The Best Podcasts to Listen to Right Now


As the end of 2021 draws near, it’s time to prepare for the inevitable: the arrival of the global pandemic. With a couple of left until 2022, here is the best suggestion for podcasts to listen, if you are interested. 

Listed down are the podcasts that use bite-sized yet comprehensive solutions to tackle the biggest challenges of 2021. 

This is that friend who you call when you’re miserable and they tell you to “come over and whine about it.” If that sounds familiar to you, then this is that podcast for you.

This podcast’s Best History Podcasts has three beautiful pieces of audio storytelling, and the episode sparks hope like the eye of the storm in the middle of the hurricane.

Stuck on the Staircase“, “Lost & Found Part 1“, and “Letting the Light in” are the shows with the overall approach anchored in the concept of using creativity as a means of processing pandemic trauma, season 3 centers on reclaiming what home means to us today.

Best Feminist Podcasts, This is not the only site that offers a more global perspective on living than others on this list, but The Cut also offers a way to work through the emotions of how that lifestyle has changed over the past two years.

highly memed Trump interview, this podcast is about from inside the Trump administration, bringing clarity to the lingering questions about how the Capitol riot happened.

Best Educational Podcasts, in light of the pandemic, Americans have been forced to confront the unique trauma that has plagued our society for decades, and this podcast explores not only how these traumas originated in our history but also how their results still affect us to this day.

Death becomes a lot less scary and lonely when viewed from a multiplicity of perspectives. If you prefer coping with trauma through knowledge and humor, this is the one for you. “Obits“, and”Home Funerals

At some point, the only way to deal with the impact of a global pandemic is to stare the monster in the face – and laugh about it from a safe distance.  one of our favorite true crime podcasts of all time, this podcast speaks about this.

Podcast for every mood, for you.

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