
facebook pages

Facebook Revamps Reviews Section of Pages for Local Places

It looks like Facebook has updated the layout of reviews section of Pages for local places. The new design will show five-star rating score...

Facebook Eliminating Annoying Click-bait Posts

> What Happens When A Horse Discovers A Kiddie Pool? You Won’t Believe It! > People Should Know About This Awful Thing We Do, And...

The Anatomy of a ‘Perfect’ Facebook Post [Infographics]

Are you frustrated by the lack of engagement with your Facebook posts? In order to gain more engagement on your Facebook posts you need...

The Ultimate Cheat Sheet on Facebook Ad Targeting [Infographics]

In order to make your social media campaign successful you need to make sure you are targeting the right audience and building a targeted...

Facebook Testing A ‘Buy’ Button on Ads Which Lets Users To Purchase Products Without Leaving Facebook

Facebook today introduced a new 'buy' call to action button for ads and page posts which allows the users to buy a product directly from...

Facebook Introduces Limited Edition Bigger Ads On Sidebar

Facebook is making an update to its right-hand-side ads, soon you'll be able to see bigger ads on sidebar of its desktop version. Facebook announced...

Facebook Save Feature Test Hits On Pages And Events

Facebook continues to experiment with the  'Save feature' which is originally begun testing back in July 2012.  Then the test again spotted in November...

Facebook Pages Manager For iOS Update Brings The Ability To Pin Posts And Create Events On iPad

Facebook has just rolled out an update to its Pages Manager App introducing  a handful of new features including the ability to pin posts...