
Elon Musk to get a look at Twitter’s files from one of its former executives

The number of bot accounts on Twitter is a huge mystery for Elon Musk and he seems too desperate to know the truth. Twitter...

Twitter officially introduced their ‘Notes’ feature yesterday

Social Media Moghuls, Twitter announced yesterday that they are going to come up with Twitter ‘Notes’. Notes are going to be a way of...

 Twitter agrees to provide Elon Musk access to the ‘firehose’ data, looks to close the deal

The front and back between Twitter and Elon Musk continue as Twitter now in a turn of events has decided to give Elon Musk...

Twitter brings NFTs to the timeline as hexagon-shaped profile pictures

In September, Twitter has announced that users will be able to authenticate non-fungible tokens (NFTs) based on their email addresses, and now the feature...

How to mute a word or phrase on Twitter

You can easily avoid seeing names and tags that you are sick of seeing. During February 2020,  a tweet from @nonprofWHIT's revealed that Twitter...

Features that Twitter launched in 2021

The micro-blogging site - Twitter launched several new and important features this year, which helped the experience of its user more pleasing and interesting...

Twitter is working on blockchains- linked collectibles tab

Amid its various new updates and features in development, Twitter is also working to latch onto the rising interest in NFTs, which has seen...

Is Twitter Going Down?

It seems ridiculous, but is Twitter going down? We can’t even imagine life without Twitter anymore. How else can we abuse female celebrities whose...