How Augmented Reality Transforms Education in the Digital Age

In today’s ever-evolving technological landscape, innovative tools are reshaping traditional educational approaches. Augmented Reality is one such transformative technology that is revolutionizing the learning experience in classrooms. By seamlessly blending the physical and digital worlds, AR introduces a new dimension to education, making it interactive and engaging for learners. (www/

It’s truly fascinating to witness how technology continually pushes boundaries and drives innovation across various sectors. While our primary focus here is on the educational applications of AR, it’s worth noting that this groundbreaking technology has also found its way into industries such as entertainment and healthcare, and even online gambling. For instance, casino content developers powering leading-edge iGaming platforms such as are already leveraging the power of AR to craft engaging and lifelike gambling experiences, taking the excitement and enjoyment to new heights.

Back to today’s subject of discussion, if you’re interested in exploring the exciting possibilities of the technologies that can augment reality, you are in for an interesting read. Join us as we delve into the specific ways AR is enriching the learning environment for eager learners looking to grasp new concepts in their curriculum.

Enhancing Learning With Immersive Experiences

AR brings more absorbing modules that capture the students’ attention and foster active learning. Thus, by overlaying virtual elements onto the real-world environment, AR creates a much more interactive and appealing learning atmosphere that encourages retention of subject matter.

For instance, learners can visualize complex scientific concepts through reality-augmenting apps or devices, explore historical landmarks, or even dissect virtual objects to seamlessly bring theoretical ideas to life. This hands-on approach encourages students to actively participate in their learning journey, promoting a more profound understanding of the units.

Increasing Student Engagement

Traditional classrooms often struggle with maintaining student engagement. However, AR provides an exciting solution by captivating learners’ interest and curiosity. By introducing interactive reality-augmenting simulations, quizzes, and games, educators can transform mundane topics into thrilling educational experiences.

As a result, students become more active participants in their studying process, allowing them to develop critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and creativity. Moreover, AR not only grabs their attention but also nurtures their enthusiasm for getting an education, making studying an enjoyable and meaningful endeavor.

Utilizing Personalized Learning

One of the greatest strengths of this unique technology that is capable of augmenting reality in education is its ability to cater to individual learning styles and adapt to different student needs. With AR, educators can create personalized studying experiences that resonate with each student’s strengths and preferences. Whether it’s visualizing 3D models, experiencing virtual field trips, or collaborating on reality-augmenting projects, learners can explore and absorb knowledge in ways that suit their styles the most. This adaptability fosters inclusivity and empowers students to take ownership of their learning journey.

Leveraging Collaborative Opportunities

Augmented technologies not only enhance individual studying but also promote collaborative learning experiences. With AR, learners can collaborate on virtual projects, solve problems together, and explore shared augmented spaces. This collaborative approach nurtures teamwork, communication, and social skills, preparing students for the demands of the modern workforce. Essentially, AR breaks the barriers of traditional classroom boundaries, allowing students to connect, learn, and create together, irrespective of physical location.

Preparing Learners for the Future

As we step into the digital age, it is crucial to equip students with the skills and competencies required for the future. Thankfully, AR provides a unique platform to develop these skills. By engaging with augmented technologies, learners gain hands-on experience with cutting-edge tools and develop digital literacy, critical thinking, and adaptability.

Thus, reality-augmenting tech prepares students for a technology-driven future, where they can seamlessly navigate virtual and augmented environments, unleashing their potential and becoming active contributors to the digital society. In the feature, maneuvering through augmented reality environments will be as essential as computer literacy is for learners across all age groups.

Shaking up Education

To recap the main advantages that augmented reality is bringing to education, here’s a quick highlight of what augmented reality does:

  • Facilitates interactive and immersive studying experiences;
  • Sparks learners’ engagement and curiosity through interactive simulations and games;
  • Supports personalized learning by catering to individual styles;
  • Promotes collaborative learning and teamwork, transcending physical boundaries;
  • Sharpens students for peak performance in a digital world.

The Transformative Power of Augmented Reality in Education

Augmented technologies are revolutionizing education by reimagining the traditional classroom experience. Through immersive teaching approaches, increased engagement, personalized tutelage, and collaborative opportunities, studying is being transformed into a dynamic and interactive process.

Moreover, by embracing AR in classrooms, educators can harness the power of this transformative technology and empower students to become active learners, critical thinkers, and future leaders. The future of education lies in the seamless integration of augmented technologies, opening endless possibilities for learners to explore, discover, and shape their own educational journeys.

Meta to introduce AI-powered chatbots with distinct personalities soon

Meta Platforms’ decision to introduce a series of AI chatbots with distinctive personalities on Facebook and Instagram starting in September is a strategic move aimed at revolutionizing user engagement and functionality on their social media platforms. The company is investing in cutting-edge AI technology to create chatbots, internally referred to as ‘personas,’ that can engage in human-like conversations with users, providing a more personalized and interactive experience.

With the aim of enhancing user retention and increasing overall user satisfaction, Meta is developing various prototypes of these chatbots, each embodying unique personalities and communication styles. One of the prototypes mimics the speech of Abraham Lincoln, while another offers travel advice in the laid-back manner of a surfer. By creating such diverse personas, Meta hopes to make interactions on their platforms more enjoyable and dynamic for users.

The primary functions of these AI-powered chatbots will be two-fold. Firstly, they will serve as a novel search function, transforming the way users navigate and discover content within the vast ecosystem of Meta’s platforms. Rather than relying solely on traditional search algorithms, users can now engage in natural conversations with the chatbots, obtaining more relevant and tailored search results.

Secondly, these chatbots will act as personalized recommendation engines, catering to users’ individual preferences and interests. By analysing user behaviour and interactions, the chatbots will be able to offer content suggestions and recommendations that align with each user’s unique tastes. This personalized approach is expected to increase user satisfaction and keep users engaged, ultimately leading to longer periods of time spent on Meta’s platforms.

The introduction of these AI chatbots comes at a crucial time for Meta, as they seek to address the challenges faced by their newly launched text-based app, Threads. After an initial surge of interest upon its release on July 5, the app experienced a significant drop in users, prompting Meta to explore innovative solutions to improve retention rates and user engagement.

While Meta has yet to officially comment on the Financial Times report, their recent earnings report indicated a positive trajectory with substantial increases in advertising revenue. The company’s strategic focus on emerging AI technology has played a significant role in its resurgence, as it capitalized on the potential of AI to transform user experiences and optimize business operations.

In July, Meta showcased Llama 2, an enhanced version of their open-source AI model, further solidifying their commitment to advancing AI capabilities. Commercial availability and distribution through Microsoft’s Azure cloud service showcase Meta’s desire to make AI technology accessible to a broader audience.

The emergence of Apple’s AI offerings, including their own framework called ‘Ajax’ and the development of the ‘Apple GPT’ chatbot, highlights the growing interest and competition in the AI space. As tech giants explore the potential of AI to enhance user experiences, Meta’s move to introduce AI chatbots on their platforms showcases their determination to remain at the forefront of innovation.

Meta’s decision to introduce AI chatbots with distinct personalities represents a pivotal moment for the company, as they aim to revolutionize user engagement and functionality on their social media platforms. By leveraging the power of AI to create interactive and personalized experiences, Meta is taking significant steps to bolster user retention and position itself as a leader in the rapidly evolving landscape of social media technology.

Why is it important to introduce a series of AI chatbots with distinctive personalities?

Introducing a series of AI chatbots with distinctive personalities holds several important benefits and advantages for both users and the platform.

Enhanced User Engagement

Chatbots with distinct personalities can create a more engaging and interactive experience for users. Users are more likely to interact with chatbots that feel human-like, leading to increased time spent on the platform and improved user retention.

Personalized User Experience

Each chatbot’s unique personality allows for more personalized interactions with users. By tailoring responses and recommendations to individual preferences, users feel understood and valued, fostering a stronger connection with the platform.

Novelty and Fun

Distinctive chatbot personalities can add an element of fun and novelty to the user experience. Users may enjoy engaging with chatbots that mimic historical figures, famous personalities, or fictional characters, making the platform more entertaining and memorable.

Improved Search and Recommendations

AI chatbots with unique personalities can offer a fresh approach to search and content recommendations. Users can communicate naturally with the chatbot, making information retrieval more intuitive and efficient.

Increased User Retention

Platforms often struggle with retaining users over time. By introducing chatbots with distinct personalities, the platform can create a more appealing and sticky user experience, encouraging users to return frequently.

Competitive Advantage

In a crowded social media landscape, offering AI chatbots with unique personalities can be a differentiating factor. This can attract new users looking for a more engaging and personalized experience and keep existing users loyal to the platform.

Showcasing AI Capabilities

Introducing AI chatbots with personalities demonstrates the platform’s technological capabilities and commitment to innovation. It showcases the platform’s dedication to utilizing AI technology to improve user experiences.

Learning and Adaptation

AI chatbots can learn from user interactions and adapt their responses over time. This continuous learning process allows chatbots to become more attuned to users’ needs and preferences, further improving the user experience.

Social Connection

Distinctive chatbot personalities can foster a sense of social connection and emotional engagement for users. Users may develop a sense of companionship or rapport with the chatbot, leading to more meaningful interactions.

Brand Building

The personality of chatbots can align with the platform’s brand identity and values, reinforcing the platform’s unique voice and positioning in the market.

However, it is very important to strike a balance in designing these chatbot personalities. Ensuring that chatbots remain respectful, inclusive, and sensitive to users’ emotions and needs is crucial. Platforms must also maintain transparency about the nature of the interactions (i.e., informing users when they are interacting with a chatbot rather than a human). By doing so, platforms can build trust with users and create a positive user experience that keeps them coming back for more.

Why Azure ExpressRoute Matters: A Detailed Analysis on Security and Pricing

Azure ExpressRoute is a pathway for connections between the Microsoft Azure cloud services and your local infrastructure. The way or path in which this connection occurs is the ExpressRoute. The connection is made possible by a connection provider.

The connection can either be via a point-to-point Ethernet connection or through the universal network. It uses a network connectivity provider to the data center. This ExpressRoute avoids public internet connectivity, so it is safe and reliable.

Azure ExpressRoute works by creating a private connection that is dedicated to you for your on-premises or colocation facility. This ExpressRoute uses a resilient protocol known as Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) to create a secure connection between your local network and the Microsoft Azure Cloud.

The ExpressRoute connection contains two Microsoft Enterprise Edge each and two-router connections, which is between the network connectivity provider and the local network premises. It ensures that there is a BGP connection between both networks.

Due to the avoidance of the public internet, Azure ExpressRoute provides you with more dependability, higher security, consistent latency, and faster speeds for your data transfers.

Why is security and pricing important for Azure ExpressRoute?

Security is very important for Azure ExpressRoute as it serves the purpose of ensuring safe data transfers. Same as its pricing. While all inbound data transfers are free, when you use Azure ExpressRoute, the outgoing data transfers come with dedicated fees. Check out the details of the prices.

If you learn how to connect to Azure ExpressRoute, you will find that its connection setup has proven simpler and more direct than most others which may be complex and somewhat difficult to connect. Azure ExpressRoute also has higher scalability.

It is important to protect your data during data sharing and transfers. In this process, it automatically exposes your data. However, when you use Azure ExpressRoute, it creates encryption to protect your data against attacks and other security issues that may be encountered.

Even if there was a breach in security, you are already provided with many other connections, so it won’t affect your data-sharing process and this will allow for an uninterrupted data transfer.

How Does Azure Expressroute Protect Your Data?

Azure Expressroute uses BGP to allow you to extend your local network connections with the Microsoft Cloud. This BGP is strong and it includes an inter-autonomous system configuration, path information, next-hop support, and many more features to give the best protection to your data.

The Azure ExpressRoute also protects data at the Internet Protocol (IP) level or Network Layer 3. This is used to encrypt a two-way connection between your local networks and your virtual network (VNET) on Azure.

· What are the different security features of Azure ExpressRoute?

1.      It includes a Layer 3 connectivity.

2.      It uses Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), providing a point-to-point Ethernet connection.

3.      It has a large bandwidth option. It gives up to 100 gigabit connections.

4.      It is redundant, where each ExpressRoute circuit contains two connections to two Microsoft Cloud edge routers from the network connectivity provider or the user’s network edge.

· How does Azure ExpressRoute compare to other security solutions?

Azure ExpressRoute has more advanced features in terms of security when compared to others. It has private connectivity that is dedicated to you only, so it can only be accessed by you. It also has traffic encryption that aids the protection of data during sharing or transfers.

· How much does Azure ExpressRoute cost?

Azure ExpressRoute pricing is either unlimited or metered. The metered plan may start from $55 depending on your location. This includes 50 megabits per second. As discussed earlier, this doesn’t include a fee for inbound data transfers.

For the unlimited plan, it may range from $300 per month depending on the region. This is also at 50 megabits per second. Here, both the inbound and outgoing data transfers are free.

· What factors affect the cost of Azure ExpressRoute?

1.      Region or location

2.      Resource Type

3.      Services

4.      Pricing Models

5.      Workload

· How does Azure ExpressRoute compare to other options?

Compared to others, Azure ExpressRoute has more bandwidth capacity. Others have a limited bandwidth capacity. Also, while others have a higher latency, Azure ExpressRoute provides a reduced latency.

Final Thoughts

Azure ExpressRoute is a secure and cost-effective way to connect your on-premises network to Azure. It creates a dedicated connection between your data centers and Azure cloud, providing you with a more reliable way to transfer your data. These connections are established by using a private network connection through a network provider.

By providing a private, dedicated connection to Azure, Azure ExpressRoute can help you protect your data and ensure that your data transfers are always available. When you use Azure ExpressRoute, you can enjoy many advantages that come with it. These include higher security and scalability, higher bandwidth, reduced latency, cost savings, and many more.

Metaverse Users to Surpass 600M by 2026 with AI Boost

The Metaverse, with its promise of blurring the lines between the physical and digital fields, has become one of the most talked-about phenomena in recent times. As the number of active users in this virtual 3D environment continues to soar, reaching a projected 600 million by 2026, it is evident that generative AI is playing a pivotal role in driving this exponential growth.

Generative AI, a subset of artificial intelligence, has gained the imagination of technologists, creatives, and businesses due to its unmatchable capabilities. Unlike traditional AI, which relies on predefined rules and data, generative AI has the remarkable ability to autonomously produce content, ranging from images and audio to entire virtual worlds. This inherent creativity has enabled developers to populate the Metaverse with diverse and engaging environments that offer immersive experiences to its users.

BanklessTimes’ report confirms the substantial presence of over 300 million active users in the Metaverse, actively engaging in video games and virtual world platforms. The rise of generative AI has fueled the development of lifelike avatars and interactive elements within these virtual spaces, making them more enticing and exciting than ever before.

The integration of generative AI within the Metaverse marks a pivotal moment in its evolution, as highlighted by IANS. This advanced technology empowers users to co-create and personalize their virtual experiences, allowing them to shape their digital realities according to their preferences and desires. With the lines between imagination and reality blurring, the Metaverse is becoming an extension of people’s lives, offering an escape and a canvas for creativity.

The transformative potential of generative AI’s convergence with the Metaverse extends far beyond entertainment. The traditional gaming industry is experiencing a paradigm shift, moving away from linear and scripted experiences to more open-ended, player-driven narratives. This evolution draws more users into the Metaverse, fostering a vibrant and dynamic ecosystem where virtual economies can thrive.

Virtual economies are a fascinating consequence of this technological fusion. As the Metaverse expands and gains popularity, digital assets and items created within these virtual realms hold real-world value. The concept of ownership extends beyond physical boundaries, as virtual properties, virtual currencies, and unique digital creations become tradable and sought-after commodities.

The implications of generative AI and the Metaverse are not limited to a particular geographical location. India, known for its technological progress, is positioned to seize a significant market opportunity in the Metaverse and Web3 space. Arthur D. Little’s forecast of a nearly 40 per cent annual growth rate in this market, with the potential to reach a staggering $200 billion industry by 2035, showcases the transformative impact of this technology on a global scale.

The convergence of generative AI and the Metaverse is reshaping the future of human interaction, entertainment, and economics. As generative AI empowers users to co-create and personalize their virtual experiences, the Metaverse is fast becoming an integral part of modern life, revolutionizing the way people perceive and engage with digital environments. This extraordinary fusion of technology is unlocking boundless opportunities for industries worldwide, sparking creativity, and paving the way for a future where the lines between the real and virtual worlds blur into a seamless, interconnected experience.

The Metaverse holds immense importance as it has the potential to revolutionize human interaction, technology, and society. With its ability to connect people globally, offer immersive experiences, and enable personalization and self-expression, the Metaverse breaks down geographical barriers and fosters creativity and collaboration. It opens up new economic opportunities through virtual economies and paves the way for innovative advancements in various fields. Moreover, it serves as a platform for enhanced learning, entertainment, and escapism, while also contributing to environmental sustainability. The Metaverse represents a transformative paradigm that could shape the future of how we communicate, learn, conduct business, and engage with digital environments.

AI is rewriting the rules of video games industry worth US$200 billion

In recent times, executives and politicians around the world have been grappling with concerns over the potential havoc that next-generation artificial intelligence (AI) might wreak on various industries, from finance to healthcare. Interestingly, the video game industry, with its massive US$200 billion market value, has already found itself at the forefront of this transformative wave. Companies across major gaming hubs like San Francisco, Tokyo, and Hong Kong have been quick to respond to the rising costs and stagnating prices in the digital entertainment sphere by adopting and developing cutting-edge AI tools. While this paradigm shift has raised fears of job losses on a massive scale, leaders in the industry see the changes as inevitable yet empowering. They believe that, in the long run, smaller studios will flourish, creativity will surge, and gamers worldwide will reap the benefits.

From Tokyo to Silicon Valley, the impact of AI is being felt profoundly. One major Japanese studio head anticipates a future where nearly half of his company’s programmers and designers might become redundant within the next five years due to AI’s rapid advancements. At Hong Kong-listed Gala Sports, executives have taken the bold step of halting non-AI research projects, compelling department heads to acquire expertise in machine learning, and offering enticing incentives of up to US$7,000 for novel AI ideas. Their sense of urgency stems from the realization that they might already be lagging behind in this transformative race.

The video game industry stands uniquely positioned to fully embrace AI due to its predominantly digital nature and its reliance on AI-readable languages. Long before OpenAI made waves with ChatGPT in November, Valve Corp’s Dota 2 served as an experimental ground for AI bots. The integration of AI into this industry presents an unparalleled opportunity to overhaul a business model that some critics have likened to Hollywood’s risk-averse practices. Over time, game production costs have skyrocketed while sales have remained relatively stagnant. Blockbuster titles like The Last of Us Part II and Horizon Forbidden West reportedly cost Sony Group upwards of US$200 million each and required years of labor from hundreds of staff. AI intervention, according to UBS Securities analyst Kenji Fukuyama, has the potential to slash the time and money invested in such projects by an impressive 50%.

A noteworthy application of AI is evident in character illustrations for games. Companies like Crypko are revolutionizing the industry by offering character illustrations at a fraction of the usual cost through AI-generated images, which are then fine-tuned by human artists. This development has made game production more accessible and cost-effective, leading to a new era where publishers can take more risks and offer users a wider variety of games to choose from.

The impact of AI is not limited to game development but extends to in-house tools and services. Gala Sports, for instance, leverages publicly available AI services like Stable Diffusion and Midjourney to build internal toolkits for rendering realistic 3D head models. This application of AI has significantly reduced both time and cost for the company, enhancing overall efficiency and productivity. Nevertheless, this influx of AI-driven automation raises concerns about job losses within the industry. Many industry experts predict that AI may eventually replace entire job categories, such as quality control, debugging, customer support, and translation.

A prime example of AI’s potential to disrupt traditional game development is the game “Red Ram” created by Tokyo-based Morikatron. The entire game is made possible through AI, utilizing Stable Diffusion and ChatGPT to generate content based on player prompts. This unprecedented development showcases the possibilities of AI in creating games that would have been practically impossible without the technology’s capabilities. While this new wave of AI-driven innovation is hailed as a game-changer by industry veterans like Jiro Ishii, it also raises concerns for young people trying to enter the industry, as it might create barriers to entry due to the increasing reliance on AI technologies.

The technological advancements of AI in the video game industry are reshaping the way games are created, produced, and consumed. The introduction of AI-driven tools has opened doors for smaller studios to compete more effectively with industry giants. In the past, these smaller players faced significant challenges due to limited resources and budgets. However, AI now empowers them to create high-quality games that rival those of established companies. This democratization of the gaming landscape allows for a greater diversity of gaming experiences, catering to a wider audience and challenging the homogeneity that had plagued the industry in the past.

The integration of AI technologies also enables game developers to focus more on creative aspects and gameplay innovation. Traditionally, a significant portion of resources and time was allocated to graphics and artwork, which limited the scope for creative experimentation. By automating certain aspects of the development process, AI alleviates some of these constraints, allowing developers to explore new concepts and ideas without the burden of excessive production costs.

The widespread use of AI in the gaming industry is expected to have a profound impact on the gaming business model itself. As game development becomes more efficient and cost-effective, the traditional model of releasing a game at a fixed price may undergo substantial changes. The “freemium” model, where the game is free to play but offers in-game purchases for cosmetic items and additional content, has already gained popularity in many games. With AI’s involvement, the freemium model could evolve further, offering personalized experiences and in-game purchases tailored to individual players’ preferences.

AI is reshaping the role of game developers and publishers, transforming them into curators of personalized gaming experiences. As AI systems collect and analyze player data, developers can create tailored content and gameplay elements that resonate with individual players. This level of personalization not only enhances player engagement and satisfaction but also drives long-term retention and loyalty.

However, amidst the excitement of AI-driven advancements, concerns have arisen regarding the potential ethical implications. AI-generated content could lead to issues related to copyright infringement, plagiarism, and intellectual property rights. The ability of AI to generate content similar to human creations raises questions about ownership and authorship. Addressing these ethical challenges will be crucial to ensure a fair and sustainable future for the gaming industry.

The video game industry is experiencing a paradigm shift driven by next-generation AI technologies. Companies worldwide are eagerly adopting and developing AI tools to address the challenges posed by escalating costs and stagnant prices. While the implementation of AI promises increased efficiency, cost savings, and new creative possibilities, it also brings concerns about potential job losses. Nevertheless, the prevailing sentiment among industry leaders is one of optimism, as they believe that AI has the potential to empower smaller studios, boost creativity, and offer gamers a more diverse range of gaming experiences. As the video game industry leads the way in embracing AI, the future promises an exciting landscape of technological advancements and innovative gaming experiences for players worldwide. It remains essential for stakeholders in the gaming industry to navigate the ethical challenges associated with AI and to work collaboratively towards a sustainable and equitable AI-driven gaming ecosystem.

AWS announces generative A.I. tool to save doctors time on paperwork

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has introduced a new service called AWS HealthScribe, specifically designed for health-care software providers. This innovative service utilizes generative artificial intelligence and speech recognition to automatically generate clinical documentation.

The primary goal of AWS HealthScribe is to save valuable time for health-care workers by providing AI-generated transcripts and summaries of patient visits. These generated records can then be seamlessly integrated into the electronic health record system. Notably, the service can also identify important medical terms, medications, and other key details from the transcripts. Physicians have the option to review and cross-check each line of the AI-generated text with the original transcript.

Clinical documentation has long been a significant challenge for doctors and nurses, with studies revealing that they spend excessive hours on administrative tasks. For instance, a study funded by the American Medical Association highlighted that physicians typically spent two additional hours on administrative work for every hour spent with a patient. Moreover, they often devoted an extra one to two hours of “pajama time,” referring to clerical work outside of regular working hours.

In response to this issue, various companies, including Microsoft’s Nuance Communications and now AWS, have been actively working on developing solutions to alleviate this administrative burden. AWS HealthScribe aims to provide an efficient and AI-driven approach to streamline clinical documentation and ease the workload for health-care professionals.

“It is clear that generative AI has the power to transform the health-care and life sciences industry in many ways”

Swami Sivasubramanian, AWS’s vice president of database, analytics and machine-learning services said at during a keynote speech at AWS Summit New York Wednesday.

Image Source – AWD

In March, Microsoft’s Nuance unveiled DAX Express, a generative clinical notes application that shares similarities with AWS HealthScribe. Like HealthScribe, DAX Express uses AI to automatically generate clinical notes shortly after a patient visit. The application can record real-time conversations between doctors and patients and then swiftly create a draft of the clinical note by leveraging a combination of existing AI technology and OpenAI’s latest model, GPT-4.

Both AWS HealthScribe and DAX Express provide physicians with the option to review the AI-generated notes before entering them into the electronic health record system, ensuring accuracy and control over the documentation.

AWS HealthScribe is built on Amazon Bedrock, Amazon’s service designed for creating generative AI applications. The service is compliant with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and does not retain any customer information. Moreover, customers have the flexibility to choose where they want to store their clinical documentation.

Regarding pricing, AWS HealthScribe operates on a pay-as-you-go model, with customers being charged based on the number of seconds of audio processed per month.

AWS has reported that several organizations are already using HealthScribe, including 3M Health Information Systems, a software company. Detlef Koll, 3M’s vice president of global R&D, expressed satisfaction with the technology, emphasizing that it does not act as decision support or alter the care provided to patients. 3M and AWS have been collaborating since the previous fall to responsibly introduce the technology without compromising documentation quality.

“Technology is an enabler for a solution, it’s not the solution,” Koll told in an interview Wednesday.

The initial focus of AWS HealthScribe was on serving the needs of general medicine and orthopedics specialties. The service was made available in a limited private preview capacity starting from a certain date. Tehsin Syed, who holds the position of General Manager of Health AI at AWS, mentioned that the company intends to closely collaborate with its customers to gather feedback and insights. This feedback will be instrumental in refining and updating the underlying technology.

Syed emphasized the importance of being cautious and thorough in the expansion of the service’s access. While there is significant interest from potential users, AWS wants to ensure that the technology works seamlessly at scale and meets the requirements of the users in the most effective manner possible. As a result, AWS will take measured steps to ensure a successful and smooth adoption of AWS Health.

Now use ChatGPT in your iPhone and Android: How to use and features

OpenAI has made a significant expansion with its AI-powered chatbot, ChatGPT, by launching a downloadable version for Android devices in India. This development comes after its previous availability exclusively on iPhones. Similar to the web version, the app empowers users to engage with the chatbot on a wide range of subjects, receiving interactive responses in a conversational manner.

A distinctive feature of the app is the ability for users to personalize the tone and style of the chatbot’s responses by employing specific prompts. This customization aspect allows for a more tailored and enjoyable conversation experience.

Another remarkable advantage of the mobile app is that it enables users to access their previous chat interactions even when they are offline and lack an internet connection. This offline functionality ensures that users can conveniently review and revisit past conversations at any time, regardless of their connectivity status.

The expansion of ChatGPT to Android devices in India and the incorporation of unique features like response customization and offline access demonstrate OpenAI’s commitment to enhancing user experiences and making AI-powered conversations more accessible to a broader audience.

How to use ChatGPT app on Android phone

  • Go to the Google Play Store on your Android device.
  • Search for the “ChatGPT” app developed by OpenAI and initiate the download.
  • Be sure to select the verified app to avoid any potential duplicates that may resemble ChatGPT on the Google Play Store.
  • Once the download is finished, open the app.
  • Sign in to the app using your credentials. You may also use the same email ID you used for the ChatGPT web version.
  • Now, you’re all set to begin using ChatGPT on your Android phone.

Now, you’re all set to begin using ChatGPT on your Android phone. Feel free to ask questions and receive conversational answers from the chatbot. Enjoy the convenience of accessing ChatGPT on your Android device and engaging in informative and interactive conversations with the AI-powered chatbot!

How to use ChatGPT app on Apple iPhone

  • Use the search bar to find “ChatGPT.”
  • Locate the official ChatGPT app developed by OpenAI and tap on it.
  • Tap the “Get” button next to the app to initiate the download and installation process.
  • After the installation is finished, open the ChatGPT app.
  • Sign in or log in using the same email ID that you used while using ChatGPT on the web version.

Once you have completed these steps, you can start enjoying the benefits of the ChatGPT app on your iPhone. Engage in insightful conversations, ask questions, and receive conversational responses from the AI-powered chatbot right on your mobile device. Enjoy the convenience of having ChatGPT at your fingertips whenever you need it!

Why you should use ChatGPT in mobile phone?

Having the ChatGPT app on your mobile phone offers several compelling advantages that enhance your user experience and make AI-powered conversations more accessible and convenient:

Ease of Access

With the app installed on your mobile phone, you can quickly access ChatGPT whenever and wherever you need it. No need to open a web browser and navigate to a website; just tap the app icon to start chatting with the AI-powered chatbot.

Convenience on the Go

Whether you’re traveling, commuting, or simply away from your computer, having ChatGPT on your mobile phone ensures you can engage in informative conversations and get answers to your questions on the fly.

Offline Access

One of the most significant advantages of the app is the ability to access previous chat interactions even without an internet connection. This offline functionality enables you to review past conversations and retrieve valuable information, even when you’re in areas with limited connectivity.


The app allows you to customize the tone and style of the chatbot’s responses using specific prompts. This personalization feature creates a more tailored and enjoyable conversational experience that aligns with your preferences.

User-Friendly Interface

Mobile apps are designed with a user-friendly interface optimized for mobile devices, ensuring a smooth and intuitive experience while chatting with ChatGPT.

Quick and Direct Interaction

Having ChatGPT as an app means you can access it with a single tap, making the process of initiating conversations with the chatbot much quicker and more direct than navigating through a web browser.

Real-Time Assistance

Mobile apps provide real-time access to ChatGPT, allowing you to get immediate answers and assistance without delay.

Enhanced Notifications

With the app, you can receive notifications or alerts, keeping you informed of any updates or relevant information from ChatGPT, even when you’re not actively using the app.

Overall, having the ChatGPT app on your mobile phone offers unparalleled convenience, accessibility, and personalization, empowering you to engage in informative and interactive conversations with the AI-powered chatbot whenever and wherever you desire.

The availability of ChatGPT as a downloadable app for both Android and iPhone users marks a significant step forward in making AI-powered conversational experiences more accessible and convenient. With the ability to engage with the chatbot on various topics and receive personalized responses by using specific prompts, users can now enjoy a more tailored and enjoyable conversation experience. The option to access previous chat interactions offline further enhances the app’s usability and ensures seamless connectivity even without an internet connection. OpenAI’s efforts in expanding the reach of ChatGPT through mobile apps demonstrate their commitment to continually improving user experiences and providing valuable AI-powered interactions for a broader audience. Whether on Android or iPhone, users can now benefit from the convenience of having ChatGPT readily available in their pockets, allowing them to explore and learn through interactive conversations with the AI-powered chatbot.

a16z’s Generative AI journey creates recurrence

Andreessen Horowitz, commonly known as a16z, has established itself as a stage-agnostic venture capital firm with a remarkable ability to capitalize on emerging technology trends. They have successfully navigated the block chain, cryptocurrency, and metaverse bubbles, earning significant returns by investing in innovative companies at the right time. Now, the firm sets its sights on another revolutionary technology: artificial intelligence.

Their vision for generative AI is ambitious, suggesting a future where this technology could play a transformative role in various critical areas. From aiding in the creation of new medicines to tackling the challenges of climate change, a16z sees generative AI as a powerful tool with the potential to drive positive change on a global scale.

A key aspect of a16z’s investment philosophy is its long-term approach to relationships and ventures. The firm prides itself on backing innovators who have the potential to achieve substantial outcomes. However, they have also been known to employ a crafty tactic of creating hype around their portfolio companies, leading to high valuations. Once they exit, some companies experience a decline in valuation, raising questions about the sustainability of such strategies.

In the face of concerns about AI’s potential dangers, Marc Andreessen, co-founder of a16z, firmly believes that AI will be a force for good and can save the world. He dismisses the naysayers and advocates for greater investment in open and unrestricted AI technologies to ensure that the ‘free world’ remains competitive against China’s AI dominance.

Through well-crafted blogs and influential statements, a16z seeks to drive funding and support towards the AI hype companies they are associated with. Despite the warnings from AI skeptics, Andreessen remains bullish about AI’s capabilities, envisioning a future where AI becomes an indispensable ally in various aspects of our lives.

He passionately describes a world where AI assists in tutoring children, supporting scientists in their research, augmenting artists’ work, and even shaping military strategies. For the next generation, those growing up with AI will have a partner whose primary goal is to ensure their happiness, success, and satisfaction.

As a16z continues its investment efforts in generative AI and expands its influence in the technology landscape, the impact of its vision and strategies on the future of AI remains to be seen. The firm’s track record in identifying game-changing technologies suggests that its pursuit of AI’s potential could have significant implications for the world’s technological landscape.

a16z continues to solidify its position as a prominent player in the technology investment landscape. Recently, the firm made a significant move by onboarding Anjney Midha, the former CEO of Ubiquity6 and a co-founder, to spearhead its artificial intelligence investing efforts. With this addition, a16z further strengthens its expertise in the AI space, positioning itself to capitalize on the immense potential of this transformative technology.

Utilization of AI

Having raised an impressive $7.1 billion across seven funds, a16z remains committed to supporting tech entrepreneurs and providing invaluable guidance from a diverse team of experts, including engineers, executives, industry leaders, and academics. The firm has actively led successful fundraising campaigns, exemplified by raising $30 million for, demonstrating its capacity to identify and back promising ventures.

Overall, a16z has raised a staggering $32.4 billion across 27 funds, making a total of 1,416 investments, with 625 of them as lead investments. With over 200 successful exits, including notable companies like Github, Coinbase, Pinterest, and Reddit, the firm has built a strong track record in identifying and nurturing successful startups.

In addition to its prowess in general technology investing, a16z has also dedicated a bio fund, focusing on advancing AI in the medical domain to aid in disease prevention and treatment. This exemplifies their commitment to leveraging AI for significant societal impact.

The firm’s diverse portfolio includes investments in Shield AI, a company specializing in AI software for intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance, and Freenome, a platform leveraging AI to understand the immune system. Other notable investments include Inflection AI, Scale AI, Hippocratic AI, and Character.AI, demonstrating the breadth and depth of their involvement in the AI ecosystem.

Furthermore, a16z has made an intriguing move by investing in Worldcoin, a venture that aims to scan every iris in the world, led by Open AI CEO Sam Altman. This audacious bet reflects the firm’s willingness to take calculated risks and explore cutting-edge technologies.

With a strong foothold in AI and an impressive track record, a16z is well-positioned to continue its success in identifying and nurturing ground-breaking technologies, propelling the future of innovation and transformation in the tech industry.

About the investment

Venture capitalists are showing significant interest in AI companies, particularly those founded by individuals with prestigious educational backgrounds from institutions like Stanford and Harvard, as well as prior experience with major tech companies. Graduates from these universities are becoming sought-after assets for AI startups seeking investment, with VCs offering equity in exchange for their expertise. This trend has led to the emergence of a service where Stanford University graduates act as valuable resources for AI startups seeking funding.

Similar patterns have been observed in other technology markets with disruptive potential, such as crypto, blockchain, and the metaverse. The hype surrounding these technologies has attracted substantial funding, but it also raises concerns about the possibility of an AI bubble burst. Even tech giants like Google, Meta, and Amazon have jumped on the AI bandwagon to capitalize on the trend.

Amidst the optimism surrounding AI’s potential, it is essential to approach generative AI use cases with measured skepticism. Many of these use cases are yet to materialize, and enterprises are grappling with security concerns. The promise of AI disruption must be tempered with caution, as there are opportunistic AI grifters looking to capitalize on the prevailing hype. A balanced and discerning approach is crucial to ensure responsible and sustainable AI innovation.

Securing Your Linux VPS: 15 Essential Tips and Best Practices


One thing stands as an unbroken fact in the broad digital ecosystem where data flows continuously and cyber dangers abound – the critical significance of protecting your Linux Virtual Private Server (VPS).

As more companies and individuals move their activities online, protecting your virtual private server (VPS) is crucial because it protects sensitive data, your identity, and the fundamental foundation of your online presence from hackers. You must protect your Linux VPS with steadfast commitment, just as a watchful keeper keeps watch over a prized possession.

This comprehensive guide presents the top 15 tips to secure your Linux VPS effectively. By implementing these proactive security measures, you can fortify your VPS against potential threats and ensure a safe and resilient hosting environment.

Why is it Essential to Secure Linux VPS?

Securing a Linux Virtual Private Server (VPS) is crucial for several reasons, as it helps protect your data, resources, and overall online presence. Here are some key reasons why securing your Linux VPS is essential:

  • Data Protection: A VPS often contains sensitive data, such as personal information, customer data, or intellectual property. Securing your VPS helps prevent unauthorized access and potential data breaches, which could lead to identity theft, financial losses, or legal consequences.
  • Server Resources: An unsecured VPS can be exploited by malicious users or bots to run unauthorized processes, consume server resources, and cause denial of service (DoS) or distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. Proper security measures help ensure that server resources are available for legitimate users and applications.
  • Website and Application Security: If you host websites or applications on your VPS, securing them becomes even more critical. Vulnerabilities in your server could be exploited to compromise your website, inject malicious code, or distribute malware to your visitors.
  • Reputation and Trust: In today’s interconnected world, the security of your VPS can significantly impact your online reputation and the trust your customers place in your services. A security breach, such as a phishing attempt, may tarnish your brand and lead to a loss of customer confidence.
  • Compliance Requirements: Depending on your business and industry, you might have legal and regulatory obligations to protect customer data and maintain a secure infrastructure. Failing to meet these requirements could result in fines or legal liabilities.
  • Network Security: A compromised VPS can be used as a stepping stone to access other parts of your network or other connected systems. Proper security measures on your VPS help prevent lateral movement and contain potential attacks.
  • Patch Management: Regularly updating and patching the software and operating system on your VPS is crucial to fix security vulnerabilities. Cyber attackers often exploit known weaknesses, and keeping your software up to date helps minimize the risk of being targeted.
  • Account Security: Strengthening authentication mechanisms, using secure passwords, and implementing multi-factor authentication (MFA) helps protect against unauthorized access to your VPS.
  • Intrusion Detection and Prevention: Implementing intrusion detection and prevention systems help identify and block suspicious activities on your VPS in real time.
  • Data Backups: Regularly backing up your VPS data ensures that you can recover from security incidents, hardware failures, or accidental data loss.

If you are looking for a reliable Linux VPS, MonoVM is the best option to choose. While providing security, it is cheap too. Blazing-fast performance, scalability, reliability, and globald data centers make it among the leading Linux VPS hosting provider.

Get and get the best deals on MonoVM’s Linux VPS hosting. 

15 Essential Tips and Best Practices to Secure your Linux VPS

Follow the below proven tips and best practices to secure your Linux VPS:

1. Keep Your Linux VPS Updated

Regularly updating your Linux VPS is the first line of defense against potential vulnerabilities. Apply security patches, updates, and bug fixes to the operating system, software, and applications installed on your server. Outdated software can expose your VPS to known security flaws, making it an easy target for attackers.

2. Enable Firewall Protection

Configure and enable a robust firewall on your Linux VPS to control incoming and outgoing traffic. Utilize firewall rules to permit only essential services and block unnecessary ports to reduce the attack surface. Tools like iptables or firewalld can help you set up and manage the firewall effectively.

3. Implement SSH Key Authentication

Secure Shell (SSH) key authentication is more secure than using passwords for remote access. Generate SSH key pairs and disable password-based authentication to prevent brute-force attacks. Restrict SSH access to specific IP addresses or use tools like fail2ban to automatically block malicious login attempts.

4. Disable Unused Services

Disable or uninstall any unnecessary services, daemons, or software running on your Linux VPS. Unused services may have unpatched vulnerabilities that attackers can exploit. Keeping only essential services active reduces potential points of entry for malicious actors.

5. Use Strong Passwords and Usernames

Set strong passwords and unique usernames for all user accounts on your VPS. Avoid using default or common credentials, as they are easy targets for brute-force attacks. Enforce password complexity policies to ensure strong passwords are used.

6. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Implementing Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) adds an extra layer of security to your VPS login process. 2FA requires users to provide a second form of verification, such as a unique code sent to their mobile device, in addition to their password, making unauthorized access more difficult.

7. Configure Secure File Permissions

Set appropriate file permissions for directories and files on your VPS. Limit access to sensitive files by ensuring that only the necessary users have read, write, or execute permissions. Avoid using overly permissive permissions, as they may allow unauthorized users to modify critical files.

8. Use SSL/TLS Encryption

Enable SSL/TLS encryption to secure data transmitted between your VPS and users’ browsers. Install an SSL/TLS certificate and configure web servers like Apache or Nginx to serve web pages over HTTPS. This ensures that sensitive information, such as login credentials and personal data, is encrypted during transmission.

9. Regularly Backup Your Data

Regularly back up your data to an offsite location to mitigate the impact of data loss in case of a security breach or hardware failure. Use automated backup solutions or scripts to simplify the backup process and ensure your data is safe and recoverable.

10. Monitor Server Logs

Consistently monitor server logs for any unusual activities or signs of potential security threats. Analyzing log files can provide valuable insights into unauthorized access attempts, suspicious activities, and potential security breaches. Tools like logrotate can help manage log files efficiently.

11. Enable SELinux (Security-Enhanced Linux)

Enabling SELinux provides an additional layer of security by enforcing mandatory access control policies. SELinux helps prevent unauthorized access and restricts the actions of processes and users, enhancing the security posture of your VPS.

12. Install and Use Intrusion Detection/Prevention Systems (IDS/IPS)

Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) and Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS) monitor network traffic and system activities for signs of potential attacks. These tools can automatically block or alert you about suspicious activities, helping you respond to security threats in real time.

13. Harden Your Web Applications

Secure web applications running on your VPS by using secure coding practices, input validation, and escaping user inputs. Keep updated web application frameworks, plugins, and libraries to avoid known vulnerabilities.

14. Limit Remote Access

Restrict remote access to your VPS to only necessary IP addresses or virtual private networks (VPNs). Limiting access reduces the risk of unauthorized entry into your server and network.

15. Conduct Security Audits and Penetration Testing

Regularly conduct security audits and penetration tests to identify and address potential vulnerabilities in your Linux VPS. Hire professional security testers or use automated tools to assess your VPS’s security posture and take appropriate measures to strengthen it.


Securing your Linux VPS is a continuous process that requires vigilance and proactive measures. By following these top 15 tips, you can bolster your VPS’s security and protect it from potential threats. Implementing a multi-layered security approach, including regular updates, firewalls, strong authentication, encryption, and monitoring, will significantly reduce the risk of security breaches.

Take the necessary steps to secure your Linux VPS and enjoy a safe and reliable hosting environment for your applications and data.

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg sees Threads as the next billion-user social network

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg is showing great enthusiasm for the potential of Threads, the newly introduced text-based conversation app. With an impressive suite of apps already under its belt, including Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Messenger, Meta aims to add Threads to this illustrious lineup as the next billion-user social network.

During the company’s earnings conference call on July 26, Zuckerberg expressed optimism about Threads’ future while acknowledging that there is still a lot of work to be done to unlock its full potential. The initial response to Threads has been promising, and Zuckerberg believes that with further development and enhancements, it can emerge as the fifth great app in Meta’s Family of Apps.

Threads made a powerful impact in the tech world shortly after its launch, clocking an incredible 100 million sign-ups in just under five days. This remarkable growth positioned it as the fastest-growing consumer product worldwide. However, despite the initial surge in sign-ups, Threads has faced challenges in retaining usage in the subsequent days.

The app’s limited features have been identified as a primary factor contributing to this decline. Key functionalities such as a fully functional web interface, an edit button, the ability to support multiple accounts, and post searches have been missing. Nevertheless, Threads took a step towards improvement by introducing a chronological following feed.

Mark Zuckerberg’s vision for Threads extends beyond its current state. He believes that by addressing these limitations and providing a seamless user experience, Threads can become a successful platform for public discussions. In an industry where no app has yet reached the milestone of one billion users for public discussions, Zuckerberg sees Threads as a unique and promising contender to fill this void.

With Meta’s commitment to innovation and its track record of creating successful apps, the future of Threads looks bright. By nurturing and refining this app, Meta aims to revolutionize public discussions in the tech world and redefine how billions of users interact and engage with each other. As the tech industry eagerly awaits the next evolution of Threads, Zuckerberg’s optimism is met with anticipation and excitement for what lies ahead.

Last week, Zuckerberg revealed that “tens of millions of people” are actively returning to Threads on a daily basis, demonstrating strong user engagement. To capitalize on this momentum, the network is determined to concentrate its efforts on enhancing the app’s fundamental features and retention strategy throughout the year.

While Threads shows immense promise, Zuckerberg openly admitted that there is still a long way to go in terms of developing essential functionalities and fine-tuning the service to ensure a seamless user experience and sustained engagement.

Interestingly, despite the app’s growing popularity and user base, Zuckerberg announced that there are currently no plans to monetize Threads. Instead, Meta remains focused on bolstering the app’s core capabilities and user retention before considering any monetization strategies.

By prioritizing user satisfaction and app refinement, Meta aims to establish Threads as a reliable platform for users to engage in text-based conversations, fostering a strong sense of community and driving further growth.

The tech world is eagerly waiting for the next steps Meta will take to enhance Threads and solidify its position as the next billion-user social network in the company’s Family of Apps. With Zuckerberg’s commitment to constant improvement, Threads is well on its way to becoming a significant player in the dynamic world of social networking.

“Once we feel like we’re in a very good place on that, then I’m highly confident that we’re going to be able to pour enough gasoline on this to help it grow”

Zuckerberg said.

The rise of Threads comes at a time when many Twitter users are seeking alternative services due to product and policy changes under Elon Musk’s ownership. Mark Zuckerberg, Meta’s CEO, acknowledged the challenge of building standalone apps but sees Threads as a potential game-changer. Monetization is not an immediate concern for the company; they plan to focus on growing the user base before exploring revenue opportunities.

Meta’s “year of efficiency” efforts have led to significant cost-cutting measures and organizational restructuring. These efforts have already shown positive results, with Threads being a notable example of a high-quality product developed efficiently by a small team.

In Q2 2023, Meta reported impressive profits and revenue, signalling a rebound in the digital advertising market. Facebook, Meta’s flagship app, reached a milestone by surpassing 3 billion monthly active users. In total, over 3.8 billion people use at least one of Meta’s apps every month.

Looking ahead, Meta has an exciting roadmap, including Llama 2, Threads, Reels, and new AI products in the pipeline. Llama 2, the company’s open-source AI model, was launched recently, showcasing their commitment to innovation.

With a focus on stability and streamlining processes, Meta aims to create a more efficient and impactful organization. The company’s continuous growth and innovation make it an intriguing player in the tech industry.

Godfather of VR, Jaron Lanier: ‘The danger isn’t that AI destroys us. It’s that it drives us insane’

Jaron Lanier, known as the godfather of virtual reality and a pioneer in the web industry, has earned the nickname “Dismal Optimist” due to his distinctive perspective on technology. At a time when many express fears about the dangers of artificial intelligence (AI) and the rise of robots, Lanier stands out as a voice of reason, countering the doomsayers with his brand of optimistic caution.

Lanier’s views on AI are unconventional, as he dislikes the term “artificial intelligence,” arguing that it is not genuinely intelligent and that we should not view it as a rival to humans. He likens comparing humans to AI to comparing a car’s speed with that of a human runner, emphasizing that AI is essentially a product of human abilities. While this perspective provides reassurance, Lanier also warns against complacency, cautioning that the misuse and abuse of AI could lead to catastrophic consequences, even human extinction.

Throughout his illustrious career, Lanier has straddled the roles of an insider and an outsider in the tech world. Having worked alongside renowned figures in the web industry, he has consistently highlighted the risks posed by technology. Despite being a tech guru, his primary focus remains on championing the importance of humanity over digital advancements. In his acclaimed books, such as “You Are Not a Gadget” and “Ten Reasons For Deleting Your Social Media Accounts,” Lanier passionately argues that the internet has eroded personal interaction, stifled creativity, and corrupted politics.

In a virtual conference with Lanier, some technical glitches occur, offering him the perfect opportunity to demonstrate how technology can falter. Notably, Lanier is also an accomplished contemporary classical musician, and he draws intriguing parallels between the simplicity of digital technology and the complexity of musical instruments, using music as an analogy to illustrate the limitations of technology.

Delving into Lanier’s life story reveals a remarkable tale of triumph over adversity. Born to Jewish parents who endured the atrocities of the past, Lanier’s early life was marked by hardship. Nevertheless, his upbringing and exceptional intellect led him to explore computer programming and, later, to delve into the fascinating world of virtual reality. Despite experiencing personal setbacks, he persevered in pursuing his passion for technology and co-founded VPL Research, a company that aimed to commercialize VR technologies. Although he could have easily become a tech billionaire by strategically selling his businesses or showing more interest in monetary gains, Lanier’s values and principles led him on a different path.

Looking at the current state of the internet, Lanier critiques how capitalism has exploited our desire for free content and interaction. As a consequence, we have become commodities, with our data sold to third parties for marketing purposes. Lanier’s prophetic insights regarding the potential manipulation of bots have indeed materialized, as AI algorithms restrict choices, confining us within echo chambers. Despite these concerns, he sees hope in new chatbots like OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Bard, which possess the potential to offer more diverse and randomized answers, thereby restoring choice and humanity to digital interactions.

Amid the discussion of AI, a crucial point arises regarding its potential to replace human jobs, with chatbots even capable of writing articles similar to this one. Lanier contends that it is not the technology itself that replaces us but rather how we choose to use it. He presents two scenarios: one in which bots are treated as real entities, leading to the erasure of their source texts, and the other in which sources are tracked, creating a world where content creators are compensated, and a sense of responsibility and accountability prevail. In this context, Lanier introduces the concept of “data dignity,” which advocates for the acknowledgment and fair treatment of data sources.

The conversation naturally shifts to the challenges posed by social media platforms, particularly Twitter, which Lanier criticizes for exacerbating negative aspects of human behavior. He argues that Twitter’s design fosters a convergence of individual personalities into a homogenized version, optimized for Twitter engagement. This manufactured personality thrives on insecurity, obsession with personal slights, and resistance to acknowledging the rights of others, especially those with differing viewpoints. Lanier eloquently characterizes this phenomenon, drawing a parallel between influential figures like Donald Trump, Kanye West, and Elon Musk, whose distinct personalities have seemingly converged on Twitter. It is a compelling analysis that ties back to Lanier’s central theme of the responsibility to sanity, urging us to use social media mindfully.

Throughout the interview, Lanier emphasizes the importance of embracing our humanness and recognizing the uniqueness of human consciousness. He staunchly disagrees with the view held by some modern enlightenment thinkers and tech enthusiasts that denies the distinctiveness of human consciousness, equating it to a computer’s functioning. For Lanier, consciousness is a genuine and mystical aspect of human existence, which differentiates us from other entities. He passionately argues that embracing the significance of human consciousness is crucial for constructing a society and developing technologies that genuinely serve humanity.

As our virtual encounter draws to a close, Lanier glances at his watch and apologizes, revealing that he needs to attend a dentist’s appointment. The reality of the tangible world intrudes, asserting its supremacy over the virtual realm. Artificial intelligence may hold great promise, but it cannot mend his teeth, highlighting the importance of striking a balance between the virtual and the real. Lanier cherishes this dichotomy, acknowledging the value of both worlds.

Jaron Lanier, the Dismal Optimist, presents a fresh and thought-provoking perspective on technology, AI, and the role of humanity in shaping the digital landscape. By challenging conventional notions and highlighting the significance of data dignity, choice, and responsibility, Lanier inspires us to approach the future of AI with greater consideration. He urges us to use technology in a manner that enhances human lives without compromising our innate humanity. Through visionary insights, Lanier provides a roadmap for a more compassionate and balanced future, where technology and humanism can harmoniously coexist. His ideas call for collective responsibility in shaping a technological landscape that serves the best interests of humanity and safeguards against potential dangers. As we ponder Lanier’s insights, we recognize the transformative power of technology and the critical need for humanity to guide its evolution toward a more enlightened and equitable future.

Staying Safe When Gaming Online Using Crypto

Crypto tokens have impacted every element of our daily lives over the last few years, and it has become apparent there’s no going back. It won’t surprise industry insiders and those who have invested heavily in cryptocurrencies over the last decade. But crypto is here to stay, and its influence will grow and strengthen. Are you ready to embrace it?

You can purchase almost any goods today using crypto. From cinema tickets to paying for dinner and investing in the most popular tokens like Bitcoin. Buy at the swipe of a screen using crypto. It’s instant, user-friendly, and incredibly secure. ( All transactions are protected on both sides of the counter, guarded by your crypto token provider and the seller’s terms and conditions.

One area where crypto has exploded onto the scene is gaming. From wagering at the top sports betting sites to making in-game purchases while playing Fortnight, Bitcoin is an increasingly popular option. But how do you use crypto to place bets or enjoy gaming responsibly? You want to enjoy the convenience of crypto payments with the protection and ease of debit card transactions.

Understanding the journey

In this article, our team of crypto experts and sports enthusiasts explain Bitcoin’s journey into online gambling and gambling. We focus on the recent surge in esports players and how crypto payments satisfy their need for speed, convenience, and security. Understanding how crypto entered gaming will help explain where it’s headed and what’s next in online gambling and crypto, two fast-growing sectors.

The more you understand these areas of business, the greater chance of you enjoying success in online gaming and crypto. Both industries have enjoyed similar growth post-pandemic, improving at breakneck speeds. Both are showing no signs of slowing, and the future is bright. But how do you get involved?

Our writers aim to keep you updated on the most recent developments. But to achieve that, we must look at the fuller picture. Keep reading as we explain the crypto gaming journey, what the future could hold, the pros and cons of using Bitcoin for gaming, and how you can start using crypto for betting on sports using your smartphone.

Crypto’s rise

Crypto may seem like an overnight sensation, but nothing could be further from the truth. Cryptocurrencies are a volatile market that has been around for many years and has grown and fallen. Most people only notice crypto when it’s in the news for rising values, and we wish we had invested or making headlines following another nosedive, and we’re glad we ignored the hype. 

In truth, crypto is forged in fire. It has faced criticism from all angles but has persevered, improving and building year after year. Today, it boasts the highest online security measures of any payment method, offering users multiple layers of protection.

Those already involved in crypto know it’s a constantly evolving market. The top apps are updated several times a month, ensuring users are protected, transactions remain private, and transfers are swift.

Esports arrival

We now know crypto prides itself on being responsive, fluid, secure, and user-friendly. Therefore, it’s no surprise that it has found the online gaming industry to be a willing and valuable ally. It’s a perfect match and a pairing that has already reaped the rewards for vendors, consumers, gaming providers, and crypto tokens.

Like Bitcoin, esports is fast-paced, energetic, and famous, but with an overriding need to be secure. Without the latest and greatest online security measures, neither crypto nor esports would survive much longer. Thankfully, those in charge understand this and work tirelessly to create a safe place to play.

Esports is another industry that popped up following the COVID-19 pandemic when more people were at home without professional sports to follow on TV. But that’s only half the story. Major online sportsbooks have supported esports for years through sponsorship, advertising, and betting. The leading bookies spotted esports’ potential early and quickly paired it with crypto betting or gaming.

Bitcoin - crypto

Pros and cons

There are many benefits to using crypto to fund your esports predictions or in-game purchases. The most impressive feature is the speed, which applies to deposited and withdrawn funds. All deposits are instant, allowing you to add funds to your gaming account from your Bitcoin account and play without delay. 

Withdrawals of winnings are also instant, while cash sent to debit cards and e-wallets can take several days to clear. Ideal when gaming, as any delay could cost you a place in a tournament, online purchase of a rare collectible, or the best odds when betting.

The speed and ease of using Bitcoin for your online payments is a major factor in driving new business, but it’s also been a victim of its success. Online crypto payments are so easy that some need help monitoring their spending or sticking to a budget properly. Whatever your attraction, online gaming or gambling, and regardless of your payment methods, crypto, e-wallets, or cards, you must create a strict budget.

How to game online with Bitcoin

Gaming online or making in-game purchases is easy using Bitcoin. Enter your crypto digits when adding a payment method to your gaming account. You can add a Bitcoin account as quickly as a debit card at the best apps.

Go to the member’s area, click deposit, then select a debit card or e-wallet like PayPal, Skrill, or Crypto. Enter your details and the amount you wish to deposit. Your card information is verified, and if everything is good, the transfer goes through.

Staying protected

Both your crypto and gaming account provider offers state-of-the-art online protection, but you can do a few things to add more bulk to your security.

Stick to the basics. When creating a gaming account, select a username and password that’s memorable to you but not so apparent it could be hacked. Stick to a weekly or monthly budget, never use a shared computer, and don’t post account details on social media through screenshots of winners.

Lagging Internet: Top 5 Reasons Your Ping May Be High & How To Resolve It


Internet lagging refers to delay or decreased speed of the internet. The reason for the lag is usually add-on programs, the number of programs running, the amount of memory your pc has, and the condition and space of a hard disk. Therefore, spyware and viruses are the two most common causes of poor internet performance.

It becomes so annoying when you are busy doing something important and suddenly your internet starts to lag. It also makes you think about what’s wrong with the network or the system and what should be done to fix it. For that, you need to understand a few elements that are part of your computer’s connection to the internet, which can affect your work.

Here are the top 5 reasons why the ping is high and as a result, it is affecting your work while lagging in between

  • Internet connection speed
  • Firewall configuration
  • Inadequate bandwidth
  • Geographical location
  • Internet service provider (ISP) quality

Internet Connection Speed

Sometimes the connection speed of your internet affects your ping. The high connection speed will let you receive or send data faster, but it will lower your ping. Whereas, slow connection speed results in high ping and makes the internet slow and the lag more noticeable. Fibre and cable connections offer the highest speeds, such as those offered by some of our top picks of ISPs including Optimum Internet Service, which provides a lag-free connection with optimal plans to support all categories of markets.

For example:  As compared to a good broadband connection, a dial-up connection with a 56k modem will have a higher ping. So, the best option is to go for a fixed-line wired connection. It will enable more consistent data flow than the other wireless connections, and as a result, you will get lower latency as well as smooth working. Also, it assures that other computers are not using the internet at the same time and taking up the bandwidth.

Firewall Configuration

Therefore, most of the data packets sent and received are checked by our firewalls, this whole process can take more time than required. In addition, it can result in a slowdown of the speed of the internet connection with a high latency to account for.

So, while reducing latency you may have to disable virus guard firewalls or Windows firewalls like McAfee, Norton, or any others. Disabling these firewalls will result in lowering your ping. These are background data-consuming apps and thus it makes their running the in the backend a major consumption of the internet speed. While other software may also be running to consume some internet speed as they work online too.

Inadequate Bandwidth

You need to make sure that you have enough bandwidth according to your requirements. For example, for streaming games, make sure you have bandwidth that would be enough for uploading. In case the bandwidth is insufficient it will result in high ping and will cause lagging during gaming. In a household, the number of devices connected to the internet, streaming services, and streaming videos or downloading large files can result in higher latency. You can run a simple test to check your bandwidth. There is this free site called Speedtest.

A network performance company runs Speedtest. It helps you to easily test your download speed, upload speed, and ping. If you are not being provided the promised speed by your ISP you can let them know and ask them to run a network diagnostic to amp up the speed.

Geographical Location

High ping or low ping can also be caused by the distance between the system and the server. Try choosing a server that is geographically close to you and you will experience lower ping. It will also reduce the amount of time taken to receive or send data because of the less travel space between you and the server.

For instance, a person living in the United States and trying to connect to a server in Germany will take more time for the data packet to travel as compared to connecting to his or her own country. The ping will also be higher in the first situation as compared to the second one. Similarly, people living in one house and being close enough to the router while making sure that there is nothing next to the router such as a closet, wall, or any other large electronic equipment like a television, which would be interfering with the signals of the router. This also helps lower your ping.

ISP Quality

Usually, ISPs do not actually offer the same features and services. Multiple factors should be considered, like speed, latency, data, availability, and price. Knowing the difference between download and upload speeds is vital. Upload speeds are more important than download speeds, especially for online gaming.

While talking about speed most ISPs refer to the download speed. Thus, you must ensure to ask for upload speed with the provider you choose and switch to one that mentions both clearly. You can check for our recommendation of Optimum Internet too, where customer support is highly helpful in determining the right fit of a plan and speed as per your usage.

For your understanding, for instance, an ISP is offering a plan with 50Mbps most likely refers to download speed. Also, consider the transmission method. They may connect you to a cable modem, fiber or LAN, or DSL. However, fiber is ideal out of all other options. In case fiber is not available then go for cable and DSL connections as they work pretty well for high-speed connections required for heavy stuff like gaming or running editing or Photoshop software.

This is all you need to know about working your way up to a lower ping with your internet connection. However, if your issues do not resolve, maybe it is best to switch your provider to a more reliable one.

Other issues in your ping and internet speed may be due to backend issues with the provider, issues with your electronic devices, and issues in the wiring. You can schedule an appointment with your ISP to ensure none of these problems is the reason for the lagging internet.

Abhijeet Sawant shares some amazing stories exclusively on Sociobits

Welcome to our exciting new podcast on Sociobits. Today, we are super excited to have the immensely talented and versatile Abhijeet Sawant as our special guest. Best known for capturing the hearts of millions as the first-ever winner of Indian Idol, Abhijeet’s journey from a humble music enthusiast to a bona fide superstar has been nothing short of extraordinary.

Let’s have a look at the life story of this gifted singer, exploring his rise to fame, musical inspirations, and the meaningful impact he has made on the world of entertainment. So, without further ado, let’s embark on this enthralling conversation with the one and only Abhijeet Sawant!

Coming from a Marathi medium, was there any difficulty while joining the industry?

Yes! Absolutely I had faced difficulty. But, nowadays we speak more Hindi but back in those days, there was a style statement in the industry about speaking in English. Wherever you go people were talking in English. When I joined my college, it was completely in English. It was always a fight for me to cope in college. Because my whole education in school was completely Marathi. But, times changed. But thankfully when I joined the industry, speaking in Hindi was ok. There was freedom. Hindi media has come up with this drastic change as it only speaks in Hindi. So it is a good thing.

How was the Indian Idol Journey? How did you connect to them?

Back in 2005, it was amazing. There were no social media platforms. There were no platforms. If you were an artist or a musician, you had fewer options. One was Bollywood where one had a lot of struggle. For people like me who had no background, to them, it was even more difficult. And the other was participating in competitions. Because it was the only thing that helped us get a free audience and appreciation. So, I used to go to a lot of competitions. In those days, Sa Re Ga Ma was a big competition. Everyone wanted to get selected there. So, at the same time, there came an advertisement for Indian Idol. I was doing competitions, so I just thought of doing this. I personally never thought that Indian Idol will become a big success and that life would become very easy.

How did you register? What was the process?

In the advertisement, they displayed a number. You had to call and sing a little bit and give your details. And then they will call you. This process was of no use I think. There were a lot of people who used to sing really badly. This was just for registration. At Prabhadevi, the first round happened where there were no judges. Employees used to take the interview rounds. From them, they short-listed a few who used to sing nicely and are worthy of performing in front of the judges. From them, 120 people were selected and grouped and they were called to Mumbai. Of the 10-20 who were selected, 10 were selected for the show. It was a very long process but a good and different process.

Was it worth winning Indian Idol?

Of course! As I told there were very few big competitions happening, there was Bollywood or else becoming a stage artist, also, people like me who had no godfather or no background in the Bollywood industry, for us these competitions were a big opportunity and get a wider audience. And I never thought Indian Idol would give me success. It was just to know that as an artist you stand at this position.

What is the truth of Reality shows? Recently, Anu Malik Controversy was revealed. Was it for TRP or actually judges ask for money?

I don’t think any of the judges could ask for money from the contestants because there is already a lot of money gathered, from the channel, sponsors. Also, the hosts and the judges ask for heavy fees. In 2010 or 2011, I was hosting Indian Idol 5 and at that time I noticed the contestants had a lot of back story. There was a lot of frustration when you are not selected and how someone else got selected, etc. But I don’t think that judges were asking for any money from the contestants.

You were launched much before Arijit Singh and Jubin Nutiyal, why is it taking too long for you? You are also absent from the industry, why?

As an artist, I believe there were even more talented people out there who did not even get on stage like me. In this art, artists don’t have any format or degree, there is Visharat. There are no parameters. People take their certificates for job interviews, but here you are just a singer, the person selecting you will select from this mindset. It is all about your audience, who like you, who do not like you. People have factors for liking someone, like what happened to me. People thought my smile is nice and started liking me. There were many highly qualified and talented singers who did not win. It is all about the audience. Everyone is great at their own level.

Do you need a godfather in the industry?

Yes, you do need a godfather, actually, you need support, who can guide you well. We have this theory, you fail and you learn from the mistakes. The music industry is completely dependent on Film Industry so you don’t have enough time. People will only choose you if you are sailing in the boat of success so that they could succeed. Yes, you need a godfather to get a better result. Someone who could push you and get the right guidance in the industry.

Do you think Social Media is helping today’s generation to showcase their talent, if it could be there in the past, the scenario would be a little different?

Yes, it is definitely helping. The real artist back then used to showcase them in front of people. But today, someone is singing with a guitar on social media and getting viral, they are not even singers. So this thing is not nice.

These days as AI I trending globally, do you believe it is helping the Music industry?

I think AI is still getting explored these days. But I think Apple’s VR is completely going to change the industry. It is my personal opinion. Back then things were completely analogue, everything was completely in one take. Then there came software for music. You can pre-record music. Many artists lost their job because of this thing. There was a lack of work for them. AI is even doing this better. It is even doing mimicry and stuff. ChatGPT is also giving you lyrics. Anytime soon there will no longer be the need for singers also. AI is doing things better. AI will give you everything readymade. We are the generation who has not seen even phones but as technology is upgrading, I have seen people getting replaced. But also, I have seen getting them revamped and start doing new things. So like that we should leverage AI and its benefits. As a singer, by using AI, I might not need a music producer now as I can make a song by using AI. On one side, in the music industry, AI is a blessing as well as a curse.

One piece of advice from your side to future musicians and Indian Idol aspirants.

As I said you don’t need reality shows. It is a fight for me to post one video every day. We have no control over Instagram. Instagram will decide what to take viral. Musicians will every day post videos. If you want to become a star by using YouTube, you will have to be very dedicated towards it. You have to be very regular.

What did you learn as a singer?

I am still learning. There are so many changes in the world. Every day there is something or the other to learn. In the film industry, you connect to big people and start working with them. But if you are an individual artist then you have to appeal to the trends and they are continuously changing. You just have to try.

As we bring this insightful podcast to a close, we are left in awe of the incredible journey and indomitable spirit of Abhijeet Sawant. From his inspiring triumph on Indian Idol to his continued growth as a multifaceted artist, Abhijeet has proven that dedication, passion, and authenticity can pave the way for success. His commitment to his craft and his ability to touch the hearts of millions through his soul-stirring music have made him a true icon in the industry. We hope you’ve enjoyed this candid and heartfelt conversation as much as we have, and we look forward to bringing you more interesting stories from the world of entertainment. Until next time, keep chasing your dreams and embracing the power of music to make the world a better place. Thank you for joining us on this incredible journey with Abhijeet Sawant!

JPMorgan: ‘AI-Driven Bubble’ Could Burst, Impacting Stock Market


JPMorgan Chase strategists’ warning about the stock market rally driven by artificial intelligence highlights the growing interest and excitement surrounding AI as a transformative technology. While AI has undoubtedly made significant strides in various industries and captured the imagination of investors, the strategists raise concerns about the sustainability of this exuberance.

The surge in stock prices attributed to the AI hype might be short-lived because the current market sentiment seems to outpace the tangible impact of AI on corporate bottom lines. In other words, investors’ optimism about AI’s potential has led to a substantial uptick in stock values, even though many companies have not yet realized significant financial gains directly attributable to AI implementations.

It is essential to distinguish between the substantial advancements in AI technology and the actual financial performance of companies that use AI. While AI has demonstrated its potential in areas such as natural language processing, computer vision, and predictive analytics, its widespread impact on earnings growth across industries might take more time to materialize fully.

Moreover, the JPMorgan strategists highlight the “AI-driven bubble” as a significant concern. This refers to the inflated market values of companies heavily involved in AI without concrete evidence of AI-powered earnings growth to justify the current valuations.

The cautionary note from JPMorgan Chase suggests that investors need to approach the AI frenzy with a balanced perspective. While AI indeed holds immense potential to disrupt industries and create value, it is essential to evaluate companies’ financial performance based on tangible evidence of AI’s impact rather than just speculative enthusiasm.

As AI technology continues to evolve and becomes more integrated into business operations, it is likely to have a meaningful and sustained influence on corporate profits. However, investors need to be mindful of the potential risks associated with excessive exuberance and ensure their decisions are based on sound financial analysis and a thorough understanding of how AI is genuinely transforming industries.

Things that need to be noted

In a communication addressed to its clients, a team led by JPMorgan’s chief markets strategist, Marko Kolanovic, presented a pessimistic perspective on the equity market, despite the prevailing strong investor sentiment. The ongoing rally, primarily spearheaded by major technology companies, is seen by the bank as indicative of an AI-driven bubble. JPMorgan contends that the excitement around AI technology has been triggered by the popularity of chatbots, which often fail to perform adequately in basic inquiries, rather than concrete evidence of AI-powered earnings growth.

The bank predicts that the market will experience significant declines as it revaluates the lasting impact of higher interest rates, a decline in personal savings, and a troubling geopolitical backdrop. These factors were influential in driving stocks to their worst performance in more than a decade during 2022. As such, JPMorgan Chase’s strategists are cautioning investors to be mindful of these risks and consider a more bearish outlook for equities.

This year, the S&P 500 has experienced a remarkable increase of nearly 20%, and a significant portion of this growth, amounting to $1.9 trillion, can be attributed to the strong performance of major AI players such as Nvidia, Alphabet (Google), and Microsoft. However, Goldman Sachs analysts, led by David Kostin, highlighted in a note on Friday that the current market situation suggests a potential broader rally among stocks that have not yet participated in the explosive gains witnessed by these top AI companies.

Goldman Sachs believes that the concentrated gains among a select few companies could provide justification for a more widespread market rally. If the price-to-earnings multiple of the remaining 493 S&P constituents (those not included in the group of Alphabet, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, Meta, Nvidia, or Tesla) increases from its current level of 17x to 19x, it could lead to a surge in the S&P 500, pushing it to an all-time high, according to the bank’s forecast. This projection indicates that the market’s performance may continue to be influenced by the performance of these tech giants, but there is also the potential for other stocks to benefit from an uptick in investor interest and sentiment.

According to Marko Kolanovic, this is currently a favourable time to consider investing in commodities. He believes that commodities as an asset class are pricing in a significant risk of a recession, making them undervalued and under-owned. Kolanovic also points out that commodities are supported by compelling fundamentals and technical indicators, which adds to their investment appeal.

In addition to the opportunity in commodities, there is a significant amount of economic and financial news scheduled for this week. The Federal Reserve’s decision on interest rates will be revealed on Wednesday, which is likely to have a notable impact on the market. Furthermore, Tuesday afternoon will see earnings reports from tech giants Alphabet and Microsoft, signalling the beginning of the earnings season for mega-cap tech companies. These events are likely to draw considerable attention from investors and may influence market sentiment and direction.

Here’s how you can increase your Instagram engagement with Trending Reels Audio

In the ever-evolving world of social media, Instagram has emerged as one of the leading platforms for sharing visual content, and its feature “Reels” has garnered significant attention. To maximize your Instagram engagement, it’s crucial to stay ahead of the game and use trending audio effectively. But what exactly are trending sounds, where can you find them, and how can you determine which ones are gaining momentum? Fear not, as we have you covered with our top tips for discovering trending songs and sounds on Instagram Reels.

Understanding Trending Sounds on Reels

When a sound or song gains popularity on Instagram Reels, it is considered “trending.” One clear indication of a trending sound is the presence of a tiny arrow next to its name. While Instagram has not officially disclosed the criteria for determining trending audio, it is widely believed to be related to momentum. This means that if an audio is consistently being used or saved by users, it is likely to receive the coveted arrow, irrespective of its age.

TIP: Keep your eye on that arrow, not the numbers. 

Trending Sounds for Business Accounts

For business accounts on Instagram, navigating the world of trending sounds can be a bit more challenging due to commercial music limitations and copyright concerns. However, it’s not an impossible feat. Chantal Hermetz, Later’s Social Media Specialist, emphasizes the importance of understanding the legalities surrounding the use of music on Reels to create successful content and avoid copyright infringement.

As a rule of thumb, personal or creator profiles on Instagram have access to a vast library of Reels sounds. Yet, if you come across the message “This sound isn’t licensed for commercial use,” it means you haven’t obtained the necessary license to use music from recording artists commercially. But don’t worry, all hope is not lost! Any audio labeled as “Original audio” on Instagram is fair game for business profiles. This means you still have access to a plethora of trending sounds to elevate your brand’s Reels content.

However, it’s essential to clarify that not all “Original audio” is necessarily stock music; it may also include remixes or mashups, as seen in the case of the popular remix by Austin Millz, which has been featured in over 28,000 Reels.

Navigating Copyright Concerns

Copyright concerns can be quite intimidating for content creators and businesses alike. To ensure compliance with copyright laws, Later’s Social Content Lead, Lindsay Ashcraft, advises consulting your legal team before using any sounds for your brand. This way, you can make informed decisions about which sounds align with your brand’s message and avoid potential legal pitfalls.

If you prefer to err on the side of caution, you can always find inspiration from creators like Austin Farwell, who specialize in creating “piano audios for Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube Shorts.” Their original compositions are a safe bet for steering clear of copyright issues while still engaging your audience with unique sounds.

5 Proven Ways to Find Trending Songs and Sounds for Your Instagram Reels

Now that you have a better understanding of trending sounds on Instagram Reels and how to navigate copyright concerns, let’s delve into five powerful tips for finding the latest and most engaging songs and sounds for your Reels:

1. Bookmark Later’s Weekly Reels Trends Blog

If you’re constantly striving to stay on top of all things trending on Instagram, Later’s weekly Reels trends blog is an invaluable resource. With a team of social media experts working tirelessly to update the blog with the hottest Instagram Reels trends, including business profile-friendly audio, you’ll always be in the loop. Moreover, the blog offers insights into how to incorporate these trends within your niche, making it a must-have bookmark for all Reels enthusiasts.

2. Scroll Your Instagram Reels Feed

If you’re already a regular consumer of Reels content, hunting for trending sounds becomes a breeze. While exploring the Reels feed on Instagram, keep an eye out for the tiny arrow indicating trending audio. Once you spot a sound that catches your attention, tapping on it reveals its origin, the number of Reels it has been featured in, and all the Reels that have used it. This wealth of information gives you a head start in crafting your Reels content. When you’re ready to film, simply tap the “Use audio” button and start creating magic with the trending sound. If you find an audio that resonates with your brand but aren’t ready to create a Reel just yet, don’t forget to save it for later use.

3. Browse Instagram’s Weekly Trend Report

Instagram’s official @creators account is a treasure trove of valuable resources for content creators. Every Friday, they share the top Instagram Reels trends for creators, giving you a direct line to the latest and greatest trends on the platform. As if that wasn’t enough, @creators frequently provides general Instagram tips, including insights into the algorithm. Accessing tips straight from the source can be incredibly advantageous in honing your content strategy and driving engagement.

4. Get Inspired on TikTok

Although it might seem ironic, exploring your TikTok For You Page can be an excellent source of inspiration for your Reels content. If you’re keen on hopping onto a niche trend, try typing “trending sounds” in the TikTok search bar and apply a filter for videos from “this week.” Doing so reveals a collection of TikToks featuring creators sharing the top trending sounds and demonstrating how you can use them creatively. When you come across a trend that captivates you, take note of the song and artist, and then search for it on Instagram to see if it’s featured in any Reels. Remember that TikTok trends often appear on Reels a few weeks later, so bookmarking your favorites ensures you stay ahead of the curve.

5. Follow Trending Reels Instagram Accounts

If you prefer to minimize the effort of scouting for trending sounds yourself, there are creators who specialize in identifying the latest trends, making it easier for you to create content that reaches a broader audience. Accounts like Reels Tips offer valuable insights into the transitions, timing, and edits required for trending audio, making it a fantastic resource for content creators seeking to enhance their Reels game. Furthermore, for brands and small businesses, creators like Sej and Chitra provide a wealth of tips and tutorials, including how to incorporate trending audio into your content strategy.

With the abundance of creativity and content on Instagram, staying ahead of the curve is essential for increasing your engagement and growing your audience. By incorporating trending sounds into your Reels, you can tap into the current interests of Instagram users and elevate your brand’s visibility. Remember, Instagram’s tiny arrow symbolizes a trending sound, so keep a keen eye out for it when scrolling through your Reels feed. Additionally, Later’s weekly Reels trends blog and Instagram’s @creators account are valuable resources for discovering the latest trends and incorporating them into your niche. Don’t hesitate to explore TikTok for niche trends that may appear on Reels a few weeks later, and make use of accounts that curate trending audio to simplify your content creation process.

As you embark on your journey to discover and use trending songs and sounds on Reels,

Top 20 evil and creepy things AI is doing to humanity

As artificial intelligence continues to advance rapidly, it has brought about transformative changes in various fields, improving efficiency, and enhancing our lives. However, the rise of AI also raises concerns about potential risks and misuse. The dark side of AI emerges when this powerful technology falls into the wrong hands, giving rise to a new breed of dangerous crimes. From cyberattacks to misinformation campaigns, the capabilities of AI present unprecedented challenges to society’s safety and security.

In this article, we will explore the 20 most dangerous crimes that AI could facilitate, highlighting the need for stringent regulations and ethical practices to harness this technology responsibly.

1. AI-Enhanced Cyberattacks

AI-driven cyberattacks are a growing threat as AI optimizes malware, phishing, and DDoS attacks, making them potent and harder to detect. The speed and adaptability of AI enable rapid exploitation of vulnerabilities, challenging cybersecurity measures. Defending against these threats requires dynamic defense, expert collaboration, and ethical guidelines for responsible AI use to safeguard our digital landscape.

2. Deepfake Disinformation

AI-powered deepfake technology has emerged as a sophisticated tool for creating hyper-realistic videos and audio, enabling bad actors to manipulate public opinion, spread disinformation, and defame individuals. These convincing simulations can mislead the public, damage reputations, and even interfere with political processes, posing significant threats to information integrity and democratic values. Detecting and combating deepfakes remains challenging, highlighting the need for responsible AI use, a collaboration between policymakers and tech companies, and media literacy to discern truth from deception in the digital age.

3. Autonomous Weapon Systems

The militarization of AI could result in the creation of autonomous weapon systems that can make lethal decisions without human intervention, presenting a serious risk to global security and stability. These autonomous weapons raise ethical and safety concerns, as their deployment could lead to unintended consequences and escalate conflicts beyond human control. The potential for AI-driven autonomous weapons to be used irresponsibly emphasizes the urgency for international discussions and regulations to prevent their proliferation and ensure human oversight in critical military decisions.

4. Financial Fraud

AI-generated phishing emails and fabricated identities have become powerful tools in facilitating sophisticated financial fraud schemes, posing a significant risk of substantial monetary losses for both individuals and institutions. With AI’s ability to craft highly convincing and personalized phishing emails, cybercriminals can manipulate recipients into divulging sensitive information or making fraudulent transactions. Furthermore, the creation of AI-generated fake identities allows fraudsters to operate anonymously, making it challenging for law enforcement to trace and apprehend them. To combat this evolving threat, stringent cybersecurity measures and increased awareness are essential to protect against the devastating impact of AI-driven financial fraud.

5. AI-Powered Scam Calls

The advancement of AI-powered chatbots has raised concerns about their use in making scam calls, as they can significantly enhance the persuasiveness of social engineering attacks. By leveraging sophisticated language generation capabilities, these chatbots can engage in natural and convincing conversations, making it difficult for recipients to identify them as fraudulent. This increased level of realism poses a serious threat, as more individuals may fall victim to scams, resulting in financial losses and compromised personal information. Preventive measures, such as robust call screening and public awareness campaigns, are crucial in mitigating the risks posed by AI-driven scam calls and protecting individuals from social engineering attacks.

6. Robbery through AI-Powered Surveillance

The emergence of AI-powered surveillance systems poses a concerning risk, as criminals could exploit these technologies to identify vulnerabilities and plan targeted robberies. With AI’s ability to analyze large volumes of data and patterns, surveillance systems become more adept at tracking potential targets and monitoring their activities. Criminals may leverage this advanced surveillance to identify weak security points and plan precise and well-coordinated robberies, increasing the likelihood of successful criminal activities. To counter this threat, it is essential for businesses and individuals to enhance their security measures and implement additional safeguards to protect against potential breaches of AI-powered surveillance systems. Additionally, strict regulations and ethical guidelines must be in place to prevent the misuse of surveillance technology for criminal purposes.

7. AI-Generated Fake News

The growing capability of AI to produce highly persuasive fake news articles presents a serious concern as it can mislead the public and incite social unrest. AI-generated fake news can closely mimic authentic reporting, making it challenging for readers to discern fact from fiction. The dissemination of such misinformation can erode trust in credible sources and polarize societies, leading to divisions and unrest. Combating this issue requires a combination of media literacy, responsible AI use, and collaborative efforts among tech companies and policymakers to curb the spread of AI-generated fake news and preserve the integrity of information in the digital age.

8. AI-Driven Identity Theft

AI-powered data mining enables vast personal information harvesting, leading to unprecedented identity theft and privacy violations. Cybercriminals exploit this technology to extract sensitive data, causing severe financial and reputational damage. Stricter data protection measures and responsible AI use are vital. Collaboration between governments and tech companies is crucial to enforce regulations. Public awareness about data privacy is essential. Safeguarding individuals and creating a secure digital environment is the priority.

9. Blackmail and Extortion

AI’s capabilities can significantly augment the effectiveness of blackmail and extortion attempts by gathering and leveraging sensitive information. By analyzing vast amounts of data, AI can identify vulnerabilities and use the acquired insights to exert pressure on individuals or organizations, intensifying the impact of such malicious actions. This heightened potential for AI-driven blackmail and extortion highlights the urgent need for robust cybersecurity measures and ethical guidelines to counteract the abuse of AI technology for nefarious purposes.

10. AI-Assisted Human Trafficking

The implementation of AI algorithms poses a concerning risk in facilitating human trafficking activities. By leveraging AI’s capabilities, traffickers can identify vulnerable targets with increased precision, exploiting their weaknesses and increasing the success rate of their criminal operations. Additionally, AI can be used to evade law enforcement detection, allowing traffickers to operate more discreetly and evade capture. To combat this menace, it is crucial for law enforcement agencies and policymakers to collaborate, employing innovative technologies and ethical guidelines to thwart AI-driven human trafficking and protect the vulnerable.

11. Cyberbullying and Harassment

AI chatbots can perpetrate cyberbullying and harassment, inflicting relentless attacks on individuals. Their human-like interactions enable hurtful messages and rumors to spread rapidly, causing emotional distress and isolation. Stricter regulations, ethical guidelines, and advanced AI detection systems are crucial to combat this harmful behaviourr and create a safer online environment.

12. AI-Generated Malware for Critical Infrastructure

AI’s potential to create sophisticated malware poses a significant threat to essential services like power grids and transportation systems, potentially causing widespread chaos and disruption. With AI’s ability to optimize and adapt malware, cyberattacks on critical infrastructure could have far-reaching consequences, affecting public safety and national security. Robust cybersecurity measures and collaboration between experts are essential to mitigate this risk and ensure the resilience of vital systems against AI-driven attacks.

13. AI-Enhanced Insider Trading

AI algorithms’ vast data analysis can enable illegal insider trading by predicting market trends, and exploiting non-public information for profit. This threatens market fairness, necessitating stringent regulations, transparency, and constant monitoring. Ethical AI practices and an integrity culture are vital to preserving a level playing field for investors.

14. AI-Driven Election Interference

AI-generated misinformation and targeted advertising wield the power to sway public opinion and influence election outcomes. By exploiting AI’s ability to create persuasive content and identify target audiences, malicious actors can manipulate narratives, mislead voters, and distort democratic processes. To safeguard the integrity of elections, robust measures are essential, including transparency in online advertising, fact-checking initiatives, and media literacy programs to empower the public in identifying and countering AI-driven misinformation.

15. AI-Enabled Stalking

AI’s capabilities to track and analyse individuals’ online activities and movements can exacerbate the threat of stalking and harassment. With AI-driven surveillance, malicious actors can gain unprecedented insight into victims’ lives, leading to invasive and relentless monitoring. This heightened surveillance can fuel stalking behaviours, compromising individuals’ privacy, safety, and mental well-being. It is crucial to establish robust privacy laws, ethical AI guidelines, and protective measures to prevent the misuse of AI technology for stalking and ensure the safety and security of individuals in the digital realm.

16. AI-Augmented Drug Trafficking

AI algorithms can optimize drug trafficking routes and evade law enforcement, intensifying the illegal drug trade. This poses significant risks to public health and safety. Strengthening intelligence gathering and international collaboration is crucial to combat this issue responsibly.

17. AI-Enhanced Money Laundering

AI’s efficient analysis of financial transactions enables money laundering operations with greater precision. The speed and accuracy of AI algorithms make it harder to detect and prevent illicit activities. Combating this issue requires enhanced monitoring and regulatory measures to curb the misuse of AI technology for money laundering purposes.

18. AI-Powered Home Invasions

AI-enhanced smart home systems pose a concerning risk, enabling criminals to gain unauthorized access and commit thefts. Exploiting advanced AI capabilities, criminals can bypass security measures, endangering residents and their belongings. To mitigate this threat, homeowners must prioritize strong passwords, regular updates, and two-factor authentication. Manufacturers should implement robust security measures and encryption to prevent unauthorized access. Public awareness campaigns are essential to educate individuals about potential risks and best practices for securing AI-enhanced smart homes.

19. AI-Assisted Cyber Espionage

AI algorithms’ ability to gather intelligence and infiltrate secure networks intensifies the risk of cyber espionage. By leveraging AI’s analytical capabilities, cyber adversaries can exploit vulnerabilities and breach sensitive information, compromising national security and corporate interests. Detecting and countering these advanced threats require constant vigilance, continuous security updates, and collaborative efforts among cybersecurity experts to develop advanced defence mechanisms. Additionally, fostering responsible AI use and ethical guidelines can help prevent the misuse of AI technology for nefarious purposes, ensuring a safer and more secure digital landscape.

20. AI-Facilitated Assassination Plots

The implementation of AI-driven surveillance and analysis raises concerns about its potential misuse in identifying targets for assassination plots. With AI’s ability to process vast amounts of data, malicious actors could exploit this technology to gather information on potential targets, increasing the efficiency and precision of their plots. To counteract this risk, strict regulations and ethical guidelines must be established to prevent the abuse of AI for illegal and harmful activities. Additionally, robust cybersecurity measures and intelligence sharing among law enforcement agencies are essential to detect and thwart potential assassination threats enabled by AI technologies.

While the potential of AI to improve our lives is immense, it is crucial to be aware of the risks it poses in the wrong hands. Preventing the emergence of dangerous AI-driven crimes requires a multi-pronged approach, involving stringent regulations, ethical guidelines, and collaborations among governments, businesses, and technology experts. By addressing these challenges proactively, we can harness the power of AI responsibly and protect society from the malevolent use of this amazing technology.

Top 10 Mobile App Development Companies In India

Summary: The top mobile app development companies in India specialize in providing cutting-edge solutions and fluid user interfaces on Android and iOS platforms. They lead the market and create the dynamic landscape of mobile app development with professional developers and advanced technologies, propelling corporate growth and establishing new benchmarks for excellence.

Top-tier mobile app development businesses are concentrated in India, where they are known for their innovation and expertise. These top companies have won praise for their excellent services and cutting-edge solutions.

They provide flawless and exciting user experiences for various platforms, including Android and iOS, because they are outfitted with competent developers and advanced technologies. They continue reinventing mobile app development standards in India with a track record of accomplishments across numerous industries.

These businesses are leaders in their fields, pushing the envelope of technology and influencing the dynamic environment of mobile app development in India. In this blog, we will explore the top mobile app development companies in India that continue to shape the online realm and set new standards of excellence.

List of Top 10 Trusted Mobile App Development Companies In India

1. eSparkBiz

Leading web and mobile app developer, eSparkBiz has a solid track record of providing top-notch products. They empower creative ideas with the newest technology to reach ultimate achievement by specializing in mobile and web development technologies.

With contemporary technology and commercial know-how, our full-cycle mobile application development services produce innovative and attractive mobile apps. They make reliable Native apps for iOS & Android using Java, Kotlin, Swift, or Objective-C. Additionally, apps built with React Native, Xamarine, Ionic, and Flutter, provide you with unique features & an excellent cross-platform mobile experience. 

  • Clutch Rating — 4.9
  • Established On — 2010
  • Projects Completed — 1000+
  • Price — $15 to $25 / hr
  • Time Zone Availability — GMT, ECT, MET, IST, JST, ACT, AET, NST, PST, CST, EST
  • Min Project Size — $5,000+
  • Employees — 300+

2. Cloud Converge

Cloud Converge is a reputable cloud consulting and solutions business focusing on cloud technology. Their wide range of services includes cloud strategy, migration, and optimization, all of which are expertly carried out by their staff of professionals. They enable enterprises to fully utilize cloud computing by smoothly integrating and managing cloud infrastructures.

With a focus on serving various industries, Cloud Converge offers scalable, secure, and affordable solutions to satisfy specific business requirements. They still lead digital transformation and aid companies in surviving in the cloud-first era with a solid client-centric focus and commitment to quality. Cloud migration, application modernization, power app development, custom web solutions, mobile app solutions, and e-commerce solutions are some of the main areas of expertise.

Clutch Rating — 5.0

Established On— 2022

Price — $25 – $49 / hr

Min Project Size — $10,000+

Employees — 50+

3. TechGropse

TechGropse is one of the top mobile app development companies in India, the US, and the UA. With a team of dedicated Android and iOS developers, they have served more than 100 clients. They provide services across many industries, including taxi booking, dining, healthcare, retail, and more.

Their specialty includes:

  • Website design and development.
  • Android application development.
  • iPhone/iOS application development.
  • Wearable application development.
  • Cross-platform app development.
  • Digital marketing services.

They use agile techniques to design apps for Android and iOS, providing dependable and scalable app development solutions for their clients worldwide. 

Clutch Rating — 4.8

Established On—  2015

Price — $25 – $49 / hr

Min Project Size — $5,000+

Employees — 250+

4. Etelligens

An upcoming IT/ITES company founded in 2014 and situated in India, Etelligens offers effective IT services to clients worldwide. Their IT/ITES services include application development, business process consulting, document management, application testing, website design, website hosting, knowledge process outsourcing (KPO), technical training, talent outsourcing, etc.

They are proud to introduce them to our team of devoted technical and business specialists, all of whom come from prestigious academic backgrounds and are committed to offering their clients a wide choice of solutions.

Clutch Rating — 5.0

Established On— 2014

Price — $25 – $49 / hr

Min Project Size — $1,000+

Employees — 250+

5. JDV Technologies 

JDV Technologies is a cloud consulting firm offering specialized IT services, digital transformations, and technological solutions. It was created in 2018 by seasoned individuals. They provide outstanding services that align with their client’s business goals using a customer-centric approach.

They enable clients to achieve operational agility and efficiency by utilizing public and private clouds like AWS, VMware, Open Stack, Azure, IoT, Webhosting, and Big Data. With the help of their team of talented architects, consultants, and engineers, small to large businesses may undergo digital transformations thanks to their innovative solutions and end-to-end IT service delivery.

Clutch Rating — 4.7

Established On— 2018

Price — < $25 / hr

Min Project Size — $1,000+

Employees — 50+

6. Appcoup

Appcoup was established in 2017 in Coimbatore, and since then, they have been one of the leading firms for developing websites, mobile applications, and custom software.

They try to satisfy their clients’ needs in web development, mobile app development, graphic design, IOT app development, search engine optimization (SEO) service, e-commerce solution, online branding, and enterprise solutions. Their talented experts specialize in developing state-of-the-art solutions that address various business needs, fostering success and growth in the digital era.

Clutch Rating — 5.0

Established On— 2017

Price — < $25 / hr

Min Project Size — $1,000+

Employees — 50+

7. Delaine 

Delaine offers board management services and a 360-degree adaptable mobile application plan. From initial design through final delivery and continuous support, their team manages the creation of mobile applications. 

Their app development services cover the following platforms: iOS, Android, HTML5, and Xamarin. They create unique features and smooth user experiences to promote corporate success with a client-centric approach. Their primary goal is to create streamlined, high-performance mobile phone applications that can be used quickly and affordably. 

Clutch Rating — 4.0

Established On— 2014

Price — < $25 / hr

Min Project Size — $5,000+

Employees — 250+

8. Synsoft Global

India-based Synsoft Global is a well-known offshore development company. They are a reputable mobile and web application development and design company with over 20 years of IT outsourcing expertise in India.

Due to its earnest dedication, Synsoft Global has emerged as one of India’s leading mobile app development services providers. As a premier development firm, they provide complete solutions to companies in various industries.

Clutch Rating — 4.8

Established On— 2002

Price — $25 – $49 / hr

Min Project Size — $5,000+

Employees — 250+

9. IDS Logic

IDS Logic creates ideas, designs, and develops mobile apps quickly, thanks to the professional mobile app developers on staff. In addition to that, their app development team offers unmatched support and maintenance services to guarantee the seamless running of mobile apps.

From iOS and Android to Windows and Hybrid, they offer a comprehensive range of mobile app development services. Additionally, they are skilled in mCommerce solutions and React Native app development.

Clutch Rating — 5.0

Established On— 2007

Price — $25 – $49 / hr

Min Project Size — $1,000+

Employees — 250+

10. Net Solutions

Designing and deploying enterprise mobile applications is their area of expertise as a preeminent app development consultant. Analysts, UX experts, designers, and developers with deep industry and vertical expertise will create your personalized digital strategy and mobile app roadmap. The result is a cutting-edge mobile experience that excites people, sparks opportunities, and enables digital transformation that produces results.

They offer various services, from initial app audits/analyses to strategic modernization planning and all facets of designing and developing mobile apps from scratch. They ensure to provide their clients with a unique mobile app by utilizing their knowledgeable mobile app consulting staff.

Clutch Rating — 4.7

Established On— 2000

Price — $25 – $49 / hr

Min Project Size — $10,000+

Employees — 1000+

Agency NameClutch RatingEstablished OnPricingMin Project SizeEmployees
Cloud Converge52022$25-$49/hr$10,000+50+
JDV Technologies4.72018<$25/hr$1,000+50+
Delaine42014< $25/hr$5,000+250+
Synsoft Global4.82002$25-$49/hr$5,000+250+
IDS Logic52007$25-$49/hr$1,000+250+
Net Solutions4.72000$25-$49/hr$10,000+1000+


The best mobile app development companies in India have demonstrated their prowess in crafting innovative solutions and delivering exceptional services. They have reshaped the mobile app landscape with a strong focus on customer satisfaction, skilled teams of developers, and expertise across diverse platforms.

These companies have empowered businesses with seamless user experiences, cutting-edge features, and digital transformations. As trailblazers in the industry, they drive innovation, enabling businesses to thrive in the competitive market and reaffirming their position as leading players in India’s mobile app development arena.

You can get innovative web solutions by contacting the companies on the above list if you are seeking the most dependable mobile app development company in India.

Twitter ‘no longer exists’ as it officially merges with X Corp

Elon Musk, the owner of Twitter, recently tweeted about a rebranding effort. He announced that Twitter will be renamed “X” and mentioned that an interim “X logo” will soon replace the Twitter bird logo. Musk’s tweets about the rebranding began around 12 AM ET and continued for several hours. He expressed his plans to bid farewell to the Twitter brand and gradually phase out any references to birds.

Musk also shared that the rebranding would go live worldwide the following day if a suitable “X logo” was posted that night. Throughout his tweets, he hinted at the impending change, using phrases like “Deus X” and engaging with users discussing the topic. He even participated in a Twitter Spaces session, remaining silent until confirming the logo change and stating they would remove the Twitter logo from the building with blowtorches.

Additionally, it’s reported that Musk sent an email to Twitter employees informing them of the company’s transition to “X” and stating it would be his last email from a Twitter address. The email was assumed to refer to the logo change since Twitter’s business had already been renamed X Corp.

The story of X Corp

In a surprising turn of events, recent court documents submitted in California have hinted at a significant change in Twitter’s status as an independent entity. According to the filings, Twitter Inc. no longer exists as a separate company, as it has been merged into a private corporation called X Corp. This new entity, incorporated in Nevada, now holds Twitter’s operations and assets, with its main headquarters situated in San Francisco, California.

The merger, officially recorded on March 15, came as a revelation to the public and industry observers. Moreover, the court filings unveiled that the prominent entrepreneur and business magnate, Elon Musk, serves as the president of both X Corp and its parent company, X Holdings Corp. The latter was established in March, hinting at further strategic developments within Musk’s business ventures.

The implications of this merger and Musk’s involvement have sparked curiosity among investors and Twitter users alike. With Twitter’s transformation into a subsidiary of X Corp, questions arise about the future direction of the social media platform and how this integration may impact its services and operations.

As the legal and corporate landscape undergoes shifts with this significant merger, observers eagerly await official statements from the involved parties to gain a deeper understanding of the motivations behind the decision and the potential ramifications for Twitter’s future trajectory under the umbrella of X Corp. The merger marks a noteworthy development in the ever-evolving tech industry and is likely to be closely monitored by stakeholders in the coming months.

Following this, Twitter CEO Linda Yaccarino shared the same logo, expressing enthusiasm for the rebranding and stating, “X is here! Let’s do this.” It appears that the chosen logo is now being used as Elon Musk’s profile picture on Twitter.

To stay updated on any real-life rebranding efforts or logo changes by Twitter or any other company owned by Elon Musk, it’s recommended to follow official announcements and credible news sources.

The rebranding of Twitter to “X” appears to have elicited mixed reactions from users. While some of Elon Musk’s fans are supportive of the change, long-time users of the messaging service seem less enthusiastic. One such user is Marques Brownlee, who has been on Twitter since 2009. Brownlee stated that he would continue to refer to the platform as “Twitter” despite the rebranding. In response to Brownlee’s comment, Musk cryptically remarked, “Not for long,” suggesting that he may be determined to establish and popularize the new name “X” for the platform, even if some users resist the change.

The new logo for the rebranded “X” is a GIF that was initially posted by Twitter user Sawyer Merritt, who offered it as a suggestion for the logo. Elon Musk pinned this GIF and mentioned that it was previously used for Merritt’s discontinued podcast. However, Musk also stated that he would be going with a “minimalist art deco” logo but might make further refinements to it later.

Twitter announced that it would be limiting the number of direct messages (DMs) for non-paying users. Additionally, a LinkedIn-like hiring feature has been introduced for Verified Organizations, enabling them to utilize the platform for recruitment purposes. Moreover, Musk revealed plans for a new feature that would allow users to post “very long, complex articles” on the site. This feature, reportedly called “Articles,” was initially referred to as “Notes,” which coincidentally shares the name with the article site Substack’s Twitter clone, which had a noteworthy debut.

How does Social Trading Work? – Guide for Beginners

Social trading is attractive for many reasons. People love it for its collaborative atmosphere and appreciate the opportunity to discuss market trends, analyze strategies and get new ideas to improve their trading approaches. People are inspired by successful deals and can copy them. And it also reduces the burden on the trader because it is necessary to analyze less, and it is easier to earn. In short, it allows traders to connect and share information and creates effective interaction between professionals of different levels, allowing everyone to earn more by selling their strategies or by copying the approaches of other market participants with lower risks for their investments.

What is social trading? 

The main idea is that you can see and copy the trades of other traders who are part of the social trading platform. It’s relatively simple, even if you’re a beginner in the market.

  • You register on any social trading platform. For example, suppose you choose Bidsbee Crypto Social Trading. In that case, it’s a great option for those willing to share their experience and earn from it and those who want to accelerate their income and improve their trading skills more efficiently.
  • After registration, you can view the statistics of other professionals. The most important information is available to you: profits, volatility, strategies, risks, and other key indicators.
  • Choose the strategies you consider worth replicating based on your experience.
  • Activate the copy trading function, linking your account to the actions of the selected trader. The same happens in your account when they open or close trades.

One of the most well-known and inspiring examples of successful social trading is the story shared by the eToro platform and its user Jaynemesis. In this story, a starting capital of $5,000 grew with additional zeros within a few months. This example is truly impressive because all Jaynemesis did was select a few traders he had been following and set up automatic copying of their trades, and the key factor for him was the stability of profits among the traders he chose as his role models. Despite having limited prior experience, he achieved incredible results in just a few months.

However, it’s important to understand that Jaynemesis didn’t achieve success solely based on luck. He demonstrated patience, observance, analysis, and risk management, so his story serves as an example of good profits through social trading. Never rely blindly on the success of others or luck. Always weigh and analyze everything, especially when it comes to significant investments.

Exploring Social Trading Platforms 

If you are just starting your trading journey, here are a few platforms that can serve as a foundation for your future income:

  • eToro has a large community of successful traders and offers a user-friendly interface for beginners.
  • ZuluTrade. In addition to automatic trade copying, it provides additional features for analyzing and monitoring traders.
  • NAGA: Apart from basic functionality, it offers useful additions such as communication within the trader community and receiving notifications about market events.
  • Tradeo provides not only copy-trading tools but also helpful analytical instruments.

Each platform has a convenient and simple interface, which is particularly appealing to beginners as it prevents getting lost in complex tools or unfamiliar functions.

However, it’s impossible to determine which one is the best. You can familiarize yourself with each platform’s limitations, rules, and fees and read reviews or expert market opinions. This will help you make an informed decision based on your budget, goals, and even personal preferences.

Advantages of Social Trading

Copy trading allows you to see and analyze the trading operations of successful traders, select the best strategies to replicate, and you don’t even need to have deep knowledge of financial markets. Moreover, the trades are automatically reproduced in your account, and this feature is available regardless of the size of your initial capital.

Additional factors that assist you include:

  • Leaderboards: You don’t have to search for the best traders manually; they all automatically appear in a top-ranking system.
  • Trade copying: It allows you to quickly set up the copying of trades from a specific trader.
  • Social networks: Communicate, exchange experiences, and stay informed about the latest events and best strategies.
  • In this way, you gain access to expert strategies, stay updated, and learn about new income-generating opportunities. This helps you gradually gain the experience and knowledge necessary to form your profitable trading strategy. During the learning process, you are already earning and multiplying your capital. This is the most advantageous and effective way of learning trading through practice.

Social Trading Risks and Challenges

Risks exist in social trading, but you can minimize or avoid them. For example, you should be prepared for various scenarios, as even the best traders can incur losses. What you can do:

Diversify your investments among different traders and assets to reduce risk. Don’t put all your money on one trader or one operation.

  • Set limits and stop losses;
  • Start with small amounts until you test the platform’s functionality or evaluate another trader’s strategy;.
  • Avoid using loans or credit for social trading investments.

Final Thoughts

Before copying the trades of other traders, carefully analyze their profiles, profitability indicators, stability, and other factors. Choose traders with a long-term track record of success. Additionally, never stop learning and improving your trading skills. Develop your knowledge of financial markets, trends, and strategies. The more you know, the better you can evaluate traders and make informed decisions.