workplaces. This feature allowed users to easily identified and connect with past and present co-workers or classmates. Facebook-Network-MarkThe network label was visible in the about section of the user profile, now it’s completely gone. As you know, the CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, is a member of Facebook network and now it’s hidden. I checked many other popular profiles too, none of them showed their networks. So, it might be a hint that Facebook is retiring from network feature. But, interestingly, still there is ‘Networks’ option in the Settings (without ‘Join’ tab). Facebook-Network-FeatureFacebook had stopped accepting new network creation requests in 2011, though users can join or leave from existing networks. A Facebook employee had confirmed the same and recommended to create public groups instead of networks on a discussion in Quora.The main purpose of a network has been “phased out”, the feature replaced by groups and fan Pages. They do same or more functionality than networks. So, if they really shuts-down the network feature, it would be a fine decision taken by the company. In the modern Facebook there is no relevancy in such features. Top image: iStockphoto/enjoynz

Facebook Users Can Now Select ‘Custom Gender’ Beyond Male or Female

Facebook has just announced an expansion to its gender selection field, users can now select custom gender. Previously, users had been limited to either male or female, or simply not displaying any gender information on their profiles. Now, users are able to pick a custom label and specify what pronouns they would prefer to be referred to: him, her, or they. Currently, this is only available to users who view Facebook in U.S. English. Facebook released a statement through its Facebook Diversity page on a “new custom gender option to help you better express your own identity” on the social networking site. Here’s the full text: When you come to Facebook to connect with the people, causes, and organizations you care about, we want you to feel comfortable being your true, authentic self. An important part of this is the expression of gender, especially when it extends beyond the definitions of just “male” or female.” So today, we’re proud to offer a new custom gender option to help you better express your own identity on Facebook. We collaborated with our Network of Support, a group of leading LGBT advocacy organizations, to offer an extensive list of gender identities that many people use to describe themselves. Moreover, people who select a custom gender will now have the ability to choose the pronoun they’d like to be referred to publicly — male (he/his), female (she/her) or neutral (they/their). We also have added the ability for people to control the audience with whom they want to share their custom gender. We recognize that some people face challenges sharing their true gender identity with others, and this setting gives people the ability to express themselves in an authentic way.
Facebook Users Can Now Select 'Custom Gender' Beyond Male or Female
Facebook-Custom-Gender3You can change your gender by heading into the settings menu on your About page and clicking on the gender options. Besides male and female, you’ll see an “Other” option. Then, select a gender identity from a variety of pre-listed options (e.g. Agender, Male to Female, Androgyne, Cis Man, and Pangender) that appear once a user begins typing. You can also change the pronoun you prefer, select him/her/them.

‘Love is in the Air’ And ‘Mugsy In Love’: Facebook Adds Two Valentine’s Day Special Sticker Packs

It’s Valentine’s Day (in many parts of the world) and Facebook has cooked up something to celebrate this special occasion with your valentine. The social network has just added two new love-themed sticker packs.
 'Love is in the Air' And 'Mugsy In Love': Facebook Adds 2 Valentine's Day Special Sticker Packs
The first one called, ‘Love is in the Air’, it is a mixture of all sticker characters that are rolled out previously including the Meep, Mango, Beast and even the Like button (by holding a heart). Literally, Facebook has tried to add its valentine’s version of all the sticker characters.
The second one, ‘Mugsy In Love’, which is also a love-themed sticker pack, portraits a little puppy. It contains 16 sticker showing various love based scenes. Mugsy In Love is actually developed by a creative team called GhostBot.
So, have you noticed these new stickers? Which one is your favorite?Top image: Flickr

Facebook Tweaks News Feed Algorithm To Show More Text Status Updates From Friends And Less From Pages

Facebook has just made an improvement to its News feed by showing more text-based contents from friends and less from Pages. From now onwards text status updates from your friends get higher priority to show up in the first field of your News Feed. For Pages, photo and link posts will be the future for creating better range. The announcement is made in Facebook’s blog, according to the blog post, this decision is taken after continuous  tests on user’s posting behavior. It says, the more text-based status updates people see, the more they share. It resulted a massive increase in status updates written each day. However, the effect was not same in the case of Pages. That’s why Facebook decided to pull back text status updates from News Feed. Facebook also warned the Page administrators, they can expect lesser engagement on text status updates, but they may see some increases in engagement and distribution for other story types. Facebook recommend Page admins to use direct link share instead of embedding link in a text status update, it will result more engagement as they provide a more visual and compelling experience for people seeing them in their feeds. Image: ROBYN BECK/AFP/Getty Images

Is Facebook Pushing ‘Page Suggestions’ To News Feeds?

It seems like Facebook is experimenting a new page suggestion module on user’s News Feed. It’s surfacing directly below to the status compose box on News Feed.
When the user likes a Page, new suggestions will appear randomly. There is also a ‘See All’ button on the upper right-hand corner of the new section, clicking on the button take the user to Page discovery browser.
Here, it needs to be noted that the suggestions can not be closed or removed, that much space is remain used for showing suggestions.Have you seen this new Page suggestion box? What do you think is it useful or space wasting junk?

Facebook Now Tell What’s Making Waves On The Platform Through ‘Trending’ Feature

After rolling out the hashtag feature Facebook is now on the way of launching a Twitter-like ‘trending’ section. On the initial release it will available for some select users on countries like India, US, and Canada etc. to know the most popular topics being discussed on the social networking site. The new ‘trending-now box’ will appear near the top of the right-hand column of the News Feed for desktop users, the company said. The new feature looks almost the same that’s been around on Twitter. But in Facebook’s version of trending, it’s also shows a little description as well and most importantly it’s a personalized list, may vary person to person. When the user clicks on a link from the trending list, a new page will open with mentions by friends and public posts as well.
facebook-trending-feature-clickFor now, trending topics won’t be available on the mobile version of Facebook, but the company said it is testing the feature in its app for various smartphones and tablet computers.
The trending feature is yet another example of how Facebook is trying to become people’s main source of news updates. First the social network introduced hashtag feature, then they tweaked the News Feed algorithm to show up quality contents with more focus on news medias and now the trending. It’s an obvious fact that Facebook is really trying hard to beat their main rival Twitter to become first choice of news hub. Facebook added, users on other countries will get the feature in coming weeks. What do you think about the Facebook’s twitterish move? Add your thoughts in the comments section. [Top image: Flickr user marcopako Screen shots: Facebook Newsroom]

Review And Manage Your Facebook Page Likes With ‘ManageYourLikes.com’

If you’re using Facebook for years you might have liked at least hundreds of Page. Some of your old favorite Pages may have changed and today they probably present something you wouldn’t like anymore. What if you can go through all your liked Pages at one place? Yeah, it’s possible through ‘Activity Log‘, but it doesn’t show whether it’s still active or not. To solve this issue and with so many additional features, a Czech based company, Apploud  has created an app called ManageYourLikes.
Manageyourlikes.com is a perfect and simple tool for managing your all Facebook Page likes. It offers a number of handy features to organize your likes. It shows things like popular Pages you’ve liked and the worst too, and also there is a ‘Personalized Recommendation’ which is tailored according to our likes and interests.

How To Use ManageYourLikes.com?

First, you have go to their website here, and click on ‘Analyze your own Profile”. Now a pop-up will appear, login to your Facebook account, now wait for few seconds for letting them for analyzing your data.
After logging in, you can see list of your liked Pages, recommendations, most liked Pages and so on. So here’s the benefit of this app, you can unlike the Pages manually clicking ‘next’ or by applying different parameters such as Page categories, Page type or last activity. You can get rid of all unwanted Pages by simply clicking ‘x’ on the like button.

How It Works?

ManageYourLikes is using complicated algorithms to determine and tailoring various Page likes. It considers both user preferences as well as global analytics to identify the Pages that fit according to the user. It can categorize Pages with various parameters. Also, it provides user a quick Unlike option for all the Pages user want to subscribe themselves from.

List of your Pages and other tabs

On the first page i.e, ‘List of your Pages’ shows all your liked Facebook Pages. On the top you can see how many Pages you have liked, also there is a ‘search box‘ where can find a particular page by entering the keywords. You can order the list according to different criteria such as date, alphabet, last activity etc.
‘Your statistics’ tab helps to find top pages you have liked on the basis of total number of likes or people talking about. At the bottom of statistics page, it shows a pie chart to display the page count by category.
In the ‘Personalized recommendation’ tab, it displays some recommended Pages to like and also to Unlike. I personally found very useful the ‘recommended unlike’ feature, because it shows me all unwanted Pages, as it’s based on the popularity and people active on it, so I can clean my Facebook News Feed.
Furthermore, in the ‘Global Most Unliked Pages’, it offers an insight into the Pages which have been unliked the most, giving the number of unlikes and ranking them according to those numbers. It includes both you liked and non-liked Pages. According to NetCratic, manageyourlikes.com has approximately 2,000 users and the tool stored more than 2,50,000 Pages so far. Those users unliked almost 50,000 Pages and this unliking trend is increasing really quickly. So this is all about Manage Your Likes. It’s a good app to keep your News Feed fresh, you can clean your Facebook easily with this tool. Got something to add in this story? Share it in the comment section! Images: ManageYourLikes.com