Twitter brings NFTs to the timeline as hexagon-shaped profile pictures


In September, Twitter has announced that users will be able to authenticate non-fungible tokens (NFTs) based on their email addresses, and now the feature is available to those who subscribe to $2.99 Twitter Blue or use an iOS device.  It could be argued, however, that NFT profile pictures are a superb technology integration that brings real value to verified digital items. Alternatively, it is an obvious signal to block or muffle those trying to sell you their blockchain receipt before they try to sell you anything.

Although it isn’t endorsed by everyone, Twitter has decided to integrate easily reproduced digital trinkets so that they separate arbitrary images of cartoon apes that have been right-clicked in order to set them as a standard profile picture from arbitrary images of cartoon apes that are connected to blockchain tokens by adding a special “soft hexagon” shape around them.

Users will be able to connect their Twitter accounts to several crypto wallets at launch, verifying that non-fungible tokens are associated with their accounts, namely Argent, Coinbase,  Wallet, Ledger Live, MetaMask, Rainbow and Trust Wallet.

As a side effect, information regarding who owns what is not as decentralized as you may think since its interaction with the blockchain is limited to a list of approved

As a side effect, information regarding who owns what is not as decentralized as you may think since its interaction with the blockchain is limited to a list of approved sources. Twitter’s NFT collection pages also lost their information when the OpenSea API was down earlier Thursday due to a database outage. According to the researcher Jane Manchun Wong, Twitter’s NFT API was down for a few hours for an unrelated reason.

Many people believe Twitter does not do enough to verify the authenticity of its wallets despite its list of wallets. In Adam Hollander’s analysis, Twitter’s setup and hexagon logo only look to see whether the user has an NFT connected to their wallet – they do not check if the NFT belongs to an established collection (like the Bored Ape Yach Club). Using the right-click save method described above, you could save the image as a new NFT, and your profile page would look identical to that of somebody who owns the verified image.

A person can only tell if your NFTs come from your actual collection by clicking on your profile picture and checking its details. On the other hand, a fake BAYC token (like this one) looks quite similar to the real thing (here). Justin Taylor, Twitter’s head of consumer product marketing, says this is intended, adding, “We don’t want to limit this to only verified collections, since that would be incorrect and non-supportive of the wider NFT movement.”. Everybody should be able to mint whatever they want and create their own NFT.

As well as explaining the process this FAQ answers the question of who gets the NFT if you sell it. However, Twitter will revert to a standard circle frame instead of the hexagon shape reserved for crypto wallets, regardless of what the blockchain reports about who owns the image. Using the hexagon profile pic, you can find out more about someone who flashes one of these images. You can view the NFT details by selecting View NFT details to view information on the “NFT owner, description, collection, properties, and additional details.”

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