Why and How to use Medium.com + Review


Medium.com is one of the best blogging platform that gives you a lot of features to play with, including full control over your content.

The place which molds not only your thoughts but your career. It can be added to your resume for online jobs or a place just to tell the world what you feel about it.

Does this feel like ‘all that you ever wanted?’ Then, this article is sure to be the turning point of your life.

When I say Medium is the apt platform, I mean it. This has a lot to do with experience. Though I started out with Medium just a month ago, results have been superb and beyond expectations. It has turned me into an author, a professional and an earner at an age of 18 (yes, I do earn decent bucks).

All you need to know to get started with Medium:

  1. Go to Medium.com and click the ‘Sign in/ Sign up’ icon on the top right.
  2. Create your account either with Facebook or Twitter (You need one of this).
  3. Sign in to your Twitter or Facebook account.
  4. Authorize Medium to use your account (Don’t worry, they won’t post without your permission).
  5. Now bring into being your account by clicking on the ‘Create’ button (so easy, right?)
  6. Lastly just verify your through the mail which is sent by clicking ‘Verify’.

Here you go, account is already created!

Now how to use it?

Simple steps again:

  1.  You see a ‘M’ button up there? Yeah, that one. Just click on that button and see your news feed (like what you have in Facebook).
  2. Do you see a search icon out there? That’s where you can search for some authors and their posts.
  3. Heartbeat kind of icon, that has nothing to do with your blood pressure. It happens to be your notification panel. Check all your updates here.
  4. Your picture, if you click on that icon you can see your profile and all your details (like your timeline). It’s where you the people you are following and also your followers. From here you can track all your posts and the posts you recommended.
  5. To write your story, just click on the ‘Write Story’ icon.
  6. Oh, your laptop crashed suddenly? Nothing to worry, it saves your post automatically to draft (now that’s a good feature).

Now, I’m sure you will have to say ‘this is awesome man’ and everything for Free!

This place is filled with genuine people and your writings gets you genuine response. People just don’t like your article because it is liked by many.  A place where intellectuals get together. And you don’t need to give response to some nonsense comments.

Now what can you write? You can write about inspiration, motivation, humor, productivity, arts, science, fiction, etc, etc. Well in short you can really write about anything under the sun or even about it.

You get some really good piece of writings on everything you would like to know. Starting from amateurs to experienced writers, it clubs in everyone. A sea full of writers.

Even if are in introvert you would not need any special effort to turn your thoughts into speech. You will be able to take a stand and become equal to any extrovert out there. And for all you lovers of literature, turn your dreams into reality. Medium works as a wheel to your vehicle which will take you a long way. And the your first step towards being a famous blogger out there.

So now what are you waiting for? Just get started and see yourself growing from a local face to a global face!

I’m sure you would like this feeling.


Ease of Use


Medium.com is a blogging platform, that lets you write anything of your choice from your thoughts to serious topics. It is a great way to reach out to like minded writers and even to targeted audience.

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Medium.com is a blogging platform, that lets you write anything of your choice from your thoughts to serious topics. It is a great way to reach out to like minded writers and even to targeted audience.Why and How to use Medium.com + Review